
Showing posts from January, 2024

Grob (nova verzija 2024)

  Nova verzija jedne od mojih starih pesama, nastale u oktobru 2012-te godine. Pesma je veoma teška za prosečnog slušaoca s obzirom da je muzika inspirisana doom metalom i DBSM muzikom (koje slušam pored simfonijskog i ostalih vrsta metala), a i tekst je morbidan sam po sebi. Ne preporučuje se slušanje ljudima koji ne preferiraju tešku tematiku. #morbidno #tužnepesme #doommetal #srpskidoommetal #depresivnamuzika

Eternal mystery (2024 version)

    I would like to call this final version, I've rerecorded my vocal and rearranged music to get different sound, lyrics and singing technique stayed same (added only line "we'll never know" to fill gap). This is the first song I used auto tune choir effect for backing vocals to save time, but I love how it turned out. I wanted to get vibe of 80's hard rock because it's my favorite sound of rock music, it has some specific vibe. 🤘