
Showing posts from March, 2019

It will never be better

As can be seen in the story, it wasn't written after "13 Deaths", but much earlier- the first story in February 2012 (before "Magical girls" and after "Short stories", since I don't know when "Black Follower" was created), the second in November 2016 (after "The artists live forever"), and I publish it now. The reason for this is that I was thinking whether to skip it or not, while writing I deliberately put parts that I didn't in the stories  of the "standard collections" (which afterwards, ie, the "Kingdom of the Eternal Darkness" ceases to be a "taboo" theme). The original story is written much weaker, let me not not lie, I had to add and put meaning in some parts - I wrote it at age sixteen and maybe I was upset (considering what I did on that day, I could say that I was, that day somehow changed my life), it was written with more indignation and it was illogical in some parts. Now, seven...

Nikada neće biti bolje

Nikada neće biti bolje: Kao što se u priči može primetiti, ona nije nastala nakon ,,13 Smrti", već znatno ranije- prva priča u februaru 2012-te (pre ,,Magičnih devojaka" i posle ,,Zbirke kratkih priča", s obzirom da ne znam kada je ,,Crni Pratilac" nastala), druga u novembru 2016-te (posle ,,Umetnici žive zauvek"), a objavljujem je tek sada. Razlog za to je da sam razmišljala da li da je preskočim ili ne, u toku pisanja sam svesno stavljala delove koje nisam u pričama ,,standardne kolekcije" (što nakon nje, tj. u ,,Kraljevstvu Večite Tame" prestaje da bude ,,tabu" tema). Original prve priče je pisan mnogo slabije, da se ne lažemo, morala sam da dopunim i uozbiljim neke delove- pisala sam je sa šesnaest godina i možda sam bila uzrujana (s obzirom šta sam tog dana uradila moglo bi se reći da jesam, na neki način mi je taj dan promenio život), pisano je sa više ogorčenosti i bilo je nelogično u nekim delovima. Sada, sedam godina kasnije, ova ...

13 Deaths

Warning: Sensitive topics As if I didn't have enough of all those morbidity so far, I wanted to write a story in which everything was wrapped up with heavy feelings, writing this story that I call "cyanide" - its content is surely killing me from inside and mostly acting fast. It was the intention to describe thirteen different people and their different reasons for the end, but then I did it subjectively, unconsciously connecting them although I wanted all to be completely different. No matter how hard was to write and even more difficult to publish this story, I know that it would be a pity that it stayed in the drawer and nobody ever sees it. I'm scared by the fact that after my death someone will just throw away my works that I have made for years, especially where art represents something irrelevant, so I had to get out of my shell and begin to publish stories, and this story is certainly not easy to publish. Maybe for someone else it wouldn't be the mo...

13 Smrti

Upozorenje: Osetljive teme Kao da mi nije bilo dosta svih onih morbidnosti do sada, te sam želela da napišem priču u kojoj je sve obavijeno teškim osećanjima, napisavši tako ovu priču koju zovem ,,cijanid"- njena sadržina me sigurno ubija iznutra a uglavnom deluje brzo. Meni je bila namera da opišem trinaest različitih osoba i njihove različite razloge za kraj, no onda sam je uradila subjektivno, nesvesno ih povezujući iako sam želela da budu potpuno različite. Ma koliko teško bilo pisati o tome, a još teže objaviti tu priču, znam da bi bila šteta da ostane u fioci i da je niko nikada ne vidi. Toliko me plaši činjenica da će posle moje smrti neko tek tako baciti moja dela koja sam godinama stvarala, naročito ovde gde umetnost predstavlja nešto nebitno, da sam morala da izađem iz svoje ljušture i počnem da objavljujem priče, a ovakvu priču svakako nije lako objaviti. Možda nekom drugom ne bi bila najmorbidnija od svih mojih priča, za mene ona to jeste, s obzirom odakle je p...

The hell with luck

I have always been interested in topics about so-called "paranormal", even I see all of these things as an integral part of life. With regard from which part of the Serbia I came from it shouldn't be a surprise, the stories of magic, invisible forces and unusual phenomena were part of growing up and everyday life. In the whole territory of Serbia it is talked about that, but in this part of the country is the most widespread belief in that. How I like to read one magazine with a paranormal theme I came across various interesting stories that attracted my attention, and so I came across an article that inspired me for this story. Since psychological topics are not foreign to me I wanted to do and such a story, only with a different ending than in the article. It's a bit shorter than the last few stories, for now is the last one I wrote (I started the story in English and story-comics, the same in English, during the year I want to do something like epilo...

Home for Animals

Me: "Here is one positive story ..." Melody ("Red Stain"): "... After all these negative stories ..." I: "... in which in the main focus are the animals... " Melody: " ... and not 'killing' the main characters and their desperation that lasts through the whole story ..." Me: "... and which is written to show how our planet is miraculous ..." Melody: " ... because in the next story there will be bunch of morbidity anyway..." Me: "Melody! " Melody: "What, am I lying?" I: "Finally, I write a positive story and Melody comes to add something." Melody: "When you write positive things, it's like snow in the Sahara." Me: "It was snowy in Sahara, and that was exactly the year I wrote this story- ha, score for me!" Melody: "All right, let it be, you can write something positive once in a hundred years." Me: "There you go." Melody: "Though...

Dom za životinje

Ja: ,,Evo jedne pozitivne priče..." Melodi (,,Crvena Mrlja"): ,, ...Nakon svih tih negativnih priča..." Ja: ,, ...u kojoj su u glavnom fokusu životinje..." Melodi: ,, ...a ne 'smaknjavanje' glavnih likova i njihov očaj koji se prožima kroz celu priču..." Ja: ,, ... i koja služi da pokaže koliko je naša planeta čudesna..." Melodi: ,, ...jer će u sledećoj priči ionako biti morbidnosti na pretek..." Ja: ,,Melodi!" Melodi: ,,Šta, zar lažem?" Ja: ,, Konačno napišem pozitivnu priču i Melodi dođe da doda nešto." Melodi: ,,Kada ti pišeš pozitivne stvari, to je kao da pada sneg u Sahari." Ja: ,,Sneg je pao u Sahari, i to baš te godine kad sam napisala priču- ha, jedan: nula za mene!" Melodi: ,,Dobro, de, neka ti bude, znaš da napišeš nešto pozitivno jednom u sto godina." Ja: ,,Eto, tako." Melodi: ,, Mada je sa filozofske strane teška, šta ako ljudi izumru kao dinosaurusi?" Ja: ,,To nije bila poenta..." Me...