It will never be better
As can be seen in the story, it wasn't written after "13 Deaths", but much earlier- the first story in February 2012 (before "Magical girls" and after "Short stories", since I don't know when "Black Follower" was created), the second in November 2016 (after "The artists live forever"), and I publish it now. The reason for this is that I was thinking whether to skip it or not, while writing I deliberately put parts that I didn't in the stories of the "standard collections" (which afterwards, ie, the "Kingdom of the Eternal Darkness" ceases to be a "taboo" theme). The original story is written much weaker, let me not not lie, I had to add and put meaning in some parts - I wrote it at age sixteen and maybe I was upset (considering what I did on that day, I could say that I was, that day somehow changed my life), it was written with more indignation and it was illogical in some parts. Now, seven...