
Showing posts from May, 2019

All published stories and links

Links for all my stories translated to English (except "Dying again", "L.O.V.E."and "Amused Aria", which were originally written in English). Sorry for grammar and all other mistakes in the older stories, I needed time to get used to translating from Serbian, it was tricky at first. 1.Year's Season 1 (February 2009) wattpad: issuu: booksie: 2.Year's season 2 (February 2010) wattpad: issuu: booksie: 3.Year's season 3 (March 2010) wattpad: issuu: booksie: https...

Lista svih objavljenih priča i linkovi

Linkovi su do srpskih verzija priča (tj. originalnih verzija pošto su pisane na srpskom): 1.Godišnja doba 1(februar 2009): issuu- wattpad- 2.Godišnja doba 2 (februar 2010): issuu- wattpad- 3.Godišnja doba 3 (mart 2010): issuu- wattpad- 4.Palata u pustinji (leto 2009) issuu- wattpad- 5.Sedam sestara (proleće 2010) issuu- wattpad- 6.Srpska...

Dream Reaper

Something for the End: "Thanks to everyone who read this story and / or some of my other stories, I am very grateful for that. On this occasion, I want to apologize if I have offended anyone in any work, it was never my intention, as well as to note- don't follow my self-destructive steps from the story, whatever happens to me remember that this is just part of the story. For the past ten years I have learned a lot, created a lot of stories and characters, I even managed to publish all the stories. Thank you for being part of it, thank you for every second you have given to any of my work. I hope that at least some parts have made a positive impression on you, once again I apologize for everything that was not right. Life is not eternal, try not to spend it in the darkness of your own mind, I see where it has brought me - remember that you create the story of your life, make an effort around it and leave to the new generations story worth mentioning. If anybody needs me, ...

Razbijač snova

,,Hvala svima koji su pročitali ovu i / ili neku od mojih priča,veoma sam vam zahvalna na tome. <3 Ovom prilikom želim da se izvinim ako sam bilo koga uvredila u nekom delu, nikada mi to nije bila namera, kao i da napomenem da ne sledite moje autodestruktivne korake iz priča, ma šta se meni desilo setite se da je to samo deo priče kao i svake druge. Za ovih deset godina nam naučila mnogo, stvorila puno priča i likova, čak sam uspela i da objavim sve priče. Hvala vam što ste deo svega toga, hvala vam za svaki izdvojeni sekund koji ste poklonili bilo kom mom delu. Nadam se da su bar neki delovi ostavili pozitivan utisak na vas, još jednom se izvinjavam za sve što nije bilo u redu. Život nije večan, trudite se da ga ne provedete u tami sopstvenog uma, vidim dokle je mene to dovelo- setite se da sami kreirate priču svog života, potrudite se oko nje i ostavite novim generacijama priču vrednu prepričavanja. Ako nekom zatrebam, biću u svojim delima." Suzana Ristić Suza ps. Znam...

Top 10-my stories by categories

This is not part of the standard collection, but only the list done just for fun, I use to make such lists in my head and thinking about lots of stuff. For example, while I was back from school everyone thought that I was just staring at the asphalt for no reason, but I actually was preoccupied with the various thoughts and games I was making in my head. One game was the translation of my lyrics from English into Serbian and vice versa, which really knew to occupy me all the way home, and it was a good for brain training too 😉. And so, as these stories are an active part of my world, I often think about them and compare characters and scenes (sometimes I'm making "conversations" with them, most often with Melody, I can easily get into characters 😉), that's how this addition was created . I wanted more categories but I did not have the idea right now, I'll let those who read stories to make some of their own lists. Maybe someone will come up with a list of To...

Top 10- Moje priče po kategorijama

Ovo nije deo standardne kolekcije, već samo lista urađena čisto onako, stalno pravim ovakve liste u svojoj glavi i razmišljam o svemu i svačemu. Na primer, dok sam se vraćala iz škole svi su mislili da samo zurim u asfalt bez razloga, no ja sam bila zaokupljena raznim mislima i igrama koje sam smišljala u sebi. Jedna igra je bila prevođenje mojih tekstova sa engleskog na srpski i obratno 😄, to je baš znalo da me zaokupi tokom celog puta do kuće, a i dobra je vežba za mozak 😉. I tako,kako su ove priče aktivni deo mog sveta često razmišljam o njima i međusobno upoređujem likove i scene (ponekad i vodim ,,konverzacije" sa njima, najčešće sa Melodi, lako uđem u likove 😉), te je tako i ovaj dodatak nastao. Htela sam još neku kategoriju no nisam imala ideja trenutno, pustiću one koji pročitaju priče da sami prave neke svoje liste 🙂 Možda će neko smisliti listu ,,Top 10 momaka", meni je bilo lakše da pišem o devojkama, a tu su i one teške scene koje su standard u mojim priča...