
Showing posts from October, 2019


*both photos by me 😄 It's been a few months since I wrote "Dream Reaper" and I've been thinking about blogging for months now - what to write now when all the stories are done? Should I write about worldviews, ecology or some third topic that interests me? I'll leave more complex topics for the winter when I have time for it, now I decided to write some facts about my stories 😉: * There are names that, by chance, are duplicated even though they are different characters: Mimi ("Year seasons 2" / "Fashion Seven"), Red ("Sky and Earth", "RFA?!"), Lana ("Year seasons 2 and 3, "Scale of Sanity"), Sarah ("Sky and Earth," "It Will Never Be Better"), Bella ("Breakdown of the system," "Home for animals"), and Theodora ("Blackhaired Princess," " Fashion Seven ") * I am a character in nine stories and in these stories I die fourteen times (once in the ...


Prošlo je već nekoliko meseci od pisanja "Razbijača Snova" i već mesecima razmišljam o blogu-šta da napišem sada kada su sve priče završene? Da li da pišem o viđenju sveta, ekologiji ili nekoj trećoj temi koja me zanima? Ostaviću kompleksnije teme za zimu kada budem imala vremena za to, sada sam ipak odlučila da to budu neke činjenice iz mojih priča 😉: *Postoje imena koja se, sasvim slučajno, dupliraju iako je reč o različitim likovima: Mimi ("Godišnja Doba 2" / "Modna sedmica"), Red ("Nebo i zemlja","RFA?!"), Lana ("Godišnja doba 2 i 3","Skala razuma"), Sara ("Nebo i zemlja", "Nikada neće biti bolje"), Bela ("Raspad sistema", "Dom za životinje") i Teodora ("Crnokosa princeza", "Modna sedmica") *Ja sam lik u čak devet priča i u tim pričama umirem četrnaest puta (jednom u priči "Gothica", jednom u "Lollypop" i dvanaest puta u ...