
Showing posts from January, 2020

Inspiration (that is disappearing)

(image tearsoflynx- deviantart) What genuinely annoys me about my desires and inspiration is the "all or nothing" principle - I want to do something and suddenly get a bunch of inspiration and ideas, then it all goes away when I think about why it's not a good idea. There's the same thing and with stories, many times the original inspiration was suppressed by logic. Sometimes it's useful, a work for which there is not enough inspiration can hardly be good, which can simply be felt in some of the stories that seemed more magnificent in the chaos of my mind than on paper. However, in life this principle is even more unbearable - consciousness constantly gives you some new ideas and, if you are not sure that there are any benefits to them, it simply makes you think about them over and over again. I admit that it consumes a lot of my energy sometimes , especially when it comes to some unimportant things. Inspiration is not a static thing, and it is exactly what w...

Nadahnuće (koje nestaje)

(slika tearsoflynx- deviantart) Ono što me iskreno nervira u vezi mojih želja i inspiracije je princip "sve ili ništa"- želim da učinim nešto i odjednom dobijem gomilu inspiracije i ideja, zatim sve to nestane kada razmislim o tome zašto to nije dobra ideja. Tako je mnogo puta bilo i sa pričama, mnogo puta je prvobitno nadahnuće bilo potisnuto logikom. Nekad je to i korisno, delo za koje nema dovoljno nadahnuća teško može biti dobro, što se prosto može osetiti u nekim pričama koje su izgledale veličanstvenije u haosu mog uma nego na papiru. Ipak, u životu je taj princip još nepodnošljiviji- svest ti stalno daje neke nove ideje i, ako nisi siguran da od njih ima ikakve koristi, jednostavno te nešto tera da iznova i iznova da razmišljaš o njima. Priznajem da mi to nekad troši mnogo energije, naročito kada su u pitanju neke sitnice. Inspiracija nije statična stvar a upravo nam je ona uvek potrebna za sve što radimo u životu, ne samo za umetnost, bez tog osećaja ushićenja i...