Gold and Ash
Although I said that I would not write any more stories in my life, now I present to you a new story - "Gold and Ash". I really began to doubt my own words - I said in "Dream Reaper" that I would stop writing and then I take a pen in my hands again and create more. Admittedly, I said a years ago that I would die till age 25, and yet it's getting closer. I can only take comfort in the fact that there would not have been some of my best works if my death happened sooner. I was afraid of how the story would turn out, my inspiration wasn't really good during 2018 and 2019, so I thought I could no longer write. I'm glad that wasn't the case for this story - I don't know how others will like it, but I'm satisfied with it and I'll be proud of it. It is dramatic, it has a difficult topics but also has a moral of the story, the morbidity is more moderate than in previous stories. I was inspired by the dream again as in some other stories, only in ...