
Showing posts from November, 2020

Gold and Ash

Although I said that I would not write any more stories in my life, now I present to you a new story - "Gold and Ash". I really began to doubt my own words - I said in "Dream Reaper" that I would stop writing and then I take a pen in my hands again and create more. Admittedly, I said a years ago that I would die till age 25, and yet it's getting closer. I can only take comfort in the fact that there would not have been some of my best works if my death happened sooner. I was afraid of how the story would turn out, my inspiration wasn't really good during 2018 and 2019, so I thought I could no longer write. I'm glad that wasn't the case for this story - I don't know how others will like it, but I'm satisfied with it and I'll be proud of it. It is dramatic, it has a difficult topics but also has a moral of the story, the morbidity is more moderate than in previous stories. I was inspired by the dream again as in some other stories, only in ...

Zlato i pepeo

Iako sam rekla da neću više da napišem ni jednu priču u životu evo sad vam predstavljam novu priču- ,,Zlato i pepeo". Stvarno sam nešto počela da sumnjam u sopstvene reči- rekoh u "Razbijaču snova" da ću prestati da pišem i onda opet uzmem hemijsku u ruke i stvaram. Doduše, rekla sam pre neku godinu da neću dočekati 25 godina pa evo i to se približilo. Da budem iskrena, što se mene tiče više bih volela da nisam stigla dovde i da me odavno nema, no probaću da se utešim time da ne bi bilo nekih od mojih najboljih radova da se moja smrt desila ranije. Plašila sam se kako će priča ispasti, nešto mi inspiracija nije bila kako treba u toku 2018-te i 2019-te, te sam mislila da više ne mogu da pišem. Drago mi je što to nije bio slučaj za ovu priču- ne znam kako će se drugima dopasti ali ja sam zadovoljna njome i biću ponosna na nju. Dramatična je, ima tešku tematiku ali i pouku, morbidnost je umerenija nego u prošlim pričama. Opet sam bila inspirisana snom kao i u još nekim pr...