
Showing posts from February, 2021

Crni Pratilac (2011 ili početak 2012)- cela priča

,,Niko ne može pobeći od Crnog pratioca... Niko!" Priča nije prikladna za mlađe od 15 godina, uznemirujuće scene (u pitanju je horor priča) --------------------------------- Glava I Ogromni narandžasti mesec svetleo je na sredini neba- ponoć je došla, a jeziva tišina ispuni puste ulice. Na vrhu zgrade, gledajući u najjeziviji mesec koji je ikada sijao na nebu, stajala je devojka u crnoj haljini, tamnocrvene kose i očiju iz kojih je izbijala crvena svetlost. Skakala je sa zgrade na zgradu, lako kao pero, tražeći nekoga po ulicama uspavanog grada.  ,,Velika vladarko, ko će biti savršen za moj plan?! Pokaži mi put do njih, vodi me putem tim!"-izgovori ona i teleportova se u blizini jednog noćnog kluba. Tamo je devojka plave kovrdžave kose, obučena u mini suknju, roze top i sa visokim potpetnicama na nogama, upravo imala svađu sa jednim mladićem. Mladić: ,,Hajde... neće ti biti ništa ako pođeš sa mnom." Devojka: ,,Samo zato što sam se obukla malo otvorenije ne znači da ću d...

Moon and Sun (2011)- full story

(the story is not suitable for under the age of 13, potentially disturbing (and depressing) parts, indications of more explicit scenes). The story is originally part of the ,,Short Stories", but it is separated due to a somewhat more complex structure and is also complemented. ----------------------------------  Night. Everything felt into sleep. Someone has been sleeping for years and is not awakened from the dream- little Sun Jin, a fifteen-year-old girl, lays in a coma for years. Sometimes she gives signs of life, sometimes she's at the edge of death, but her parents insist on staying on the appliances and giving all necessary to return her to life, but unsuccessfully.  Her twin sister, Moon Jin, was always with her, waiting for the day she would talk to her sister again, but that day did not come for years and did not seem to come again. She couldn't even believe that innocent children's play and accidentall fall from the second floor would leave her without person...

Mesec i Sunce (2011)- cela priča

(priča nije prikladna za mlađe od 13 godina, potencijalno uznemirujući (i depresivni) delovi, naznake eksplicitnijih scena) Priča je u originalu deo ,,Zbirke kratkih priča", ali je odvojena zbog nešto složenije strukture i ujedno je dopunjena. ----------------------------------  Noć. Svi su utihnuli u san. Neko sanja već godinama i ne budi se iz sna- mala Sun Jin, petnaestogodišnja devojka, već je godinama u komi. Ponekad daje znake života, ponekad je na ivici smrti, no njeni roditelji insistiraju da ostane na aparatima i daju sva potrebna sredstva da bi je vratili u život, ali bezuspešno. Uz nju je bdila i njena sestra bliznakinja Moon Jin, čekajući dan kada će ponovo pričati sa sestrom, no taj dan godinama nije dolazio i nije izgledalo da će se išta promeniti. Nije ni verovala da će je nevina dečija igra i slučajni pad sa drugog sprata ostaviti bez najdraže osobe na svetu, ponekad je krivila sebe što nije reagovala dovoljno brzo da uhvati Sun Jin pre nego što se saplete i padne...

Short stories (2011)- full story

(stories "Secret", "Little Travel", "Hobby for Emily" and "Love at first sight" are suitable for the age of 12 years, they do not have disturbing parts. The last, "The Stone of Stumble" is not suitable for younger than 13, potentially very disturbing parts) -------------------------------- THE SECRET  The big door is opening again. In the Kingdom of the Dead, new tenants enter.  "Oh, no! The big door is reopening!"- said a beautiful woman,with red hair and long green dress with a cape... Wait a minute, I know that this description is familiar to you. If you read "Year Seasons I," then you know that it is Snowhite.  She ran to the door and her husband, Frost, went to her. At the door there were two beautiful girls, one had black hair and a black catsuit, a second with red hair and a red catsuit... Red and Black! Snowhite looked at them with surprise, then turned to the Frost and said," I can not believe these gir...