
Showing posts from May, 2022

Reality or illusion in which my brain has lived for years?

 * Warning: Do not read if you are being treated for any mental disorder or illness (or if you do not have a diagnosis but you don't want to get worse), this article would certainly negatively affect you, which is not my goal because I understand how important it is to take care of yourself and that normal people actually want to be better, that not everyone is a monster like me. The rest of readers have been warned as well, if you don't like reading a bunch of self-hatred and resentment then get out of the article, I feel like letting my most cynical and disgusting side out (probably the diplomatic side will soften it a bit, but I sincerely don't give a damn anymore) . For anyone who continues to read, keep in mind that my way of thinking is disturbed, at least by the definition of psychiatry (I don't give a damn for that either), but I am still a realist. I do not want any censorship, I do not force you to continue reading. When I think about it, don't read anythi...

Stvarnost ili iluzija u kojoj moj mozak godinama živi?

  *Upozorenje: Ne čitati ukoliko ste na terapiji za bilo koji mentalni poremećaj ili bolest (ili ako nemate dijagnozu ali nećete da vam bude gore), ovaj članak bi sigurno uticao negativno na vas, što mi nije cilj jer shvatam koliko je bitno lečiti se i da normalniji ljudi zapravo žele da im bude bolje, da nisu svi monstrumi poput mene. Upozoreni ste i vi ostali, ako ne volite štivo puno samomržnje i ogorčenosti onda izađite iz članka, nešto mi je došlo da malo pustim onu svoju najciničniju i najodvratniju stranu napolje (verovatno će diplomatska strana malo ublažiti, ali nešto me više iskreno zabole za sve). Za svakog ko nastavlja da čita, imajte u vidu da je moj način razmišljanja poremećen, barem po definiciji psihijatrije (i za to me zabole), ali sam ipak realista. Neću ikakvu cenzuru, ne teram vas da nastavljate sa čitanjem. Kad bolje razmislim, nemojte čitati ništa što pišem, ionako pišem članke samo zato što me preplavljuju misli koje mi se dugo motaju po glavi a nemam sa kim...

When there's more of you - you are worth less; stereotypes about overweight people

* PS: If you are here because of the positivity regarding physical appearance and a happy ending, you are in the wrong place. Through my articles, I talk about the unpleasant side, the side that leaves a bitter taste in the mouth and is a part not only of me, but also of people like me. Since I am prone to pessimistic realism, there will be a lot of resentment and negative emotions here, which can potentially have a bad effect on someone. I no longer know what to advise anyone, whether to read or not; I'm just writing about a society from many years of experience, wish I have no personal experience with this topic.*    Fat. Another in an infinite series of adjectives; for some it is nothing specific, for others it is an insult they use, and for some of us it is etched in the brain and serves to mark us as a person. Some of us weren't even people - we were just fat. We are to blame for the fact that a billion people are starving, we are the collapse of the economy, we are a bur...