
Showing posts from June, 2022

Hladnoća (2022 Suzana Ristić)

 Sva prava zadržana  Konačno sam probala da ujedinim svoj sopranski, kontralto i mecosopranski registar da kreiram zvuk horskog izvođenja, smatram da se uklapa uz jednostavan refren otpevan nežnim glasom. Tematika je bliska već ranije postavljenoj akapela verziji pesme "Ice" (Led), delom inspirisana i mojom pričom "13 Smrti" - poglavlje "Zaleđena". #onemanchoir #ledenakraljica #izbegavajućiporemećajličnosti #rok #hladnoća #praznina #samoća #muzika #ženskivokal

Tired (2021, new song by Suzana Ristić Suza)

    Waiting since December to finish this one, which perfectly describes feeling of this song, I am tired of everything (including singing, thinking of giving up after finishing remaining projects until I have energy for it, my condition gets worse). All rights reserved, everything done by me, sang lower than my tessitura because song required it. Song is about losing will to create, about people around you who actually don't give a damn about you even when you are close to death, about depression (which is strongly related to the title).  #losingwill #depression #tired #alone #rock #femalerock #lyricist #song #softrock #music #powerless