What would happen if it happened

I find that thinking about a potential present that will never happen is extremely toxic - a person wastes time thinking about things they could or should have done, but for some reason didn't, and then become obsessed with how things could have been different now, leaving them to mourn a missed opportunity that in reality might not have taken them in the direction they envisioned. It reminds me of most of these folk songs that are played on the radio where the singer laments about "lost love", wishing they could turn back time and be with that same person again, who in real life might already have a family and a stable life, probably leaving that relationship somewhere in the past. I have no doubt that this often happens in real life too, people remember old relationships (or friendships or whatever else) and then realize that this person was good to them but they didn't notice it (or the circumstances were such that there was a breakup/loss of contact), then the...