Tenth of April 2023, around nine o'clock

(started 17.04.2023, finished 13.05) THEY WILL MAKE ME OUT OF MARBLE They will make me out of marble And I won't be alive They will make me out of marble Pouring tears over me. I will be made of marble But I will not hide my pride, Everyone wants marble Instead of a living body To embrace with a sunny glow. And every day They will pass by me, Next to that sleeping soulless rock, They will point the finger at me And they will wait to hear a voice, They will forget that the marble doesn't have one, It was as if I had fallen asleep. That's not a nap! I'm gone, I am now a marble rock Which is preparing for a lifeless journey. I will live if you get hugged by Marble with both its hands. 11.03.1980 at 9:40 p.m (Živorad Ristić, translated from Serbian, "Zbirka pesama 3") I usually write stories and blog when certain emotions accumulate in me or I am obsessed with a specific topic related to society or my personal experience, many times I stopped myself from wri...