
Showing posts from May, 2023

Tenth of April 2023, around nine o'clock

 (started 17.04.2023, finished 13.05) THEY WILL MAKE ME OUT OF MARBLE They will make me out of marble And I won't be alive They will make me out of marble Pouring tears over me. I will be made of marble But I will not hide my pride, Everyone wants marble Instead of a living body To embrace with a sunny glow. And every day  They will pass by me, Next to that sleeping  soulless rock, They will point the finger at me And they will wait to hear a voice, They will forget that the marble doesn't have one, It was as if I had fallen asleep. That's not a nap! I'm gone, I am now a marble rock Which is preparing for a lifeless journey. I will live if you get hugged by Marble with both its hands. 11.03.1980 at 9:40 p.m (Živorad Ristić, translated from Serbian, "Zbirka pesama 3")    I usually write stories and blog when certain emotions accumulate in me or I am obsessed with a specific topic related to society or my personal experience, many times I stopped myself from wri...

Deseti april 2023, oko devet sati

  (započeto 17.04.2023, završeno 13.05) PRAVIĆE ME OD MERMERA Praviće me od mermera A neću živ biti Praviće me od mermera I za mnom suze liti. Biću od mermera Al' ponos svoj neću skriti, Svi će mermer Umesto živog tela Sa sunčanim odsjajem grliti. I svakog dana Prolaziće kraj mene, Pored te uspavane Bezdušne stene, Prstom pokazivaće na mene I čekaće da čuju glas, Zaboraviće da ga mermer nema, Kao da me uhvatila drema. To nije drema! Mene više nema, Ja sam sada mermerna stena Koja se na beživotni put sprema. Živeću ako zagrli te Mermer rukama obema. 11.03.80g 21:40h (Živorad Ristić, "Zbirka pesama 3")   Obično pišem priče i blog kada se u meni nakupe neke određene emocije ili me opseda neka specifična tema vezana za društvo ili za moje lično iskustvo, mnogo puta sam i zaustavljala sebe da pišem kako ne bih bila dosadna sa jednim te istim temama. Ovoga puta sam želela da napišem nešto, ali mi nije bilo do toga. Nije mi ni sad do pisanja, ali možda uspem nešto da napišem, iz...