
Showing posts from November, 2018

Blackhaired princess

Yay, it's almost December. Can't say I enjoy holidays, quite opposite. I wanted to publish translation of this sad story before I start posting newer ones (I will work on them in meanwhile, don't forget me, more dramatic and sad stories will come later 😉), maybe more readers will get chance to see it, so I won't hurry, there is next year too. Maybe I will write some new story in a meanwhile, who knows. (Hope no animals will get hurt this year, they get traumatised because of fireworks and noice ☹) Okay, time for links: this is Issuu link and this is Wattpad. Remember, you can always check other stories while I work on new ones 😉

Crnokosa princeza

Jedna od tužnijih priča, začudo, prva nezvanična priča (hm, nešto sam u ranom uzrastu počela da se bavim ovakvim temama, nije ni čudo šta sam postala), ali je tek kasnije prepravljena da liči na nešto i tu priču računam kao original, a ovo prvo kao ideju. Ovaj crtež je iz originalne sveske, sa poslednje stranice, volim da dekorišem sveske crtežima. wattpad link issuu link

Sky and Earth

It's a magical story about twins who are destined to save Kingdom of the Earth and Sky, but  they got separated on the day of their birth. (left to right) Sonny, the fairy of the Sun, Moony, the fairy of the Moon, siren, fairy of nature, fairy of ice, fairy of sky, fairy of mountain. And here is the story: *heavy metal drum solo for extreme intense pause* Wattpad Issuu random video with adorable animals... wait, what?🤔 Nevermind 😂

Nebo i Zemlja

Sleva na desno: Soni- vila Sunca, Moni -vila Meseca, sirena, vila prirode, vila leda, vila neba, vila planina Skice su nastale u svesci za crtanje (uvek bih imala tu neku svesku gde crtam i pišem pesme za vreme dok sam u školi, odlazila sam ranije da uživam u tišini pre nego što ostali dođu). Ideja za priču je nastala na, najblaže rečeno, sulud način.😂 Dakle, htela sam da napišem priču sa magičnim kreaturama, samo je falila ideja kako da stignem do toga. Zagledana u školski zid, pre renoviranja hodnika, primetih oguljeni deo zida u neobičnoj formi. Podsetio me je na devojku anđela, a posle sam ustanovila da izgleda kao da ima nešto u naručju. Moja mašta me je dovela do ove priče. wattpad issuu

Capricorn's battle- little book about characters

With this addition to the story, I finnish with Capricorn's battle, but I'll type my next story 😊 I couldn't resist so I put myself here too 😂 The left drawing is outfit from part I, right is from part II, and my drawing represent me when I wrote story vs. me now. Issuu Wattpad

Capricorn's battle II

I already finished translation of second part (that is good thing about being a Capricorn- working until job is done), I try to finish as much I can until I have internet. Btw, if you ever have any question about story or writer, ask 😉 But I won't kill you or something, don't worry, I just look like that, I try to be nice to people even I am introvert 😂 Ok, story links:čeva-borba-2-suzana-ristić-suza or Issuu if you preffer pdf Now excuse me, I go to freak people out with my facial expression  👤

Capricorn battle I

Feel free to join me in this action adventure with bit of melanchony, no matter what Zodiac sign you are! We all have virtues and faults 😉 So, in original I was little harsher to some signs, like Leo or Saggitarius, because of people I used as example. Neighbour who made our life hell was Leo, she throught she is better than anyone and insulted us a lot, made noice in front of our house, sued us for nothing... We moved out and I eventually realised there are other Leos (my favourite singer is Leo, my cousin is Leo and girl I hang out with in highschool was Leo) so I used them as inspiration instead of this jerk. Saggitarius... one ,,friend" who seems that never was my real friend, as she told my private things to everyone 😐 She was inspiration for original, but I did the same thing as with Leo- forget the ones who hurt you as example, think of more possitive people. Gonna say Aries was bit comlicated, I don't know many in real life, I live with two Tauruses who...

This one was unplaned but... Blue Planet

So, I opened ,,Wattpad" and saw contest, thought "Sure, why not, seems interesting" and wrote this short story. During the day I will post English version of ,,Capricorn's battle" ♑🗡, but here is ,,Blue planet" for now 🤗

Serbian story about Lena and Teodor

Short, but sad story, ispired with the time under Turkish reign on Balkan. Time thankfully changed, and our nations have no problem with each other, but back then it was really intense situation. We were always a small country, so it was difficult time because Serbia lost many people, specially males, which lead to smaller number of children later. I don't support any kind of war and can't understand why people make them- if nothing else, I learned from our history it never ends good. The guilty ones actually don't die, civils and innocent people are the ones who pay for someone else's fight or hate. I believe that humans need to protect this planet, not to prepare new (nuclear) war. Why are we the most inteligent beings on the planet if we still use primitive actions? No need to hate someone because of the past, we can make a better future. Even I can write a lot about this topic, I won't for now. I, personally, like to watch Turkish tv shows as "Oyle bir...

Seven Sisters

Even through characters of this story might make you think it's cute story about love like "Year Season I", it's actually on dramatic side as "Year season II". Somewhere inside, I was questioning why it seems like girl only HAVE TO get married, why is so odd that some people simply don't have interest in such a things? In "Year Season" all characters eventually get married, but here it's not a case. I wrote this when I was 14 years old, maybe that topic was interesting to me. Now, when I am 22, I have no interest even for relationships. Okay, depression and anixety might take a part in this too, but I still want nobody in my life. Speaking about depression, this time I created Ella- I needed, back then, character I could relate to. After rewriting I added even more of it, this made story heavier and more true. Unlike Nora, who was under the spell, Ella is having a mood dissorder for years and can't cure it. Ed doesn't heal her,...

The Palace in the Desert

Hi again! This time I represent to you (not Bake Rolls 😂) my second story called "The Palace in the Desert". Written back in 2009. , it tells story about battle to protect desert kingdom from evil sorceress Mayra, perfect for people who like easy-reads and short stories. On five pages I put love story, battle, family problems and beautiful girls. Ok, guys from this story are beautiful too, I won't be mean to them 😂 I liked loooooong blonde hair back then, didn't think that Anastasia must need too much time to take care of it 🙄 For Wattpad For Issuu On issuu I put whole pdf file at once, on Wattpad I separate chapters, so you can chose what works better for you. 😉

Year Seasons III

Continued to translate stories (Palace in the desert is the next one, I might post it tomorow if I get time today to check translation mistakes, I have to work too 😉) "Year season III" is more calm than second one, no disturbing parts, no tragedies etc. Still, I wouldn't recommend it for kids, nor almost any story I wrote- even they might seem cute at first, I know to put serious topics in it (specially anything related to sorrow, depression...). This one, for example, has bullying as subject- not too extreme, but still might be disturbing for someone. Damn, I know very well how such a things can mess your self-esteem up 😐 For Issuu For Wattpad P.S. Now you can, along with  Facebook page and  Twitter account , follow me on  Instagram profile too. I decided to personalize that profile,but you can see I used it for posting sunset images and stuff 😂

Jarčeva borba: Mala knjiga o likovima

Na kraju "Jarčeve borbe II" nisam imala ideju za treći deo, ali sam znala da je potrebno dodati još nešto. Tako je nastala ideja za svesku gde ću kombinovati pisanje i crtanje (u skoro svakoj svesci imam i crteže na levoj strani, pišem samo na desnoj- razlog je taj što hemijska posle nekog vremena pušta mastilo na drugu stranu, eto saveta za sve koji pišu nešto bitno hemijskom ako hoće da im rad duže traje 😉) E, sad... kako sam morala da izmenim neke dizajne, automatski sam morala da menjam i crteže, tako da se nešto malo razlikuje od sveske. Dodala sam i sebe, ali je vreme izmenilo neke odgovore 🤔 za Wattpad za Issuu

Jarčeva borba II

Drugi deo akcione priče je ovde, donoseći novi zaplet. Borba Holi i Beli će kuliminirati neočekivanim obrtom, karakterističnim za ovu priču, ali može biti potencijalno uznemirujuća za nekog pa želim da naglasim da priča nije za decu i osetljive osobe. Link 1, issuu ili,link 2, wattpad Sve do sada objavljene priče možete naći i na Wattpad-u, uporedo objavljujem na oba sajta 🙂 Ako link za Wattpad ne radi, pokušajte ovde