Seven Sisters
Even through characters of this story might make you think it's cute story about love like "Year Season I", it's actually on dramatic side as "Year season II". Somewhere inside, I was questioning why it seems like girl only HAVE TO get married, why is so odd that some people simply don't have interest in such a things? In "Year Season" all characters eventually get married, but here it's not a case. I wrote this when I was 14 years old, maybe that topic was interesting to me. Now, when I am 22, I have no interest even for relationships. Okay, depression and anixety might take a part in this too, but I still want nobody in my life.
Speaking about depression, this time I created Ella- I needed, back then, character I could relate to. After rewriting I added even more of it, this made story heavier and more true. Unlike Nora, who was under the spell, Ella is having a mood dissorder for years and can't cure it. Ed doesn't heal her, only helping her when she is at her worst.
For Wattpad
For Issuu
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