
Showing posts from December, 2018

Ready For Action?! Black's diary

And so ... I got up at three o'clock this morning and started posting a story. The thing that is even more crazy, I plan to finish another story-poem in English, then I'm making a longer pause from posting, which I will certainly use to type  another stories. I can't overdo it, tho, nor can my eyes hold this tempo in the long run 😵 This story is the last one started before I moved, I continued to write it when I came here and it' also the first one after high school. I needed something more for that story, something that missed in "RFA?!", I wanted the last part to be about Black and to have more psychology since after "Onyx" and "Red Stain" I realized what stories I can actually write, that is, psychological drama. Of course, over time, my writing has become more mature and I think that it is getting better 🙂 However, I always note that singing is my main domain, but that doesn't mean that I don't have to try to write and draw...

Ready For Action?! Blekin dnevnik

I tako... ustala sam u tri sata jutros i počela sa postavljanjem priče. Da stvar bude još luđa, planiram da završim još jednu priču- pesmu na engleskom pa da pravim dužu pauzu od postavljanja, koju ću svakako iskoristiti da uradim još priča. Ne smem da preterujem, ni moje oči ne mogu da izdrže ovaj tempo na duže staze 😵 Ova priča je poslednja koja je započeta pre moje selidbe, nastavila sam da je pišem i kada sam došla ovde, a prva je nakon završetka srednje škole. Trebalo mi je još nešto za tu priču, nešto mi je nedostajalo u ,,RFA?!", htela sam da poslednji deo bude o Black i da ima više psihologije pošto sam nakon ,,Oniks" i ,,Crvene mrlje" shvatila kakve priče ja u stvari mogu da pišem, tj. psihološke drame. Svakako, vremenom je moje pisanje postalo zrelije i mislim da mi ta tematika sve bolje ide.🙂 Ipak, uvek napomenem da je pevanje moj glavni domen, ali to ne znači da ne moram da se trudim da pišem i crtam bolje- uvek će biti boljih od mene, no ja želim...

Red Stain

I planned to publish this story only after a long break, because this is quite a morbid one (it's just the first of stories with a similar topic, better to mention), but by the circumstance it was next on the list after "Onyx" and I had time to do it. Honestly, this is the story I maybe read the most of all of my stories, it's pretty morbid and I don't recommend to those who are recovering from depression or eating disorders to read it, it can be triggering for them. For all the others, I note that the self-destructive activities that are mentioned in the story shouldn't be tried at any cost, from my personal experience I say that can't bring anything good. At the beginning, I note that the story is inspired and with my alter ego, i.e. the character I created when I was a kid because I spent most of my time alone, she done the things I wanted (and I still want) to do. It took so long that it had already become a part of my real life, but with mine crash ...

Crvena mrlja

Planirala sam da objavim ovu priču tek nakon duže pauze jer je ovo poprilično nezgodna priča (tek prva sa sličnom tematikom, čisto da nagovestim), ali je sticajem okolnosti bila sledeća na listi posle ,,Oniks" i imala sam vremena da je uradim. Iskreno, ovo je priča koju sam čitala možda najviše od svih mojih priča, poprilično je morbidna i ne preporučujem onima koji se leče od depresije ili poremećaja u ishrani da je čitaju, može delovati loše po njih. Za sve ostale napominjem da autodestruktivne aktivnosti koje se pominju u priči ne bi trebalo ni po koju cenu pokušavati, iz ličnog iskustva govorim da ništa dobro ne mogu doneti. Na početku napominjem da je priča inspirisana i mojim alter-egom, tj. likom koji sam kreirala dok sam bila mala jer sam uglavnom provodila vreme sama, ona se bavila stvarima kojima sam ja želela (i dalje želim) da se bavim. To je trajalo toliko dugo da je već postalo deo mog stvarnog života, ali je sa mojim krahom došao i njen krah. Poslednja scena sa Me...


Unlike most of my stories, this is a story made for support on recovering from depression, which is ironic considering that one of the most morbid stories comes next 🤔 This is the first long story written in one piece (I put the numbers on the wattpad not to be difficult to read), it was written in a slightly different style, but my style of writing changed over time. I was the third year of high school then, the next story I wrote was a year later,that is long gap for me. If nothing else, maybe this story will help at least someone to see their own qualities and use them. It's difficult to do something, but it's an irreplaceable feeling when you come to the goal. It would be extremely great to motivate at least someone, this story was created for that.😊


Za razliku od većine mojih priča, ovo je priča namenjena oporavku od depresije, što je ironično s obzirom da sledi jedna od najmorbidnijih priča 🤔 Ovo je prva duža priča pisana u jednom delu (na wattpad-u sam stavljala brojeve da ne bude teško za čitanje), pisana je nešto drugačijim stilom, ali se moj stil pisanja ionako vremenom menjao. Bila sam treća godina srednje škole tada, sledeću priču sam napisala tek godinu dana kasnije. Ako ništa drugo, možda ova priča pomogne bar nekom da uvidi svoje sopstvene kvalitete i iskoristi ih. Teško je uspeti nešto, ali je zato nezamenjiv osećaj kada se stigne na cilj. Bilo bi mi izuzetno drago da motiviše bar nekog, ona je i stvorena za to.

Ready for Action?! Before the End

And so ... this year I devoted myself so much to type my stories that I didn't even notice that the people around me are preparing for the holidays. I feel too old to rejoice for something that doesn't mean anything to me, I haven't celebrated New Year, birthday etc. for years. If there weren't noisy petards which are annoying me with their sound, I wouldn't really care, I would sleep during the whole ceremony 😐 However, if nothing else, I can say that with twenty-two I started at least something, and that's publishing a stories, that means a lot to me. I hope that by the next birthday I will do even more, at least I will publish the rest of them 😉 Link to the story (written during the summer vacation 2012.):

Ready for Action?! Pre kraja

I tako... ove godine sam se toliko posvetila kucanju svojih priča da nisam ni primetila da se ljudi oko mene spremaju za praznike. Osećam se matoro za radovanje nečemu što mi ništa ne znači, ionako već godinama ne slavim Novu godinu, rođendan itd. Još da nema bučnih petardi koje svojim zvukom paraju uši, baš bi me bilo briga, prespavala bih celu ceremoniju 😐 Ipak, ako ništa drugo, mogu da kažem da sam sa dvadeset i dve počela bar nešto, a to je objavljivanje priča, to mi puno znači. Nadam se da ću do sledećeg rođendana uspeti još više, barem da objavim sve ostale 😉 Linkovi do priče (koja je pisana na letnjem raspustu 2012-te godine)☀:

Magical girls (English)

This is, surprisingly, one of the more normal stories in my collection - there is no suffering, massacre, death (only at the end of a second chapter) and so on. It's so unviolent to wonder if I wrote it. Well, the idea was created by 10 -year-old me, and I just put those pieces of comics as a whole when I was 16 (uh, this 2012 ...), so certain parts are a little atypical for the story, for example, scene with a scarf (for some reason there was a drawing of Susie with a scarf across the face, so I used it) 😀 Of course, this story is not for children, unless you have the intention to explain to them the end of the IV chapter. 🙃😳🤣 I admit that I am not really a fan of some very explicit scenes in my stories, so that you don't have to expect anything from it, I am still in the domain of psychological thrillers and depressive stories. Everybody works best in its domain, and this was an experimental story about superheroes and love, one of the last with a happy ending and mod...

Magical girls (Srpski)

Ovo je, začudo, jedna od normalnijih priča u mojoj kolekciji- nema patnje, masakra, smrti (samo na kraju druge glave) i tako tih stvari. Toliko je nenasilna da se čudim da li sam je ja napisala. Avaj, ideju je stvorila 10-godišnja ja, a ja sam samo spojila te sličice u celinu kada sam imala 16 (uh, ta 2012- ta...), pa su određeni delovi malo netipični za priču, npr. scena sa maramom (iz nekog razloga je tamo bio crtež Suzi sa maramom preko lica, pa rekoh da to iskoristim) 😀 Naravno, ni ova priča nije za decu, osim ako nemate nameru da im objašnjavate kraj IV-te glave. 🙃😳🤣 Priznajem da nisam baš ljubitelj nekih jako eksplicitnih scena u svojim pričama, tako da se od mene tako nešto ne mora ni očekivati, ja sam ipak u domenu psiholoških trilera i depresivnih priča. Svako se najbolje snalazi u svom domenu, a ovo je bila eksperimentalna priča o superheroinama i ljubavi, jedna od poslednjih sa srećnim krajem i umerenom radnjom. 💜💛 Priču možete pročitati na sledećim linkovima:💙❤...

The Black Follower

Are you ready to meet one of the worst villains from my stories? 😈 I wrote this story at age 15, but it missed something, so I rewrote it this year and also wrote second part, even more messed up 😨, but you can expect that one in 2019, until I write stories before it. As you can notice, this has ,,mature" sign, it's not for younger than 15 years (actually, wattpad says 17, but I wrote it at younger age so...), not suitable for sensitive people either. Creatures kills their victims on gruesome ways, those scenes might be disturbing. If that doesn't bother you at all, sit, click link down bellow and enjoy.😉 ,,No one can run away from the Black Follower. No one!" 

Crni Pratilac

Spremite se za najokrutnijeg negativca mojih priča 😈 Kao što možete primetiti u opisu, priča je za odrasle. Naviknite se na tu oznaku, ionako ću je uskoro ćešće koristiti, ovog puta za depresivnije stvari, ali i za drugi deo ove priče koji ću postaviti u toku 2019-te godine, nju sam napisala tek ove godine pa dok stignem do nje 😵 Ovo sam pisala sa 15 godina, možda i u šesnaestoj, ali nisam je baš dovela do punog potencijala pa sam je doradila ove godine. Priča je delo fikcije, žanr horor, nije preporučljiva osobama mlađim od barem 15 godina (s tim da je i meni kao piscu bila malo previše kad sam je pisala 15) i osetljivim osobama. ili Niko ne može pobeći od Crnog Pratioca... Niko!👤

Moon and Sun

This is the sixth story of ,,Short stories",but I re-wrote it and added dialogues and little details. In new version, Moon Jin is a sensitive poet who illuminates Moon Yang's soul, and Moon Yang is wise thinker who guide Moon Jin. They represent perfection, so magical conection that I am almost sorry for writting such a ending to a story.😐 Sun represent things most of people are looking for: happiness, positivity and child innocence. You can easily notice difference between Moon and Sun: Moon is protective and feels guilty for what happened to her sister, which culiminate in the end, while Sun is still child-like and cheerful, due to childhood she spent in coma, which took her chance to grow up along with her sister. So, Sun is kinda still trapped in a childhood and can't catch up with her generation, while Moon had to grow up too soon and act too serious. You can read this sad story here: Wattpad:

Mesec i Sunce

Ova priča je šesta priča iz ,,Zbirke kratkih priča", ali sam je obogatila dijalozima i sitnim detaljima kako bih dostigla njen pun kapacitet. Moon Jin sada predstavlja osećajnog poetu koja obasjava Moon Yang-ovu srž, dok Moon Yang prestavlja mislioca koji svojom logikom vodi Moon Jin. Oni su predstavnici muške i ženske energije, nepogrešiv spoj, toliko savršen da mi je prosto žao što je kraj morao biti ovakav.😐 Sun, sa druge strane, predstavlja ono ka čemu većina stremi, a to su svetlo i pozitivna energija, ali i detinja nevinost. Može se uočiti razlika između sestara- Moon se od detinjstva ponaša kao zaštitnička figura prema Sun, čak i na kraju oseća krivicu zbog nemilog događaja, a Sun  je, gubeći detinjstvo zbog kome, ostaje nežna i detinjasta. Ovu priču dramatičnog kraja možete naći ovde: Wattpad Issuu

Zbirka kratkih priča / Short stories

Both versions, Serbian and English ones, are posted!You can find them below😉 Obe verzije, i srpska i engleska, su postavljene!Možete ih naći na linku ispod 😉 Have to admit I feel guilty for story ,,Secret", shouldn't have done that to Lena 😐 Moram priznati da osećam krivicu zbog priče ,,Tajna", nije trebalo to da uradim Leni  😐 English: or Srpski: ili

Ready For Action?! (English version)

I tried to be as fast as I could and translated this sad story- let's be honnest, it's a tough one, but that is why I love it, maybe there are more people who love emotional stories. Some people never get happy ending. It's called reality. Trivia: Black is fictional character that was in the biggest number of stories. Maybe you will figure out what fascinate me so much about her, I don't know yet 😉 Here or here you can read the story; If you want to see when I publish new story: If you want matching music to play while reading:če-introvertnog-umetnika-Stories-of-an-introvert-artist-1107760432720912/?v=feed&_rdr and, if you like images:

Ready for Action?! (srpska verzija)

Imala sam u planu da nastavim sa pričama tek na proleće, ali ću uspeti da objavim još neke, nešto ozbiljnije, u toku decembra. Ko zna zašto je to dobro- toliko ću sebi natrpati posla na vrat, možda i ne primetim sve te iritantne praznične stvari oko sebe. 😒 Ova priča spada u jednu od onih koje imaju dosta akcije u sebi, označava moj novi pristup pisanju i priče postaju zrelije. Imala sam petnaest godina kada sam je napisala a i dalje je smatram jednom od svojih boljih priča. Trivija :Black je lik koji se pojavljuje čak u pet priča i pominje u još jednoj- za sada, ona je stvoreni lik koji obara rekord po broju pojavljivanja u mojim pričama.🖤 Evo i priče i svih šest sjajnih devojaka: Issuu Wattpad Spremni za akciju?! Ako je odgovor DA i ako imate više od 13 godina, link je gore 😉🏍