Moon and Sun

This is the sixth story of ,,Short stories",but I re-wrote it and added dialogues and little details. In new version, Moon Jin is a sensitive poet who illuminates Moon Yang's soul, and Moon Yang is wise thinker who guide Moon Jin. They represent perfection, so magical conection that I am almost sorry for writting such a ending to a story.😐
Sun represent things most of people are looking for: happiness, positivity and child innocence. You can easily notice difference between Moon and Sun: Moon is protective and feels guilty for what happened to her sister, which culiminate in the end, while Sun is still child-like and cheerful, due to childhood she spent in coma, which took her chance to grow up along with her sister. So, Sun is kinda still trapped in a childhood and can't catch up with her generation, while Moon had to grow up too soon and act too serious.
You can read this sad story here:


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