
Showing posts from April, 2020

Buried in the past

I said that "Dream Reaper" is the last story and I still think that, this story was created more as an adjunct to the story "It will never be better", I was obsessed with that idea, so I came up with something that looks like a story. This story is very similar to it ie. it deals with the same period, so it seems to be inspired by it, it is really just a work of my thinking. It is a little inconvenient for a person who is (supposedly) 24 years old to write as if I was fourteen again, but I remember those thoughts more than what I ate yesterday 🤔.Who would say it's been ten years since. The events in the story did not happen, at least not the ones where I interact with others, but the facts and thoughts are correct, only possibly belong to another period. Honestly, I'm just glad that the events are just a work of fiction, here I deliberately added things that I avoided in all the stories (*cough* hospital *cough*), just to see how it would work. I'd...

Zakopana u prošlosti

Rekla sam da je "Razbijač snova" poslednja priča i stojim iza toga i dalje, ova priča je nastala više kao dodatak priči "Nikada neće biti bolje", opsedala me je ta misao pa sam tako došla do nečega što liči na priču. Vrlo joj je slična tj. bavi se istim periodom pa zato deluje kao da je inspirisana njome, zapravo je samo delo mog razmišljanja. Malo je nezgodno za osobu koja (navodno) ima 24 godine da piše kao da ponovo ima četrnaest, s tim da se više sećam tih nekih misli nego šta sam jela juče 🤔. Ko bi rekao da je prošlo deset godina od toga. Događaji u priči se nisu dogodili, barem ne ovi gde imam interakciju sa drugima, ali su činjenice i misli tačne samo eventualno pripadaju drugom periodu. Iskreno, prosto mi je drago što su događaji samo delo fikcije, ovde sam namerno dodala stvari koje sam izbegavala u svim pričama (bolnicu 😬), čisto da vidim kako bi to išlo. Radije ne bih prolazila kroz to u stvarnosti 😐. Najnezgodniji deo za pisanje bio je utorak pop...