Onyx 2- Fire in the wings/ Oniks- Vatra u krilima

Although I had the idea for the second part of "Onyx" back in 2013, I've written it now. Honestly, it wasn't in my plan, but I sometimes have a problem with my thoughts haunting me and then I have to do something with them, in this case to write a story. It's very difficult for me to write positive stories, but story about Onyx certainly requires it, it serves as an inspiration to people who have problems with psyche, it wouldn't be appropriate to darken it.

So Onyx and Kevin go to Onyx's birthplace together where she meets the things that are the reason she left town. I mentioned what happened to Onyx and Kevin in "Dream Reaper", I didn't change it, but I added more details. The only complaint I have for myself is that the story turned out to be shorter than planned, I left two smaller notebooks for it and it didn't take half of one 🙊 It's not that bad either because this second part is some kind of supplement to the first, and I don't like to write something just to make the story longer, I have the principle of writing the essence with as little environment as possible (that's how I am as a person- when I create I use that instant inspiration and I don't bother with too many details so my inspiration doesn't disappear).

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Iako sam ideju za drugi deo ,,Oniks" imala još 2013-te tek sam je sada napisala. Iskreno, nije mi bilo u planu, ali imam problem sa tim da me ponekad misli opsedaju i onda moram nešto da uradim sa njima, u ovom slučaju da napišem priču. Jako mi je teško da pišem pozitivne priče ali priča o Oniks to svakako zahteva, ona služi kao inspiracija ljudima koji imaju problema sa psihom, ne bi priličilo da je mračim.

Dakle, Oniks i Kevin zajedno odlaze do Oniksinog rodnog mesta gde se ona susreće sa stvarima zbog kojih je i otišla. Pominjala sam šta se desilo sa Oniks i Kevinom u "Razbijaču snova", nisam to menjala ali sam dodala još detalja. Jedina zamerka koju imam za samu sebe je što je priča ispala kraća nego planirano, odvojila sam dve manje sveske a nije zauzelo ni polovinu jedne 🙊 Nije ni to strašno jer je ovaj drugi deo neka vrsta dodatka prvom, a i ne volim da pišem nešto čisto da bi priča bila duža, kod mene važi princip pisanja suštine sa što manje okolišanja (takva sam i kao osoba, kada stvaram iskoristim tu trenutnu inspiraciju pa se ne zamaram sa suviše detalja da mi inspiracija ne bi nestala).

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