Team Blume 2 - The end of the universe (July/August 2022)

-Contains disturbing scenes. For easier follow-up and understanding, read "Team Blume" (part one)

(July 15, 2022)

  Chapter 1 - "The Blueness Among the Greenery"

   It's been ten years since Magnolia granted my wish and turned me into a blue rose. You could say that things haven't changed much for me, but the lives of the other girls have changed significantly, apart from the fact that they are still the leaders of their respective armies. Rea is still in a relationship, more precisely married, with Arik, they have no children. Amora has a nine-year-old daughter, a six-year-old son and a two-month-old baby, she got married shortly after my transformation. Harmony is not in a relationship, but she dedicated herself to activism, while Makena is the mother of a three-year-old son, in a long-distance  relationship without marriage. In these ten years there were various events, both in the magical world and in their private lives, but they went through everything together and remained friends, I am glad because of that. It seems that there was at least some benefit from my Team Blume, when there wasn't any benefit from me.

   Spring evening; Amora and her husband Mikael made dinner and invited the others, after dinner they sat in Amora's flower garden. Makena was sitting and finishing work on her laptop, Harmony was playing with their dog, Rea and Arik were sitting across from Amora and Mikael, discussing various topics. At one point, Arik stared into the distance, getting lost in thoughts.

    Rea (noticing his thoughtfulness): "Is something bothering you?" Arik (still looking into the distance): "It's almost ten years since Lilith's death. It's gone by so fast." Amora (quietly): "I wish she was here with us, she brought us together and because of her we have the power to help humanity... I miss her." Harmony (gets up from the lawn and comes closer): "We already have discussed it and I tell you that there is no proof that she is dead. Well, I don't believe that she is dead, she is alive." Makena (looking up from the screen): "Harmony, I would like that too, but let's be realistic; since that day when we last saw her, there is neither Magnolia nor her, as if they had evaporated! No tree, no Lilith, nothing in the park! Our trees remain and grow, but Magnolia is gone." Rea: "I don't understand that either, where the tree disappeared, Magnolia said she would become an ordinary tree. I already told you my theory about Lilith - we left her there and she killed herself, I feel guilty that we didn't somehow get her to come with us... Bro, things like this make me hate that I can't turn back time, why the hell did we leave her alone?!" Mikael: "If that had happened, then there would have been a body and someone would have reported that a corpse had been found. Maybe her disappearance has something to do with magic?" Amora (looks at him): "We've looked for both Magnolia and her, there's really nothing left. All our armies have searched entire continents, so it's possible you're right." Harmony (frowns): "I'm going to believe she's alive, wherever she is." Makena: "The memorial is in two days, I'll plan on finishing things early to make it on time." Amora: "Oh, I have to see how to organize for the baby, I wouldn't want her to be alone..." Mikael: "I'll be at home, feel free to go. (kisses her on the cheek) You've cared enough about her these two months, I can take care of her a bit."

  Harmony: "I'm traveling to the capital tomorrow, we have a meeting to protect water from garbage and waste water, the condition of the water is getting worse every year... I'll arrive by the day after tomorrow afternoon, I promise." Rea: "How about the botanical garden, will you get to go there with the group?" Harmony (sits on the empty chair next to them): "Yes, we'll go there after the meeting. They say that there are some species that are not found anywhere in the world, I will take the opportunity to go since it is already close." Amora: "Make sure to take pictures of flowers, I love flowers! If it is beautiful, I will go too. (laughs)" Harmony (smiles): "I don't have tendency to steal, but I'll smuggle a coil or a pot of flower for you. (laughter)"
Rea (intrigued): "Are there also... um... certain green plants with a calming effect? (wink) You know the plant I'm referring to." Makena (rolls with her eyes): "Are you ever going to grow up? (laughter) There's no cannabis in the botanical gardens, I'm sorry to disappoint you." Rea (apparently disappointed): "Eh, it's a shame." (lights a cigarette) Well, then these cigarettes will do as well. (hands it to Arik) Do you want it?" Arik (looks at her): "Rea, it won't help you get pregnant faster, quite the contrary. Even I stopped just so we can have a baby as soon as possible." Amora: "It has nothing to do with that, Arik, although..." Rea (looks at them revolted): "No, my lifestyle habits have nothing to do with the lack of offspring, we just don't have luck with that. It will come with time... I guess. I hope so. (takes a sip of beer) All in due time." Amora: "We're approaching our forties, it's going to get harder as time goes on and the risk increases..." Rea (looks at her): "Everything in its own time, Amora, we're in no rush. (nervously) It's not a race, there's no right and wrong time, just take it easy." Makena (looks at the clock): "Well, guys, it's time for us to go on our ways. I'll see you the day after tomorrow in the park. (gets up) I'm going home so the nanny won't wait for me, I've just finished all my bookkeeping duties." Rea (to Harmony): "Have a great time on your trip and I hope you find your soulmate there too. (wink) You're the only one of us that wasn't poked by Amora's cupids, you keep running away from them! (laughter)" Harmony (laughter): "If there is an opportunity, I will not resist them. (smiles) I doubt that there I'll find a person with whom I can tame my adventurous nature, but thanks for the good wishes." Amora (handing Makena a bowl): "Take the cookies to the little cuttie, there are a few kinds he likes." Makena (smiles and takes the container): "He keeps saying that you make the best cookies, he says they are better than the ones from the sweetshop. Thank you." Amora: "You're welcome, next time don't leave him with the babysitter, feel free to take him. You should spend as much time as possible together during this period." Mikael (to Amora): "Amora, you know that Makena is quite busy with the company, it consumes a lot of energy." Makena: "No, she's right, wish I can manage everything and time flies by. Anyway, I'll see you in two days, after memorial you all come to my place for dinner, agreed?" All together: "Agreed!"
  Later that evening, Rea changed clothes and prepared for bed, waiting for Arik to come into the bedroom. When he did not come, she got up to look for him, finding him on the terrace in front of the house, looking thoughtfully in front of him.

   Rea (approaching him): "Are you still troubled by thoughts of that? You know you're not guilty, even if you are - we're all equally responsible, we all left that day." Arik (looks at her): "I offended her when we were with Cataleia on the mountain, I offended her in the cafe, she cut herself because of me, she gave up her power for me... I'm an idiot, I'm guilty of her death. I didn't mean to hurt her, I didn't even get to apologize properly. The guilt of all these ten years eats me alive, and there's no way to ease it. I wish that I can do something." Rea (close to him): "That's the biggest problem with someone's death, you always have the feeling that you did something wrong and that you missed something, and there's no way to ever change that. I'm sure Lilith wouldn't want anyone to feel guilty about her either, although I understand that emotions cannot be controlled. (looks into his eyes) But you're alive, you have to go on. She gave her powers so that you could be here, to be with me and to continue living. You're not doing her or yourself a favor like this, you have to snap out of it because you'll be unhappy like this forever." Arik (lowering his head): "I know, I'm trying. I hope that one day I'll manage to be better."

    The next morning, everyone went to their work, and Harmony went on her way. She finished everything about the campaign by four o'clock in the afternoon, and then she went to the botanical garden with the other activists from the group. It was a large greenhouse with different plants from all over the world, mostly greenery with the occasional colorful flower or bright berry on some plants, while the crystal blue sky colored the glass surface of the ceiling. The guide introduced them to the plants and said something about each one, so they went through all the rooms. The last room remained, a bit further away from the others.

   Guide: "In this separate room, we will see a miracle of nature, a flower for which scientists from different parts of the world came to us, but they failed to unravel the secret of its existence. One of the biologists tore off a flower leaf and blood flowed from that place, and since then we handle the flower very carefully, only our Magdalena is allowed to approach the flower and care for it. The flower was found in our country, carefully transported and we treat it with great care here, so I would ask you to keep your distance when Magdalena takes you inside. It is also interesting that it has kept the same form for years, it does not grow in height and no new flowers appear, no one has managed to find out anything about it and where the blood in the core of the flower comes from. Now our volunteer Magdalena, who takes care of the flower, will take you on a short tour."

   A girl of around thirty, with silky thick magenta-colored hair down to her shoulders, walked grandiosely in her pink and white clothes. Without looking at Harmony and the rest of the group, she invited them into the room. Harmony was excitedly waiting to see the famous flower, about which there is so much controversy, wondering what makes this flower so special and if it is possible for one flower to attract so many scientists and biologists in one place, and yet to no one of them know anything about it. The little piece of blue left her speechless, realizing the answers to all those questions.

   Magdalena addressed the group: "This is a rose like no other in nature - a blue rose."

 Chapter 2: Under the Glass Bell

   Someone from the group said, a little disappointed: "Oh, it's just a rose! I was expecting something really special." Girl from the group: "But, look how blue it is! I've never seen blue, I've seen reds, whites, pinks and yellows, but I haven't seen blue. (takes a photo of it) Is it possible to get one like this?" Magdalena: "No, this is the only copy in the world." Man from the group: "Hey, it says here that it was brought from our town! It's strange that I haven't heard anything about it." Another girl: "Me neither. When was it brought?" Magdalena: "Tomorrow will be exactly ten years."

   Harmony shuddered, looked at the rose and remembered the events of ten years ago, and unconsciously said "Lilith", although she knew that this flower probably had nothing to do with me, she was simply carried away by her emotions. The rest of the group didn't react to that, but that's why Magdalena looked at her with her eyes as green as leaves, and then their eyes met. As the others left the room, Magdalena held Harmony by gently holding her arm.

  Harmony (looks at her): "I'm sorry if I said something wrong... You know, Lilith was my friend who passed away ten years ago, she loved roses and blue was her favorite color, so I remembered her and ... (cries) I'm sorry. Tomorrow is her memorial, so I'm a little more emotional." Magdalena: "Harmony, Lilith is not dead, I turned her into a rose. (points to my flower form) Here she is, this is her. I've been taking care of her for ten years, I took human form so that no one would harm her. One fool tore off one of her leaves while I wasn't there, I didn't let any of them take anything from her so it wouldn't happen again. She didn't miss a petal from her head, if I may say so." Harmony (stunned): "Magnolia?! You were here the whole time?! Do you know how much we worried?! Why was she turned into a rose?" Magdalena: "She wanted me to turn her into a rose, this was the only place where she would be safe. I wanted to get in touch with you, but I couldn't move away from the Blue Rose, I say that there were too many of them who wanted to get to her leaves and petals, or even a drop of blood. I think it's about time we bring her home, as time goes on there are more and more visitors and that can't be good. I will need help from your army of fairies to take Lilith home." Harmony: "Okay, I'll stay tonight to get the Blue Rose. Won't they notice she's gone? You have power, I'm surprised you didn't manage to take her yourself." Magdalena: "I tried, but even with power I can't do this alone. It was easier to bring her than to get her out of here, and as for whether will anyone notice... I'll think of something. All that matters to me is that you're here. (smiles) You've led your armies very well all these years." Harmony (smile): "We tried. You know, I thought you were older than us, I always saw you as an old lady." Magdalena: "Let's say that a tree can possess wisdom regardless of its age - we just absorb information from the world around us. After all, a tree is planted when you were children and my seedling was two years old, that means I'm eight years younger than five of you." Harmony (blushing slightly): "I have to admit that I really like your human form, I hope you don't turn into a tree again even though I love trees. (looks at the guide who called for everyone to gather) Oh, I have to go, I'll tell them that I won't go back on the bus with them, but that I'll stay for a while, just to teleport to my fairy world and prepare a plan together with them." Magdalena: "I'll wait for you here tonight."

    When the last worker (besides Magdalena) had gone home, she quietly entered the room with the Blue Rose, put the plant in a pot and carefully handed it to one of Harmony's fairies, then placed the seed in the ground and spoke to Harmony: "Make the flower grow faster so they would think that everything is fine, they shouldn't  notice that it's missing." Harmony: "This isn't a blue rose, is it? They'll notice that it's not the same flower. (fast growth of the flower with powers) This is more purple than blue, you can tell the difference. " Magdalena (dripping ink next to the rose): "This is the Blue Moon rose, kind that inspired Lilith to create Team Blume and her identity. (rose soaks up ink) It'll be blue enough for a while, then maybe they'll think it has lost its color." Harmony (makes the flower absorb more color to the right shade with her powers): "Here you go. I'm lucky that I have the powers left from the fairy guard, so I can have an effect on the plants. I guess it will work." Magdalena: "Take the pot to the fairy world, I'll go out to the main exit next to the guards and cameras so they can see that I'm not carrying anything so they don't chase me for stealing, if we can call this stealing since I brought the flower here, and then you Harmony come get me and we'll go back home together." Harmony (nodding): "Agreed."

  Magdalena exited through the main gate, openly showing that she was carrying nothing in her hands, and hurriedly set off to meet Harmony. They took the bus to the town, all the while keeping the pot in an opaque plastic bag, being careful not to knock it over. As far as I'm concerned, it wouldn't be too bad if they threw it away, but I know they wouldn't forgive themselves for it, so I didn't want to bother and kept quiet, just like the previous ten years.

   The next day they all gathered in the park, Harmony came last. Amora (seeing her): "I just thought you wouldn't make it... Was everything okay on the trip?" Harmony: "Yes, I met one person there." Rea (joyfully): "Oh, have the cupids already heard my wishes?! When are we going to meet that lucky man or woman?" Harmony (blushes): "No, not in that sense... (Magdalena approaches with a bag in her hands) This is Magdalena." Rea (still cheerful, approaching Magdalena): "Trust me, Harmony is a wonderful person, you did not make a mistake in choosing her." She is a bit obsessed with nature, but that gives her a special charm. If you also love nature, then you are a perfect couple, really, and you are also a beautiful couple visually." Harmony (blushes even more): "Rea! This is something important, it has nothing to do with love or a relationship! You all already know Magdalena very well from earlier." Makena (surprised): "How is that? We've never met before." Magdalena: "Because you've never seen me in this form, Makena." Makena (surprised): "Now I'm confused - who are you?" Your voice is somehow familiar to me and... (puts her hand over her mouth) Magnolia?!!!" Rea (shocked): "Maggie?! Whoa, you're younger than us! Can't belive I was listening to orders from a teenage girl, incredibly!" Amora (softly): "Magnolia, is that really you?" Magdalena (nods her head): "Yes. In human form I am Magdalena, in tree form I am Magnolia. And yes, Rea, I am younger, I knew that will catch your attention." Arik (jumps up and addresses Magdalena): "Where is she? Is she alive?!" Magdalena: "In a way. (puts the bag down and takes out a pot with a rose) Here she is." Arik (takes the pot, the girls come closer): "Why did she turn into a rose?! What happened?" Magdalena: "It was the only way to keep her alive, that's what she wanted. There was no time to inform you about it so you wouldn't worry, I had to get her to safety as soon as possible." Arik (shivers): "It's like she's dead... Will she stay like this forever?" Magdalena: "She can return to human form, but I still wouldn't bring her back. She'll be fine, I've been taking care of her for years. I'm afraid of the consequences if I return her to her previous form, so I wouldn't risk it." Amora (taking the pot): "I have never seen a rose this blue... No wonder Lilith was obsessed with them, they are beautiful. (looks at Harmony) When I told you to bring a flower, I didn't believe you would bring Lilith." Makena: "Well, since Lilit is technically not dead, then we don't have to hold a memorial anymore, we'll see what we do next. To begin with, we are going to my place, I have prepared dinner. Magno... Sorry, Magdalena, come with us, you are part of us and our team." Magdalena: "It would be an honor to join you."

   After dinner they were sitting in the living room, there was Makena's son with whom Amora played until he fell asleep, then Makena took him to his room, and they continued to talk. Arik took only a few bites, got up earlier from the table and sat opposite the rose pot, quietly looking at it. The others discussed what was happening and what they should do, occasionally glancing in his direction. He spoke quietly, "I'm not sure if you can hear me, my mind just can't accept the fact that it's you... Allegedly you are alive, but I don't feel that way, I feel like a fool talking to a flower... All these years I carried some guilt inside me, I don't believe I can fix it like this, you certainly can't hear me."

    One of the outer petals from my flower broke off and fell, alarming Arik who immediately called Magdalena, hoping it was nothing serious. Magdalena (concerned): "She has never had a petal fall off before, something is wrong. (takes the pot) Looks like I'll have to keep her away from people for a while, she's a real introvert even in this form." Arik: "It's my fault, I said something wrong..." Magdalena: "Calm down, Arik, I'm not even sure she can hear you. Probably the conditions just bother her, I have to put her into another pot. I understand these things, I was a plant for more than half my life." Rea (puts a hand on Arik's shoulder): "Give yourself time. (kisses him on the cheek) Please." Harmony: "You see I was right, I'm glad about that." Amora: "Look at it on the bright side - except for our daily missions, there are no more of those great enemies who want to destroy the world. Slowly everything will return back to normal, there will be no major conflicts in the coming period." Makena: "We hope so." Magdalena: "There have been no problems in these ten years, I hope it will stay that way."

 Chapter 3: New faces in the area

   Magdalena stayed with Harmony, along with her and me. She settled in the cheerfully colored guest room, and the pot was placed by the window. I closed my petals and went to rest, just like Magdalena who soon fell asleep.

   During the night, different colors began to mix in the sky, heavy energy was felt. I opened the petals, and soon Magdalena woke up from her sleep and went to the window, shuddering at the sight. Two more petals from my flower fell to the ground, further disturbing her. She whispered quietly: "This can't be good." Something is happening again."

  The colors soon disappeared and everything returned to its previous state, but not Magdalena, she could not fall asleep again, fearing that this was a warning of future problems.

  Morning; Harmony and Magdalena are having breakfast. Harmony: "Were you able to get some sleep?" Magdalena: "I did until about half way through the night. Did you see those colors in the sky last night?" Harmony: "No... You mean, like the polar night?" Magdalena: "There are similarities, but here there was a flash of several colors. I heard a story about it once, I don't like the symbolism of it at all." Harmony (worried): "What story?" Magdalena: "Supposedly, somewhere in the solar system live three brothers and two sisters, they are very powerful and are able to destroy the entire galaxy. It's just a rumor, but I believe that where is smoke there is fire as well." Harmony: "Are they more powerful than Glitch, Selina, Cataleia and Inferno?" Magdalena: "Each one of them individually is more powerful than all of them combined." Harmony (shivered): Oh, my God, I don't want to mess with them if that's true. Do you know anything else about them?" Magdalena: "I don't remember too much, it was a long time ago when I heard that story. Let's just hope we never find out." Harmony (nodding): "You're right, it's better that we never know."

   During that time, in an uninhabited part of the planet; A disc-shaped craft descends on the meadow, chasing away any frightened animals that might be nearby. The large doors of the craft open. A girl with lilac skin, bright pink hair with a bob haircut, dressed in pastel clothes of light blue, pink and purple colors comes out. Her boots were half in blue and the bottom half in pink, her shorts were light blue, her elbow length gloves were pink, and the top with long sleeves was a mixture of colors, separated by two wavy lines, starting from the top blue, a thin purple line, all the way to the pink part to the edge. On her neck was an unobtrusive deltoid choker necklace.

   The girl looked around and disappointedly said: "We have come to some unknown place again! What planet is this?"

   A tall and strong young man with orange skin, a black beard and hair raised up in the shape of a flower came out. He wore a black cloak, golden pants with dark blue crossed lines at the knees, his shoes and torso were decorated with dark blue zigzag lines representing lightning. His arms were chained in solid gold up to his elbows, and his torso was exposed just like Inferno had before. He looked at her and said: "How many times have we passed over the Earth and you still can't remember? How many planets like this are there in the Solar System so this is such a problem for you, Miss Helia? You're stupid." Helia (offended): "I am stupid one? Who didn't recognize Saturn last week, you or me?!" A voice behind them: "Helia, Voider, stop arguing, you're like children. We came here for serious business."

   Another girl came out, with very short dark green hair, dressed in a light yellow unbuttoned shirt with 3/4 sleeves under which was a red low cut top, a red scarf around her neck, brown pants, red shoes with yellow edges . Her skin was light green.

  Voider: "Ferris, we came to that planet you don't really like. Look, everything is teeming with life." Ferris (shudders): "Horrible... Look at this grass and trees... How can anyone live on this planet? I'd fix it." The third in seniority, Coldheart, intervenes in the conversation: "Not if you ask me. I was on this planet before you."

   Coldheart is a young man with light blue skin, long white hair, dressed in comfortable blue and white clothes and wrapped in a dark blue cloak. His pants are blue, his shoes are white, and he wears a narrow blue cloth collar around his neck.

  Coldheart: "The perfect place for eternal ice." Ferris: "No, but for meteors and rocks!" The youngest of the three brothers, Radion, jumped up to them and said: "No, now it's my turn to play with this planet, you've had your chances."

   Radion has red skin, his hair is only in the front part and it forms two black horns, he wears red pants with a high waist, a net crop top with two brown appliqués in the shape of a flower, brown-red shoes with a platform and a heel, on his hands there are two brown bracelets in the shape of a flower.

  Helia: "Do whatever you want with it, it might not even be there when I'm done creating new stars, comets and planets." Voider: "Phew, there won't be any of your nonsenses after my plan." Helia (looks  at him with dissaproval and pursed her lips): "You're a psychopath, a bigger psychopath than all of us combined." Coldheart: "I suggest that each of us prove ourselves worthy of complete rule over this planet, each in their own way." Radion: "Sounds easy." Ferris (rolls her eyes): "Everything is always easy for you. You underestimate the power of us who are more experienced." Radion: "You underestimate my power." Ferris: "That's the only thing you can brag about in this Solar System." Radion: "Then I will repeat it, to my great satisfaction. You'll applaud me." Ferris (smiling mockingly): "Okay, let's see what anyone can do."

   Rea and Arik's house; Arik is disinterestedly changing programs on the television, Rea is looking at her phone, browsing one of the social networks. The headline of one of the news caught her attention.

   Rea: "Inhabitants of different parts of the world claim to have seen a disc-shaped aircraft." (laughter) Looks like aliens have come to us." Arik (smiling slightly): "Sure. They need us from all this space." Rea: "Do you believe that there is life outside our planet?" Arik: "No. It's a mass hysteria that goes on throughout history, by that I mean that some people have seen various spacecrafts. The human mind is prone to paranoia." Rea: "I still think there's something." Arik: "We'll never know that. (the doorbell rings) I'm going to open it."

   In front were Amora, Makena, Harmony and Magdalena (who for some reason also brought a pot with rose, they can't let me rest even now when I'm a flower), and let them in. They greeted Rea upon entering the room and immediately got down to business.

   Magdalena: "We have a big problem." Rea (standing up): "What kind of drama happened now, another end of the world?" Makena: "It's very likely that it will come to that." Rea (laughs, but then gets serious): "You're not kidding, are you?" Amora: "Did you hear that the spacecraft  landed on the ground of the Earth? If Magdalena is right, we have a big problem." Arik: "Girls, calm down - people keep saying they've been seeing such crafts since the beggining of the time. It's nothing new." Magdalena: "Because they came before. Maybe not always them, others visited the planet as well, but they brought devastation and destruction every time they got here. There were also those who came peacefully, without bad intentions, and then left. These five find enjoyment in destruction, the rest of the galaxy has already suffered their destruction in various ways." Rea (stunned): "Wait, aliens exist?! Wow, that sounds crazy! I can't believe that's true, that concept sounds amazing!" Harmony: "More amazing than Team Blume and our powers?" Rea: "Oh... Yeah. Sometimes I forget this is real. Looks like I already got used to our thing." Magdalena: "Since the powers of your army will not be enough to fight them, then we have to bring back Team Blume, but we can't do it without one person. (puts the pot on the floor) It's time to return you to human form, Lilith, I know this is not a good idea but we have no choice." Arik (stops her): "Wait, what if she breaks when she hears what happened in these ten years? She won't be able to handle it." Magdalena: "We will take care, we cannot bring the team back without its leader."

   She said the spell and I found myself curled up on the floor, wearing the same clothes as ten years ago. I stood up uncertainly, slowly getting used to standing on my feet again, I can't say that I missed this body. I felt the girls hug me.

  Amora: "We missed you, we were worried about you. We searched everything to find you." Me (quietly): "I'm sorry I couldn't inform you that I'm still alive, there was no chance. (to Magdalena) You're right, five of them came from outer space last night, they are heading to different parts of the Earth. That's them, unfortunately. (to others) Pulled by previous experiences, I add another power to Magdalena - healing, we will need it, and from now on you can activate your dark versions as needed. Those dark versions have a strong power, I don't need to remind you how strong the Black Rose's energy was, it will take time for you to learn to control those powers and your dark sides - the further away you are from them, the harder it will be to find a balance between the light and dark side." Rea (to Harmony): "Eh, sister, you're really unlucky for this, you're the main do-gooder in the group. It will be easy-peasy for me. (laughter)" Harmony: "Wouldn't that dark side be a threat to the world?" Me (shaking my head): "The role of the Black Rose was to teach me that great power requires great responsibility and control. It is possible to control that side only if we do not run away from it, there must be a balance and acceptance of both sides. Humans aren't made of only good qualities." Makena: "Do you think we can beat these...what shall we call them...with just our powers? Magdalena says they're strong." Me: "And they are, but we don't have much choice. (looking at Arik) Is Andor joining the fight too?" Arik (nods his head): "Of course, always." Me: "Excellent. Tomorrow we will work on the details, I need time to get used to the human form." Amora (handing me a chair): "Do you want to sit down?" Me: "No, thank you, I'll go home, it'll definitely be awkward because I've been gone for years - I didn't get to contact my family before I went into flower form, who knows how they'll react because I've been gone for so long."

   Arik sat down on the couch and held his head with both hands, Harmony's eyes filled with tears, Makena exhaled deeply, Amora sat down on the chair she gave me earlier and wiped her tears, Rea started to move left and right, revealing her nervousness. I was afraid that their reaction to my sentence could only mean one thing.

 Me (shudder and look at Makena): "It happened, didn't it?" Makena (nod): "Yes. I'm sorry." Me (my eyes get filled with tears, but I don't cry): "Him or her?" Makena (looking at me longingly): "Both. First him, later she."

  My heart broke into pieces, and in a shaky voice I said "The Second Team Blume power - our local graveyard" before teleporting to my former place of residence. Magdalena followed me.

  Chapter 4: Fear of the Unknown

   Towards the end of the village cemetery I found what I never wanted to see. Two wooden crosses, one with a slightly more damaged varnish and the other relatively undamaged, stood there alone, without a monument or other marker, as if those people were all alone in the world. I fell to my knees, hands clutching the earth that covered them, holding back tears and moans. My soul is tearing up, but I've never been good at expressing emotions, so all these decades they are eating me up from the inside. I didn't cry, I just looked in disbelief at that symbol of Christianity on which were written the names of the only people with whom I stayed regardless of all the quarrels and problems, the two closest people in my life. For the first time I felt so alone, as if all my isolation and hiding from everyone was nothing compared to this feeling of loneliness, I felt like I was really all alone now, even the voices in my head were silent, and the music that was constantly playing somewhere in the subconscious stopped at that moment.

   Magdalena put her hand on my shoulder and whispered: "They told me that this happened, that's why I didn't want to return you, I wish I could left you in the form of a rose away from reality." Me (numb): "My transformation to the rose is responsible for this. I am to blame for their deaths. It would have been better if I had at least killed myself, I wouldn't have had to watch this scene. I killed them with my disappearance." Magdalena: "You know they were already sick before that." Me: "Yes, but their condition probably got worse after that. Nothing good will ever come out of me. I destroyed so many lives." Magdalena (takes my arm and helps me stand up): "Let's go to your house, I'll be with you until you recover." Me: "Will I ever recover from the guilt of killing the two people I care about the most? I'm a monster... A selfish monster.

   We reached my house. Although it was already poor, now it seemed more miserable than ever. I noticed that some things are missing, it's just not possible that someone doesn't take advantage of someone else's misfortune to have some benefits, they like to take but hardly anyone helps. The animals were gone, the garden was already overgrown with grass, the trees had grown. Inside the house was just as empty, full of cobwebs and dust. I didn't want to look around too much, so I just dragged myself to my former room and curled up on my old sofa. Magdalena sat in the room next to mine, occasionally looking at me to see if everything was okay.

   The evening; Makena returns late from the company, her son has already fallen asleep. Makena said goodbye to the babysitter who left immediately after that, then quietly entered the room where the boy was sleeping. It had been a long time since she had looked at him like this, every time she would notice that he was getting bigger. She had the feeling that she was missing out on her son's growing up because of her work, as if she was just a passing character in his life. She was jolted out of her thoughts by a video call from Ramon, her husband, and quickly left the room so as not to wake her son.

   Makena (answering): "Hey, is everything okay?" Ramon: "Yeah, it's fine. How's the paperwork going?" Makena (surprised): "Are you asking me about the paperwork first and not about son? Paperwork is fine, thanks for asking. (sarcastically)" Ramon: "I... I guess he's good, as soon as you don't say there's something urgent. I just want to know how the business is progressing, here I am working a lot. If we continue like this, in the next few years we will surely expand job and have a bigger company instead of a smaller one." Makena: "Ramon... Do we really need a company?" Ramon: "What do you mean?" Makena: "Is this dream of ours about the company more important than the child? We miss his growing up." Ramon: "Nonsense, you are there by his side every day, you don't miss anything. What is he missing? He has food, he has toys, he has a babysitter." Makena: "He doesn't have us." Ramon: "Okay, I know I'm often away due to business trips, but that's why I come for every major holiday, I don't miss anything." Makena: "You weren't there for his first birthday, you arrived two days later for the third, not to mention the other holidays. Listen, I have to pay more attention to him, I don't want him to grow up with a personality disorder due to a lack of parental attention and then have to spend his whole youth with a psychologist to rehabilitate what you and I didn't do right." Ramon: "You're really dramatic, nobody neglects him - at the age of three he doesn't know anything about neglect. Better focus your energy on work, just by the time he grows up we will succeed in our intention." Makena (frustrated): "Yes, but even then you'll find something more important than him. (end the conversation and puts the phone aside)"

   Amora put the baby to sleep, then came to the bed, lied down and begin to turn from one side to another nervously. Mikael (worried): "Tell me what's wrong." Amora: "What if those new enemies are stronger than us? When I fought last time I was still unmarried, now we already have three children, so I worry about them as well. What if they win? (moves nervously) How are we going to beat them? We're thirty-something years old, each of us burdened with something; Lilith is in even worse condition now than before, Makena is barely balancing between work and a child, Rea is frustrated with the lack of the baby, I've had three births in ten years, the last one just two months ago - I'm not even fully recovered yet! Harmony is doing well thanks to yoga and a balanced diet, but her vitality is also less than earlier. How are we going to defeat some aliens who have enormous power and never age? We are human beings, we age. Arik is no longer young either, his strength can betray him as well, let alone us who are weaker than him." Mikael: "If no one stands up to those enemies, then they will surely win. At least this way they will have resistance. (kisses her hand) Team Blume is the strongest force against them." Amora: "Okay, you're right, but how can we concentrate when things aren't right? Well, honestly, I'm panicking. I'm sure it's not all the same to them either, although we still don't know what these enemies look like, what their goal is, and what their powers are. They can supposedly destroy the galaxy - how can they be so powerful? We don't have such a strong powers." Mikael: "It seems that there is no other choice, I hope that you will manage to come out as winners from this fight as well. I'm here for the children and for whatever I can help with, wish I could help in the fights too." Amora (kisses him on the cheek): "That will be more than enough. I'll try not to panic the others, I hope I will also concentrate on the fight."

   The next day, I took them to the spacecraft, expecting that the brothers and sisters would not be in it. We were on standby for a while and then we teleported inside the craft, there was no one inside. The futuristic and minimalistic design didn't do much for us, except that as a tech connoisseur Makena was fascinated by alien advanced technology, and I suggested that we explore our enemies' chambers and study who we were fighting.

   Our Team Blume uniforms were now in two colors, different designs; Yellow Dandelion had a yellow dress with green see-through lining, with a front that cascaded over her shoulders, a gold ornament around her head, long green gloves that cascaded down, yellow boots, and a pendant around her waist that symbolized the sun. Pink Tulip wore a pink dress with an orange collar, sleeve ends and lining, as well as shorter orange gloves, pink boots, and a pendant around her waist with three spiral lines symbolizing the wind. My dress was fully closed, with long blue sleeves, while the long gloves, the lining of the dress and the part above the cleavage were in purple. The gloves were fingerless (i.e. more like connected sleeves), they only were merged between the index and middle fingers, my hair was tied in a high ponytail, the pendant had a raindrop symbol on it and the boots were blue. Red Carnation had a more open and narrow dress this time (so she doesn't complain that she looks like a nun anymore, I hope she's happy with the new design); a red dress with bretelles, with black lining, black short fingerless gloves, red boots and a pendant showing a irregular white shape with dotted lines, symbolizing fog. Her hair had grown in these ten years, so that she no longer had shaved parts of her head, but short purple hair all over. White Hyacinth had sharp edges on the top of the sleeveless dress, with a small deltoid in the cleavage area. The edge under the white part is light gray, as well as the gloves up to the elbow, both the edges and the gloves have a small sharp cutout in the shape of the letter V, on the gloves this cutout is connected by a ribbon. Her boots are white, there is a snowflake on the pendant. Since Arik's oak no longer existed, Andor received stronger, golden armor with the help of our powers, as well as a much more powerful sword.

   Pink Tulip entered Helia's chambers. Everything was in pastel tones, somehow it didn't fit her description of one of the most dangerous people in the universe. On the wall was a mural of a pattern of something that Pink Tulip didn't understand, so she quickly went out to ask someone. I was nearby, I was about to enter one of the chambers. Pink Tulip called me.
   Pink Tulip (comes up to me): "Blue Rose, have you seen White Hyacinth? Maybe she can explain to me what the pattern on the wall means." I (following her): "Maybe it's not a pattern at all, maybe it's just a picture or something." Pink Tulip: "I don't know, it seems like a scheme to me. (we stand in front of the wall) What is this 'supernova'?" Me: "A supernova is the death and birth of a star. The star fills up with helium, explodes and then new space objects are created, simply put. (I look around) This girl seems to have power to create supernova." Pink Tulip (smiling): "Oh, that sounds like a nice thing! Then she's not a villain." Me: "A supernova can destroy planets, moons, comets and other objects, as well as create them. They are as destructive as they are beautiful, so interpret it as you wish. (I leave the room, Pink Tulip follows me) In any case, it doesn't seem like she is the strongest among them, and the picture represents the process of creating a supernova. (we enter the next room)"

   The next room was black from floor to ceiling, Pink Tulip didn't like it, but it seemed peaceful to me. Pink Tulip (shaking): "Uh, this room is so creepy! Who would paint a room completely in black?" Me: "It looks really lovely." Pink Tulip (looks at me): "Sometimes you are more morbid than Red Carnation, seriously. (looks around) What do you think this person is controlling?" Me: "I associate this room with emptiness, nothingness. The walls are black, the furniture is black." Pink Tulip: "I wouldn't be surprised if the owner of this room is also dressed in black." Red Carnation (from the door): "Wow, what a crazy room! Whoa, this person is even more insane than I am, no joke! (looks at us) Well, I found a picture of one of them, look at it, he's cool as hell! (showing Radion's picture)" Pink Tulip (wince): "He looks like a devil! Even his skin is completely red." Red Carnation: "Yeah, isn't he cool?! He's got a picture of Mars on the wall, too. Maybe he controls fire or something." White Hyacinth (coming in): "Uh, I froze in that chamber where I was, it's filled with layers of ice." Me (as we exit): "Then at least we're sure that one has the same power as you, or at least some variation of that." Yellow Dandelion (leaving Ferris's room): "I didn't find anything unusual, the room is in green, yellow and red tones. Maybe they have some powers of nature?" Red Carnation: "Hell no, that doesn't sound like someone the galaxy is afraid of." Andor (approaching): "Did you finish the tour?" Yellow Dandelion: "Yes, we didn't find out too much." White Hyacinth: "One controls ice or snow." Pink Tulip: "And one of the sisters creates supernova." Andor: "That's right, the youngest sister Helia creates supernovae. The youngest brother, Radion, the fourth oldest, creates radioactive particles. Whoever was in his room should get those particles off his skin immediately." Red Carnation (screaming): "Team Blume's first power, a radioactive particle neutralizer! (starts spraying on skin and clothes) You should have said that earlier." Andor: "The middle brother, Coldheart, creates such layers of ice that can freeze entire planets. Older sister Ferris creates asteroids, comets and meteors, making craters and thus destroying life on planets, she can also open volcanoes with hot lava. The oldest brother, Voider, creates black holes, for which you probably know they pull in everything in their vicinity and create nothingness." Red Carnation: "Where did you get that information?" Andor (hands out the map): "They wrote who goes where, their powers are also mentioned at the bottom of the page. Apparently they couldn't agree on who would take over the Earth this time, so they made some kind of competition." Me: "Shall we go one by one, or will we split up?" Yellow Dandelion: "There's no way we can beat them when we're separated or when they're together, we'll try one by one." Me: "Okay, we'll follow this map. That way we'll locate them easier."

    Chapter 5: First Encounter

   I'm walking on a deserted highway, there's nothing around me. Time seems to stand still, it's hard to judge in a place like this. A cemetery suddenly appeared in front of me, on the graves are the names of those I killed. I winced and opened my eyes. Another nightmare for this week.

   We agreed to go to Coldheart first, it seemed like a good choice to start with, we had to start somewhere. We teleported to the very epicenter of the South Pole, the coldest part of our planet. The temperature shock was huge, we barely put ourselves together after ten minutes. If it weren't for our powers, we would surely have died in less than a minute, it was extremely cold. We assumed that Coldheart was in the great palace of ice, so we headed there.

   He was sitting inside, on the throne, surprised to see us. "Did human beings manage to adapt to such low temperatures? A much stronger species than you have perished under my powers." Andor: "We are beings with powers, just like you, that's why we can survive these conditions." Coldheart: "Hm, beings with powers? How long have you had these powers? A thousand years? A hundred thousand years? I haven't heard of you, who are you anyway?" Pink Tulip: "We are Team Blume, we have powers for about ten years." Coldheart (laughs): "Only? And you came to defeat me, I suppose? Me, who wrapped Neptune and Uranus in eternal ice, who froze several moons on Saturn and Jupiter, even created ice on the planet Mercury out of a bet, just to show that the proximity of the Sun doesn't pose any challenge to me - see this ice under your feet ? It was fun creating it the first time I was on your planet, I'm sure you've heard of at least one of the ice ages. That's the quality of the ice, you can see that it still lasts and the human race still can't figure out what happened in that period, they can't get to its core which is measured in several thousand meters. Ferris and Radion took my idea of ​​mass extinction of species on this planet, I was here first and destroyed quite a number of species. The last time I was here was during the Pleistocene, I remember it like it was yesterday - so many desperate frozen creatures lying under the layers of ice, it's a shame you people couldn't see it and be the actors of it. Don't worry, I have no problem repeating it." White Hyacinth: "It is impossible for one person to create enough ice to cover the entire planet." Red Carnation (eyes widening): "Hyacinth, for the God's sake, don't challenge him - you can see he can kill us with one swipe of his hand!" Me (to the others): "I'll try the Cataleia technique with electricity, be ready to activate the fifth power for take off. Andor, hold on to Red Carnation, I won't fry you again." Yellow Dandelion: "Wait, you're turning into Black Rose?!" Me: "I have to. (pause) Fourth Team Blume power - Black Rose!"

  Instead of my previous outfit, this time I had a black knee lenght belted coat, wrinkled black elbow length gloves, black shoes and trousers, and my hair was tied in a high ponytail. I knelt on the snow and concentrated on generating electricity.

   Coldheart (calmly drinking something that looked like wine): "Oh, now you're going to destroy me? Fine, let's see that one coming. Good luck with that. (smiles)"

  The girls used the fifth power, and I used the lightning power, the same amount of power as when I fried Cataleia. Strangely, Coldheart experienced all that energy as a mild electric shock.

 Coldheart (massaging his neck): "Fine... I have to admit, I didn't think I would feel anything, but it was like a burning sensation on my body, I felt some tingling. Let's see what I do when I use such a tiny amount of power as you." With one gentle flick of his finger, he froze my entire arm up to my shoulder, the pain was unbearable. Yellow Dandelion quickly thawed my arm to relieve the pressure, then tried to use his third power to inflict damage to Coldheart, which again had no effect, but at least left him with a small burn on his skin. Coldheart (rubbing his skin): "Ah, it's been hundreds of thousands of years since anyone managed to hurt me... I guess that will be the last time. (disappears)"

   We returned home to have Magdalena heal my frostbitten arm, and as a tactic against Coldheart we wanted to use Harmony's dark side, which she still couldn't summon. That side should have power to burn, it was just important to find a way to get it out. The next day, together with Rea, she practiced the manifestation of this power, but there was no great progress, Harmony is too calm to be in touch with her dark side. Amora and Makena took the children to the museum and the library, at the same time they wanted to gather as much information as possible about the phenomena that our enemies control. Magdalena and Arik went to buy groceries and necessities, while I used the time to rearrange the walls a bit until they returned.

  Magdalena (shouting from the entrance): "Lilith, where are you?" Me (from my room): "In my room, I'm painting the walls." Arik (looking at Magdalena in astonishment): "Painting the walls? Is that a good thing or not?" Magdalena (shrugs): "Let's see."

  For some reason Arik and her were in disbelief, I don't know what surprised them so much. In my left hand I was holding a brush with which I was painting the wall red, in my other hand was a razor blade, nothing so unusual for me. The wound was already quite deep and I was running out of paint, I only painted about a third of the wall. I was frustrated that I couldn't get more paint out, I don't like to leave things half finished.

  Magdalena (came to me in a panic): "For God's sake, you are painting the walls with your blood! (searches the shelves) Where you keep the bandage? (smacks forehead) Of course, the healing power, I forgot I have that power. (to me) Give me your arm." Me (numbly looking at her): "I carry my wounds and scars as they are, I don't want healing. (I look at the wall and smile) If I had a revolver, it would have painted this faster, like compressor. (I continue to paint the wall with a brush) We have to save the Earth first, and then I'll think about my needs, for now I'll just prolong my days like this." Arik (takes the brush from my hand and wraps my arm with a towel): "You need to see a psychiatrist, or at least a psychologist, this is not going anywhere." Me (caricature): "Dear psychiatrist, I know I'm a danger to myself, but I can't stay in the hospital, I have to lead a team of superheroines and we have to defeat five enemies from outer space who are a threat to the galaxy! We have five powers, six if you count Magdalena who has healing powers - she used to be a tree and I was a blue rose until several days ago! No, doc, I don't have schizophrenia and I don't want antipsychotics, I'm telling you the truth!" Magdalena (nods her head): "She's right about that, she can't end up in the hospital now, and they would really give her a diagnosis of schizophrenia if she told them about what we're doing. They would give us all that diagnosis." Arik (gasps): "I know, but we have to do something, (points to the wall) look at this! What's next?" Me (sit on the sofa and put my head down): "I'm sorry for constantly causing problems, I understand how exhausting it is for others, I really don't want you to waste your time on me. Go away. I can do it on my own. I don't need a babysitter, I don't need anyone. I won't be a burden. You will get the most out of me in a fight, leave me alone in private, I don't know how to deal with people."

   Magdalena (kneels in front of me): "I know your disorder tells you that, but you are not a burden, this has nothing to do with battles. There's no need for me to persuade you in anything or to scold you, that won't help you, personality and mood disorders don't work the way someone say or do something to you, and suddenly you feel better, or you do this or that and it will completely erase everything . I understand that it will always be there no matter what happens, I understand that you are not in control of your psyche, but I hope that you also understand that you are not a burden to us and that we will not leave no matter how much you push us away from you. (heals the wound on my hand) You don't have to bear every wound alone when there's someone who can heal it." Arik (sitting next to me): "I think it would be a good idea for you to go back to our town. You're all alone here , these people are like strangers, at least you will be there with us." Magdalena: "That's a good idea, we'll use the power of teleportation to finish everything faster, what do you think?" I: "That would open some other wounds, but it's not like I could be worse than now. I'll sell this house and estate, we'll try it that way. We'll do it all slowly in our spare time, the battles are the most important of all." Arik: "Of course." I will find a place for you to live, I will choose a quieter place in a location where there are no floods, you don't need that problem too. We will sort it out in the next few days."

   Coldheart met the siblings. Ferris: "You'd better have something important." Coldheart: "I want to go back to Neptune, I don't care about Earth anymore." Helia: "Where did that come from?" Coldheart: "We have a new threat, some Team Blume, I'm not going to mess with them." Voider (laughs loudly): "Since when are you afraid of that, Prince of Ice? How many of them tried to attack us until now, we drank their blood without even bothering! They didn't even scratch us." Coldheart (showing the burn): "One hit me with electricity, another hit me with the sun's rays. It seems that it's not even a part of their strength, and there are six of them in total, five girls and one guy." Radion: "You're such a fool, really... We'll separate them, destroy them separately and that's all. You're quite the drama queen, and here is my specialty to create drama and to be a queen, no offense to the ladies. (leaves)" Ferris (glances at him angrily as he leaves): "You have a lot more planets to destroy before you can call yourself queen. (to Coldheart) Even though I think you're exaggerating, we're all going to see that team, okay?" Coldheart: "Fine. You'll see I'm right."

   Soon we went to the South Pole again, Magdalena was with us. We didn't expect all five sisters and brothers, then we saw them live for the first time.

   Helia (seeing our dresses): "Oh, what a beautiful colors! Very aesthetic." Ferris: "Forget dresses and colors, these are the enemies. (to us, louder) We heard that you are our threat in conquering this planet... Very brave of you to stand against the strongest creatures in the universe, or at least in The Solar System. I'd be scared if I were you." Red Carnation (looking at them): "Couldn't you have been something other than villains? I mean, you look totally cool, you could be popular on our planet. I would buy anything with the image of Radion, he looks completely awesome." Radion (puts his hand on his hip and waves): "Thanks for the compliment, sister in color. (wink)" Voider (to Helia and Radion): "You two are still brats, there is nothing smart from you. (to us) You cannot defeat us, even stronger than you failed. We're giving you a chance to give up the fight, at least you'll have the chance to live your life until one of us wins our contest to take over Earth this time, and it's definitely my turn." Radion: "Hey, now it's my turn! After all, you see that people prepare radioactive particles themselves and pack them in metal packaging, they often threat with them - I will help them by making those boxes of theirs have an even stronger effect, I can easily spread their particles all over the planet! I will also add my own, of course." Pink Tulip (eyes wide open): "He's talking about nuclear war, isn't he?" White Hyacinth (nodding): "Yes. In a way, he's right, people are putting themselves on the edge of disaster." Me (to Voider): "Under any other circumstances, we wouldn't even be fighting, this way we have to." Voider: "Okay, let's shuffle the cards and see who gets what. (uses the power and we all face different opponents)"
  Chapter 6: The Fight

  Pink Tulip finds herself in the ring with Helia. Pink Tulip: "You don't seem like a villain at all, you don't even have that kind of energy. Yesterday I read about supernovae, yes, they can be disastrous, but mostly they are good, even people enjoy them." Helia: "In recent history, three of my supernovae were visible, the last one was in 1604, which is quite long time ago." Pink Tulip: "And what's the problem, why there isn't any more of them?" Helia: "There are, but in other galaxies. I haven't created any in the Solar System for a long time, I don't have a suitable star. (steps around Pink Tulip) I create helium that's necessary for a star to explode and shine, but for a big supernova I also need a big star to speed up the process, it would take me forever to make a small star go supernova. That's where one of the oldest stars in our galaxy comes in. (points to the sky) " Pink Tulip (startled): "The Sun?! Our planet needs the Sun as it is, I have read that the brightness of the star increases up to several million times after supernova. (thinking) Wouldn't that explosion destroy the planets?" Helia (shrugs): "It would probably destroy some, quite possibly yours too. Mercury and Venus would be burned, completely swallowed by the Sun, and yours would either have the same scenario, or you would be slowly burned by the proximity of the Sun, eventually being hit by an explosion. On the bright side, I might create a new planet like yours, maybe even more of them!" Pink Tulip: "If I find you a suitable star, will you give up the Sun, at least for a while?" Helia (intrigued): "How can you find a star for me? You people have barely been in space, let alone know what's in there. (gives her hand) If you find me such a star within three days, I stop the Sun's supernova plan for a thousand years. If you fail, no one and nothing will stop me from getting what I want." Pink Tulip (shakes hands with her): "I will do my best to succeed in that."

  Ferris was given Red Carnation as her opponent. Red Carnation: "You were the one with the meteors and the lava? Eh, too bad, I wanted to ask Radion for an autograph. (adjusts) Well, at least I can fight with you." Ferris: "You don't stand a chance against me. (with one movement of her hand floor started turning into lava, Red Carnation quickly flies away) I have the power over both flying creatures and terrestrial ones. (flaming meteorites start falling towards the earth, Red Carnation barely shields herself with her powers) Maybe my brother brags about being the first to come to this planet, but I was here back in the Azoic. I was here between the Cretaceous and paleogene period as well, I'm particularly proud of that success - I destroyed around seventy-five percent of your living world, and I completely destroyed the dominant species of that time. I assume you've heard of dinosaurs." Red Carnation (disappointed): "What did those dinosaurs do to you? They were minding their own business and then you come and kill them with a meteor, you really are heartless. I'll take revenge on the dinosaurs, I don't really like you anyway." Ferris (continues to throw meteors): "Your planet won't be much different from the surface of the moon, which I've already arranged according to my idea, I'll also break my own record for the size of the crater - it will be a much grander crater than the Yucatan's one. It will be much deadlier, for sure. There will be stronger clouds of dust and particles, more toxic acid rain, collapse of the food chain and photosynthesis, and as a cherry on the top there will be tsunamis and rainforest fires, this time no creature will survive." Red Carnation (already tired): "I won't be able to do this for long, and you already annoy me with your apocalyptic scenarios that I'll try to prevent, so it's time for an upgrade - Team Blume's fourth power - Black Carnation!"

  Her outfit changes to tight black knee-length pants, knee-high boots, a tight black t-shirt with separate sewn sleeves, circle earings, and a white ribbon around her neck. Only the black fingerless gloves remained the same.

    Black Carnation: "My power in Team Blume controls the air, but this power also controls the earth. (makes a shrinking motion with her hands) Earthquake! (the ground below them began to shake, covering the hot lava and creating a fissure that Ferris fell into) Bring the lava to the fissure!" The lava began to fill the fissure, but Ferris managed to escape before the hot lava got inside. However, no without consequence, as the heat of magma had completely burnt her right foot, and Black Carnation knew that this fight would continue and be even more difficult.

   Andor and White Hyacinth won Radion in this "lottery". Radion clapped his hands with satisfaction and said: "Oh, two in one! Great, I like company. So, friends, what are we going to play? Are we going to be good and not annoy the radioactive ruler, or are we going to be naughty and attack? Hmm, what do you think?" Andor: "You're the weakest one, right?" Radion (startled): "Me, the weakest?! Oh, now I have to tell you a story, a beautiful fairy tale that will show you that this is not true. It goes like this: once upon a time there was a colony that lived on its own planet, multiplied their population and built on it, it was relatively peaceful until I appeared and played a little bit too much with nuclear explosions. Since then, there is no more life on that planet, and after so many years it has not recovered and it is unlikely that it will ever be able to. And so, your neighbor Mars is now one big radioactive ball, not to brag. Since none of my siblings take me seriously, then I'll have to do it again on at least one other planet, and yours is the only inhabited one in the Solar System. The rest of my brothers and sisters ended up with all other planets anyway, they left me nothing but some miserable satellites and meteorites, but that's not enough." Andor (pulls out his sword): "And Mars was too much for you. (goes at him with his sword) " Radion (jumps high): "Poing-poing! I'm like a bouncy ball, you can't catch me, Earthling!" White Hyacinth (activates wings): "Luckily, I can fly. (hits him with snow powers, but the snow melts quickly)" Radion: "Oh , sister, you will need a lot of snow for me; I am radioactive, I have a huge amount of heat. (hits her with plutonium particles, she quickly creates a shield for her and Andor) It won't help you much, I have the entire Periodic Table of Elements in my system. Let's try uranium now, how do you like it? (White Hyacinth whips her powers back to him) No? Has it gotten hot in here, or is it just me? (laughter)"

   Andor (puts White Hyacinth aside): "He's strong, I don't know what to do. I can't stab him with the sword, his weapon is invisible... I don't know what to do with him." White Hyacinth: "My tactic would be to use a large amount of ice to freeze him, and then you would stab him with the sword. The problem is that I can't create that much ice, and I can't yet turn into a dark form where my powers are stronger." Andor: "Then we'll try one more time with your current snow powers, if we fail we'll try another time, okay?" White Hyacinth (nodding): "Okay."

  Although they failed to defeat Radion, they still saw that the tactic could really work, it gave them hope that they would succeed next time, if White Hyacinth could reach the next form with stronger freezing power.

    Magdalene and Yellow Dandelion found themselves face to face with Coldheart. Yellow Dandelion (to Magdalena): "Stand behind me, I will protect you with my powers." Magdalena (puts her hand on her shoulder): "Don't worry about me, I can maybe contribute something if needed." Coldheart: "I already know you from last time, you're the one who burned me. (looks at his hand) A little but enough to feel the pain. I haven't felt pain in thousands of years." Magdalena: "Oh, it's certainly not good... Isn't there a psychologist in the universe? I think it's nerve-based." Coldheart: "We don't fool around with psychologists and healing wounds, but get down to business. Here, I turned that pain into ice." Yellow Dandelion: "Destruction is the worst way to express pain; it doesn't solve anything for the person who feels that pain, but that's why it brings pain to others as well." Coldheart: "Excellent. When I freeze them all, they won't feel anything either. I will freeze all the suffering in the world." Magdalena: "You will also freeze happiness, kindness, love..."

    At the mention of love, Coldheart made a sharp motion with his hand, thereby creating a large ice wall. He said through his teeth: "Love... That feeling only destroys a person, leaves him as a ruin. It gives you a false sense of happiness and makes you dream of a different future, and then suddenly it is taken away from you and you have no control over it... Love kills a person the most. (disappears from there, leaving Magdalena and Yellow Dandelion alone)"

   Yellow Dandelion: "There is some difficult story, I kinda feel sorry for him. Nobody deserves to suffer this much." Magdalena: "I agree. Maybe next time we'll reach him, if we're lucky we won't even have to fight him."

   Voider and I were in fifth place. I have no idea how to fight a guy who creates the black holes, he is the strongest of their group.

 Voider: "You were in our spacecraft and you took the map of our movement. That's the only way you could know where we are, and I noticed that the map was missing from where it was left." Me: "Yes, we were there. Interesting design of the room - black walls with black furniture." Voider: "It represents nothingness." Me: "I know, I've lived in one for decades. Our minds are sometimes like black holes; everything negative falls into them, as if a heavy gravity pulls in everything we're running from. Running away or not, it's all coming our way again, so there's no use running away." Voider: "And what are you going to try to destroy me with? Weapons, poison, natural disaster? Let's try that too, although I'm already sure you won't succeed, I'm indestructible." Me: "No one is indestructible. Even the universe can disappear one day, and with it all of us in it." Voider: "That's why I have to destroy the entire universe, then I certainly won't be left either. Namely, the ultimate fate of the universe has three theories - the great cooling, the great compression and the great tearing. I can't do anything with big compression, ie. to cause all the objecrs in the universe to compact until the universe simply disappears, that is not my domain. Great cooling, with a huge black hole that swallows the entire universe - that's already something I can create. That would be the end of the universe." Me: "Wait, you actually want to self-destruct?" Voider: "Yes, so? Haven't you ever seen someone who wants to destroy themselves?" Me (nodding): "Let's just say I know the feeling from the personal experience. Is there really no other way but the 'ultimate fate of the universe'? Are you all so strong that nothing but the end of time can destroy you?" Voider: "I didn't even talk about them. I am the oldest and the most powerful. (spreads arms) You're the leader of the team, I guess you have a lot of power - try to destroy me. Use everything, put it to the strongest, you will see that there is no chance."

   And indeed, I changed all the powers of weather, tried different weapons - he would always just stand up and his wound would heal, nothing could permanently injure him. I turned into Black Rose and struck with lightning, unlike Coldheart he didn't even feel a slight shock. I knelt down from lack of strength, feeling like all my power was completely worthless. If I hadn't promised to lead this fight through to the end, I would have shot myself with this weapon right in front of me, Voider wasn't even scratched by it, but I would have been killed by it for sure.

   He stood in front of me and said: "See? It's  pointless to destroy you because soon the entire universe will be destroyed, so I'll let you go. I wouldn't advise you to worry about your destruction either, the end of absolutely everything - space, time, humanity, life - will come quickly. Go, there's nothing you can do about it.” I slowly stood up, looked at Voider and cast the teleport back spell.

    Makena talked to Ramon during the evening. Makena: "When are you planning to come?" Ramon: "There's no way I'll be able to fit in the next few months. I managed to sign a lot of new contracts, so it was worth it." Makena (indifferently): "Of course." Ramon: "What, we're going to argue about the child again? He'll thank us one day when everything is already waiting for him, he just has to come to the company and be the boss." Makena: "And what if he doesn't want to do that job? Why are we planning his destiny at the age of three?" Ramon: "This is not about wishes, but about security. More and more difficult times are coming, those who don't adapt will fail." Makena: "If existence were to end soon, what would you really be satisfied with in life? When did you do something that fulfills you, something you love, something that makes you grateful to exist? Have you ever had that feeling?" Ramon: "Yes... When I'm with you. But..." Makena (interrupts him): "No but. Life is passing and I don't want to spend it with papers more than with my son, I don't want to sit in the office all day but I want to go to the park or to a pastry shop with him, I want to be up to date with everything that is happening in his life. I will manage my work so that we have both security and family, you do what you want. Just don't be surprised when one day you seem like a stranger to your son or when he doesn't feel a connection with you because he barely sees you during the year, love and trust are earned with hard work and care. (hangs up)"

Chapter 7: Stellar Friendship

  Coldheart took the spacecraft and flew to Neptune. He arrived after three days, leaving the vehicle in front of the huge ice palace and climbed the thousands of stairs to the great ice room. In the central honor area of ​​the room was a large transparent block of ice, and in it was the frozen body of a mermaid with light blue hair like the sky, with two shells with a bluish glow on her bosom and a turquoise tail that shone through the ice. Although it had been there for a very long time, the body was preserved in perfect condition, the ice had preserved it for thousands of years. Coldheart runs his hand across the ice, kisses it and sits down next to it.

    "Crystal... I couldn't take it, I had to come. I told myself that I would move on, that I would let you rest in peace, that I wouldn't come to Neptune. I turned the whole planet into your tomb, that's the least I could do, but what does it mean to you and me when you'll never open your eyes again. I froze the whole planet and everything on it looking for whoever killed you, I looked for the killer even on Uranus but I didn't find that bastard to this day. That's why I had to leave, I can't take it anymore. Voider scolded me for despairing too much, I didn't want to seem like a weakling, so I somehow pulled myself together, but my heart stopped beating a long time ago. I hope I can join you one day, that there will be an opponent who can defeat me, because all this ice means nothing to me without your warm embrace. It was the only warmth I needed and wanted, and all that was left of it was burning desire to get revenge on the one who took it from me. It seems I'll never get to do it and that I will never know who is responsible for this."

   Amora teleported to the largest telescope in the world, looking for a star big enough for Helia's plans, she found a larger one in a slightly more distant part of the Solar System. She wrote down her coordinates and left the facility before anyone saw her.

   I asked Magdalena to leave me alone, with the promise that there would be no painting the walls with my blood and such, but that I needed concentration for the tactics against Voider. She used the time to meet up with Harmony in the park.

   Harmony (bringing her fruit ice cream): "What kind of love story do you think Coldheart is hiding? I think someone broke his heart, and there is nothing worse than when you love someone and then you get disappointed in them." Magdalena: "Have you ever... had a situation like that? Have you ever been in a relationship that ended in broken heart?" Harmony: Oh, not really. All my relationships in life have been short, I don't stay too long with people I don't see a future with, I don't waste time on relationships that have no potential. I'm a free spirit, I've tried relationships with both men and women, but I've never been drawn to stay in those relationships. I'm the type of person who is a good friend but hard to be in a relationship with, I'm into activism and spiritualism, I'm a hippie and I can't stand stagnation, I want to travel and see as much as possible of this beautiful planet Earth. I mean, if there is anything left of our planet after these enemies. What do you like? We didn't have the chance to get to know you more as a person." Magdalena: "Well, it's hard to describe who I am. I think I should still see what I like, explore what activities suit me... Is there any room for one more person on your travels? (smiles)" Harmony (smiles): "Of course, you might even like my lifestyle, if you have the energy for all that." Magdalena (touching her hand): "I think that with real people we always have energy for everything, even when you falter they can get you going." Harmony: "I agree. After these fights, the two of us are going on a great adventure, it will be an additional motivation for me to come out of this battle as winners."

   Pink Tulip found Helia and said there was a potential star for a supernova. Helia wanted them to go there together with the small craft similar to our car. Helia (while the vehicle takes off): "Don't tell any of my siblings that I drive this vehicle, they don't let me drive it. I get treated like a brat by them all the time, especially by Voider." Pink Tulip: "They probably want to make sure you don't get in trouble, that's how older brothers do." Helia: "That's not the case for Voider. He would literally kill me if he could, he doesn't love either himself nor others. He's a psychopath, he doesn't have any feelings. Unlike all of them, I didn't kill anyone; I did destroy a few space objects here and there, but I didn't destroy any living creature, I even created new planets for life and gave many new stars to the cosmos. Radion perceives destruction as a kind of game, Ferris has this complex that she has to compete with Voider, if you ask me - she is not far from him either. She doesn't want anyone to underestimate her because she's a woman, I understand her from that point of view, although that feminism of hers becomes toxic when she starts destroying even things she doesn't have to, just to show that she's worthy of being the leader of the group. I understand Coldheart, he had a loss, but that doesn't give him the right to freeze two entire planets, does it?" Pink Tulip: "Yellow Dandelion mentioned that there is something about him that he's carrying from the past." Helia: "Yes, someone killed his fiancee Crystal, they were inseparable and he stopped using  powers of ice when he was with her. She was a mermaid from Neptune and they were supposed to get married and live there, but one day she was found dead, most likely poisoned, every Neptune resident denied guilt and in a burst of rage he froze them all, he covered the entire planet in ice. He did the same with the planet Uranus, because they also denied guilt, and maybe none of them were really guilty - who knows. Anyway, he built a big palace on Neptune, preserved her body in ice and went there often, now he barely ever goes there. Seems that he is tired of grieving, he doesn't want to talk about it with anyone. And what do you control? Do you have any special power?" Pink Tulip: "Besides these Team Blume powers, I have an army of cupids, we bring love to people." Helia (smiling): "Oh, that's so sweet! I've always wanted a soulmate, but I'd have to look much further than the Milky Way. (disappointed) I'll never know that feeling. Only my love for the stars can alleviate that feeling of loneliness in this universe." Pink Tulip: "I wish I could do something about that too, but I guess human beings can't be in that selection. You are eternal, aren't you?" Helia: "Not exactly eternal, but in any case we are older than your order of Mammalia, falling in love with a human would be a short-lived pleasure. (they reach the vicinity of the star) It seems that this star is going to have a nice supernova, I'm going to give it a little boost with my powers to create the necessary conditions. (looks at Pink Tulip) I like it, and since I also like you as a person, then I'm delaying a solar supernova for three thousand years. In the meantime, I'll be looking for other stars." Pink Tulip (smiles): "So, the Earth will be safe as far as the Sun's explosion is concerned?" Helia (nodding): "Yes, for the next three thousand years. I'll see for later, although who knows what will happen to your human kind until then." Pink Tulip: "That will be quite enough." Helia: "I will return you to Earth, and then I will return to my star, I have a lot of work to do. (smiles)"

  After the fight with Voider, I stopped everything about the move, I realized that his scenario could really come true so it didn't matter to me. Once again, I got stuck with a villain that I can somewhat understand, at least as far as suicidal tendencies are concerned, but what he does is more than an exaggeration. On the other hand, it's torture to live without even a chance to destroy yourself, I probably wouldn't do better in that case either. Immortality sounds terrifying even as an idea, let alone that one actually has to live forever... There have been those of our kind who have sought after immortality, but they never seem to have given it much thought, it's one of the worst things someone can wish even when they love their lives. I certainly won't come to Voider's defense no matter how desperate he is, no one has the right to hurt others because of their pain, and he wants to destroy all of existence; if anything could be called selfish, then this would be an ultimate example. Yes, that's what the person who killed two people and made so many people worry because she turned into a rose think, who am I to talk about selfishness? And it is also selfish to tell someone that suicide is selfish because, after all, "it gives pain to someone else", and no one asks how much pain that person carried inside before deciding to do it. And maybe people don't mourn for that person, but cling to memories through the prism of their own feelings, so most of them cry and mourn their own pain that actually has nothing to do with that person, possibly if they feel guilty - which is again part of their pain. Now someone would mention love and sincere concern for someone, but I don't know what that is, since childhood I was more of a burden than a person, a boring, hideous child who retreated into her own world to be less of a bother, and even then I was pulled out for a while so they would make fun of me. I can't even get used to the idea that someone really cares, I'm not worthy of that, that's for some other people. What if every being is actually selfish? What if I'm selfish too? I have to try harder around others, I don't want to be selfish. How did I even get to think about this when I started about Voider?! There is really nothing left out my brain, wish I am able to successfully finish this battle and silence it forever, I must be annoying to the people around me. I'm a horrible person.

  Arik teleported to me, more precisely Rea brought him. It was a mild windy evening, I was sitting outside and he joined me. Arik: "Why did Magdalena leave you alone?" Me: "I insisted that she go for a walk, I can't stand constant supervision either. I see, now you will supervise me." Arik: "I won't, I came because for years some things that I haven't said have been bothering me, and now that I have the opportunity to tell you - I don't even know how to say them. First of all I want to say that I noticed your behavior and mood after the fight - not good news, is it? Is he a tough opponent?" Me: "He is indestructible, and at the same time self-destructive. I don't want to be pessimistic, but I think that the end of the universe is coming soon. Not only of our planet, but the entire existence of everything. In order to destroy himself, he must destroy literally everything. I wanted to keep quiet so as not to spoil your mood, but that's the way things are. I was looking for what destroys black holes, they are indestructible. They have a strong gravity and attract every form of matter and radiation, time and space are infinitely warped in them, the oldest ones are created a little after the Big Bang. Supposedly they can explode when their heat reaches a critical limit, which never happened with those ancient black holes, they will leave devastation if they explode. In our galaxy there is a supermassive black hole Sagittarius A. All this information means nothing to me, I can't come to a solution." Arik (breathed out): "Then it's more than obvious which enemy will destroy us. At least we have time to fulfill our last wishes. What did you never get to do? You were never even in a relationship, am I right?" Me (looking into the distance): "I have never regretted that and the things that go with it. I don't regret lack of kisses, intimate acts, relationships, marriages, children. Speaking about it, I don't miss any of that. I've always lacked an older person who would notice when everything started to go to hell, that's normally the role of a parent, but it's as if I've been emotionally alone since childhood, that's why I became who I am now. Then, maybe I missed to have brother or sister, especially when I already saw that there was nothing out of me, I wanted my parents to have at least someone if something happened to me, which turned out to be fatal for them. I am guilty. (I lower my head down) I killed them." Arik (hugging me with one arm): "You didn't kill them, it seems like that, but you didn't. It didn't just come to the point that nothing matters to you anymore, it's a long process." Me (holding back tears and moving): "There's no need to defend me, I know it's my fault. I'm selfish jerk and I have to bear the burden of my guilt, I can't blame others for this." Arik: "We can't turn back time, and we can't turn them back, but I have one suggestion - although maybe now in this age it won't mean much to you, I want to be your step-brother*. That way you'll get part of what you wanted, maybe a little late, but better than never. I'll be your brother and I'll notice when things go to hell, I wanted to have a sister to protect anyway. However, I was the one who hurt you, so I don't know how much you'll want me to protect you, I said horrible things that could have killed you, and then you gave the power for my life." Me: "I already told you that you didn't say anything that wasn't true. I really leave that impression." Arik: "I wasn't looking at your soul, I was looking at your physical appearance like a fool. And just so you know, I don't think you look bad, really. I just wish you weren't sad or scared all the time, and for the rest I wasn't right. We can't know much about a person based on what we see, we only get to know a person when we feel their energy, when they mean to us. The only question that remains is whether after all this I am worthy to be your step-brother." Me: "Am I worthy to be your step-sister?" Arik: "You are not worth less than me to ask me that question, and I asked because I wronged you. Does that mean you agree?" Me (shrugging my shoulders): "Good. We will be brother and sister until the end of time, it's true it won't last long, but  it's better to be related for a short time than in hatred for the rest of our lives." Arik (smiles): "Then we will perform the traditional custom for becoming step-siblings... sister Lilith." I (nod my head and smile slightly): "Okay, brother Arik, we will perform the ceremony so that it will be official."

(*Our old custom where two people, most likely friends of any gender, take each others as brothers or sisters. Such a brotherhood/sisterhood is respected just as the real one, even tho it is not judicialy valid as adoption is. There is no proper English translation for that term, so I'll write it this way.)

  Chapter 8: The Calm Before the Space Storm

  The step-siblings ceremony ended next to the blossoming lilac tree that Amora planted in the park when she was ten years old. Finally, we were supposed to "mix the blood" by letting the blood out of the hand and shaking hands, which wasn't a problem for me, but Arik was afraid to make a small cut to let the blood flow.

  Arik (looking at the knife): "Does it hurt a lot?" Me: "Not me, but I can see that it could be a problem for you. I'm surprised that a warrior can't stand wounds." Arik (smiles): "That's why I'm a good warrior, I don't let them hurt me." (closes eyes, cuts, and moans) Ouch, I don't know how you keep doing this. (we shake hands) As your brother, I will try to protect you from the things that lead you to that." Me: "And I will try to provide comfort, advice and listen to you, as a real sister does. (we hug and kiss three times on the cheek) Now we are family."

 Rea (approaching me): "Awesome, so now you're my sister-in-law? (hugs me) That's how I'm going to call you from now on. You call me sister-in-law as well. (winks and laughs)" Me: "That sounds kind of old-fashioned to me. (laughter)" Rea: "You're right, we'll call each other by our names as before, we have nice names, why should we give a damn. But, I'm still glad that you took Arik for your brother." Harmony (approaches): "I prepared lunch for all of us. (looks at Magdalena) Admittedly, I also had help, nothing without her." Makena: "Amora and I will go get the children and we're coming, don't start without us. (smile)" Harmony: "We won't, don't worry. This is an ideal opportunity for us all to get together, I'm really glad about it."
  We went to Harmony's house, Makena and Amora stopped by to pick up their family, so they could join us. Makena took the key out of her purse, put the key in the lock and panicked when she saw that it is unlocked, so quickly went in to check if everything is okay with the child. She calmed down when she saw him playing with Ramon in the living room.

   Ramon (getting up): "You're right, he's grown. I haven't seen him in a really long time, and neither I have seen you. (hugs her) I missed you." Makena: "Haven't you had a lot of work these weeks?" Ramon: "Expansion of the company will wait until further notice, I don't want a big company. It will be more than enough for the three of us, even for four if we expand the family. I want to be here, I also want to go to that park or the pastry shop, I also want to spend more time with my son than with the papers. Instead of chasing after something limitless and uncertain, I want to enjoy what I have now, which is you, my family." Makena: "Harmony has prepared lunch and wants us all to get together, you're going to meet Lilith and Magnolia, now she is in human form and her name is Magdalena. (smile) From what I've noticed, there's some sympathy between Harmony and her, but we all pretend we don't know about it." Ramon (taking his son): "Okay, then I'll keep the secret too. (winks)"

    After lunch, everyone sat and talked, Harmony and Magdalena were with the children and played with them, while I sat in a quiet part of the yard and thought. Arik joined me after a while.

   Arik: "You're thinking about Voider?" Me (nodding my head): "I feel powerless. (looking at the others) It's better that I didn't tell them anything, they don't have to worry about that bitter truth." Arik: "For years I couldn't understand how could you be constantly worried and constantly overwhelmed by those heavy emotions, at some moments it seemed crazy to me, but then I understood over time. You felt everything around you and you didn't share these informations, so in a way those emotions became yours and you felt responsible for them. In addition, you know the most likely outcome of situations because you think ahead, so that makes you even more stressed. That's why we can't possibly get you out of it, you're not used to discussing what's bothering you right now, you try to analyze that information yourself and find a solution, thinking it's your duty. You would even carry that information about the end of the universe till the end by yourself, just so you don't worry anyone, but you know and you worry about it." Me: "But now I transferred my concern to you. Now we are the only two people in the world who know it's all going to be gone soon, I just don't know what we get out of it when neither you nor I have the power to stop Voider." Arik: "True, we don't get anything out of that, but at least we shared the worry. That's what close people are for, so you can tell them everything without fear or hesitation." Me (looking at the grass in front of me in silence for a few seconds): "Do you think it's possible to create such an amount of heat to destroy a big black hole? If Voider already thinks that creating a black hole will kill him, why doesn't he just go to already existing ones like Sagittarius A and finish with it, instead of creating a new one that will pull all the space objects in?" Arik: "I'm not sure about the first one, you say that those black holes from the dawn of the universe still exist and that nothing has destroyed them yet. I have a theory for the latter - Voider saw the entire history of the universe, he saw all the changes, destructions, creations - absolutely everything. That's a lot of information, which after a while started to suffocate him. Sounds familiar?" Me: "Yes, it seemed to me that we had something in common." Arik: "Unlike you, he has no empathy for the world and other beings, that's why he lost control. Of the five, only Helia has a conscience, the others are lost in their obsession, and Voider's one is the worst. Just as you were burdened by everything around you, of course to a more reasonable extent, so he is burdened by the universe and wants to destroy both it and himself, so much bitterness has accumulated in him." Me: "His example is the best way to see why immortality would be the greatest curse and why being transient is actually a good thing, except when too young beings are dying." Arik: "That's how people appreciate all those small, seemingly insignificant moments of enjoyment with those they care about and do things that fulfill them, they pay more attention to those closest to them because they know that we all have a limited deadline, and no one knows when the deadline expires exactly. Me: "Well, that is also good philosophy of life; in my interpretation it's better that life is passing because, no matter how much you suffer and how much plights you endure in life, you know you won't suffer forever, even that has its limit. When a man dies, he no longer worries about anything and has no more problems, death comes as his reward." Arik (looks at me and exhales): "I hate that you are right, mostly it really is that way. (we stand up and join the others)"

   Pink Tulip and Helia were sitting in the meadow and looking at the sky. Helia (looking at the sky in amazement): "This color is so beautiful. This is how we in space see your planet, as a blue dot. The Sun sometimes turns this blue, but it's short-lived, while Earthlings can almost always enjoy the blue. Except when Ferris starts throwing meteors, then it kicks up so much dust that the sky can't even be seen." Pink Tulip: "How's the supernova progressing?" Helia: "Excellent, I'm almost done. People on Earth will be able to see it in a day or two. There is that Chandrasekhar limit that I have to have, although I have long passed the white dwarf limit, ie. a star that no longer shines, I approach the mass equal to the Sun. I have to make it big enough, I just have to make sure Voider doesn't get ahead of me, he turned my potential supernovas into black holes a few times, he annoys me with them." Pink Tulip: "I read something about the so-called 'red giants' too." Helia: "Yes, their core turns red from carbon, that's why they get that color. Very nice color." Pink Tulip (handing her a little box): "If you like red, you might like this." Helia (opens and sees a necklace with a red heart): "Oh, how sweet! This is an earthly symbol for love? (Pink Tulip nods) It's so beautiful, and this symbol is so beautiful too... (puts it on her neck) Here, I'll put it on right now. (searches her pocket) Then I'll give you this. (hands her a star-shaped stone) It's a star stone, it shines like a star and shows my current energy. If something were to happen to me one day, it would stop shining, although I don't believe it will be soon. (smiles)" Pink Tulip (takes the stone admiringly): "Oh, it's so beautiful! It's so sparkling and have a beautiful colors, I'll keep this as long as I live. (puts her hand to her heart) Thank you for this." Helia: "Thank you for the necklace. Hey, if you have a chance, look at the nebula that remains after the supernova, it looks like a multi-colored cloud that sparkles in the universe, I like it best when pastel colors are made. After the supernova I'll come to say goodbye, and after that I'll go to another galaxy, I don't want to follow the path of my brothers and sister, also I want to find the love of my life that I've always dreamed of." Pink Tulip: "Although I don't like farewells I think that's a good idea, you deserve to make that dream come true. Maybe in another galaxy you'll find your place under the sun... or whatever star is out there, I'll also cast a good luck love spell before you leave so you can find that person faster." Helia (joyfully): "Excellent! I can't wait to go, and I believe that you will bring me good luck, after all, you are the leader of cupid's army." Pink Tulip: "I also hope that I will bring love to someone one more time."
    Amora spent the rest of the day with her family, just like Makena, I was thinking of tactics against Voider for the hundredth time, Harmony and Magdalena were walking to a nearby hill. Rea returned home after visiting the doctor.

    Arik (worried): "What did the doctor say, are you okay?" Rea: "Yes, it's nothing serious. Everything is fine, don't worry." Arik: "These past fifteen days you are often not well, did the radiation from Radion affect your body? I'm really going to kill that guy, he won't create radioactive particles ever again." Rea (calms him down): "Listen, I have to defeat Ferris, and then we'll concentrate on everything slowly. I'm not in mortal danger, I'm not contaminated by radiation, I'm fine and don't worry. Let me concentrate on her, I have to think of a tactic to defeat her because she's pretty strong, I know now that lava destroys her when she gets directly into it. You concentrate on Radion, it's true that he looks absolutely awesome, but that's no reason to let him destroy Earth like he destroyed Mars." Arik: "Makena and I have a common tactic that could work, but we'll have a plan B. I'll ask for his autograph if you want." (laughs)" Rea (smiles): "Nah, it won't be necessary. Anyway, I'll always remember him when someone mentions Mars. (kisses him) All that matters to me is that we come out of this battle as winners, we have a lot more important things to do in future." Arik (gulped): "Yes... The future is ahead us..."

    The next day dawned. Helia is about to leave and go to her star, Radion stops her before she goes. Radion: "Knock-knock, I'm not even going to ask if I can enter, (enters her quarters) I bring you important news. I eavesdropped a bit because I could, and I heard that you were negotiating something with one of the members of Team Blume, that you mentioned leaving. Well, there's one little problem with that; you see, if I had heard first, I wouldn't have told anyone, even though I'm a big gossip, so you could go wherever you wanted, you know you protected me many times, so I'd return the favor. However, someone else heard, and I only heard when that person got the information from some shocked Earthling who saw you and the pink fairy or whatever they were, so this one of ours heard it the other day and got the information with a threat. And so, just to warn you." Helia (disturbed): "Who found out? If that's Coldheart there is no problem, he even suggested to me before that one day I should leave and find a better fate than destruction, he didn't want me to become like him, he said that he was sick of his memories too." Radion: "Unfortunately for you, the wrong answer." Helia (panicked): "Ferris?! Oh, she's not very fond of me, I don't know if I could get her mercy with a sorority bond, she's not exactly being with the softest heart, but maybe somehow I can reach her." Radion: "Now comes the most unpleasant part - it's not even Ferris. There remains one final and correct answer." Helia (turns pale): "Damn it. (sits on a chair) There is no escape from him." Radion: "Listen, sister, forget the supernova and go immediately, don't wait for him. He went to Jupiter, you have time to escape." Helia (shaking her head): "No, I'll finish what I have, even if it's my last. If something happens to me, at least you'll know who's to blame, but I'll succeed before he comes back." Radion: "You're playing with your destiny, that can't be good. I informed you, it's up to you what you'll do next." Helia (nodding her head): "Thank you. I hope I'll succeed."

   Ferris came out after a few days in the lab, her foot completely healed. Coldheart saw her in passing. Ferris: "Oh, look who's back from Neptune! What's new on Neptune? Oh, yes—absolutely nothing, just a dead mermaid and a pile of ice.” Coldheart (looking reproachfully at her): “I see, you've healed your foot, but you're still a snake at heart.” Ferris: "I'll take that as a compliment, I may be a snake but that's why I'm ready to fight, you'll let your opponents kill you without a fight. I'm not weak like you." Coldheart: "I loved at least once, you have no mercy for any being since you existed. If they can kill me - great, I'll join Crystal." Ferris (mockingly): "Pathetic. I thought Helia was weak, but you're the biggest weakling in my eyes, you let your emotions get in the way. (goes to her quarters) It's a shame, you had the potential for more." Coldheart: "I'd rather die than become like Voider and you. I've gone too far anyway, and I haven't found what I'm looking for. (goes to his quarters)"
     Chapter 9: Truth Under Starlight

    Helia was about to finish adding helium to the star's core to make it grow as fast as possible, but a small spacecraft stopped her in the process. Voider exited the craft, causing Helia to turn pale.

  Voider (looks at the star): "A really beautiful and big star, you're making great progress. I was on Jupiter, I brought you a present, something you love very much." Helia (shudders): "I don't want anything, thank you... I just want to finish this." Voider (gives her a bottle of juice): "To show how much I care, I brought you that favorite juice made of fruit from Jupiter, the one you used to drink in huge quantities. I thought, maybe you're getting nostalgic for Jupiter. I went all the way there for it, don't turn me away." Helia (smiles slightly and takes the bottle): "Honestly, I didn't expect this, I was afraid of what it was. (drinks two sips) Somehow it doesn't taste the same as before, but I appreciate the gesture. I have to finish the supernova..." Voider: "Take it easy, take a break and drink some juice, I won't be staying long either, I have things to do on Earth." Helia (drinks half): "Why you went all the way to Jupiter just to get fruit for juice?" Voider:  "Why I wouldn't go for my sister? I haven't done anything for you in a long time, it's just a nice gesture. (Helia drinks almost to the end, leaving a little bit at the bottom of the bottle) I could have put that poison in another drink, but I wanted it to be something you like." Helia (looks at him in panic): "Poison?! No, it's impossible that you would kill your own sister..." Voider (walks towards the spacecraft): "You are a traitor, so you will be treated that way. In an hour there's no escape for you, you're weaker than all of us anyway, so you're not yet indestructible, unlike me, that dose will be enough to kill you. Goodbye. (gets into the spacecraft)" Helia (yells after him): "Monster! (grabs her stomach and falls to her knees) I'll never finish the supernova, I don't even have the strength to stand up... (lays on the ground) Damn you, Voider. "

   Amora soon noticed that the star stone was losing its shine, so she quickly transformed into Pink Tulip and teleported to the dying Helia, who was lying on the ground of a nearby moon. Pink Tulip (runs to her): "What happened to you?! I have to take you to Magdalena to heal you, hold on..." Helia (quietly): "She can't heal me from this poison, he gave me the deadliest substance in the galaxy. It's killing me slowly because I'm too strong, someone else would ve killed instantly with just a small part of that dose. There is no escape in either case." Pink Tulip: "Who did it?" Helia: "Voider. He put poison in juice, at first it didn't seem like he came with bad intentions." Pink Tulip (shaking): "Your own brother?!!! Oh god... Why?" Helia: "Because he's a selfish monster, it doesn't matter. May I ask you for a favor, if you are capable of doing that?" Pink Tulip: "Of course, I'll do everything I can." Helia: "Teleport my body to the center of that star, I have enough helium in my cells to trigger a supernova. I'm dying anyway, at least I want to die with the firework of the universe." Pink Tulip (through tears): "Okay, I'll do it. I'm sorry that your existence ends like this." Helia (smiles): "Don't worry, maybe that's my fate. You just go to safety, supernova's energy can be uncontrollable and can destroy something, on Earth you'll be safe and you'll see everything. Keep spreading love on Earth, (touches her heart necklace) maybe in another life I'll be born on Earth and feel what it's like to have a soulmate by my side. Until then I'll shine like that star, just a million times stronger. You'll see me in the night sky, I'm close and yet far enough to not destroy you. (exhale) I'm ready." Pink Tulip (hugging her): "Team Blume's second power - teleport Helia to the center of that star! (feels Helia disappear from her arms)"

   Helia finds herself at the center of the star, which then begins to expand at high speed. Pink Tulip grabbed the bottle with the remaining juice and quickly teleported away, before the first explosion started.

   The supernova lasted about two minutes, illuminating that entire part of the Solar System. Amora looked up at the sky through the telescope she had created with powers, marveling at the magnificent sight, the most grandiose firework display she had ever seen; it was hard to catch every color the explosion created, they blended like a kaleidoscope and slowly faded away. In the end, a bright star remained, as well as several other space objects around it, and the star stone from Amora's pocket began to shine the brightest until then. "It was beautiful, Helia, I know you would be proud. I'm proud of you too." - she whispered, and then her gaze stopped at that bottle with the poisoned juice. She couldn't let Voider get away with it, she felt the truth should be told.

   Radion and Coldheart were in one of the common rooms, seeing the supernova they thought that Helia had succeeded in her intention and was now safe, so they were relieved. Soon after that, that bottle with the rest of the juice appeared on their table, and on it was a message: "Voider poisoned her, she wanted me to teleport her to the center of the star to activate the supernova. I am so sorry for your loss, she was a wonderful being. I'm really sorry."

  Coldheart and Radion looked at each other in disbelief, and Ferris entered the room. Ferris: "What's wrong with you now?" Radion: "Voider killed Helia. He poisoned her with her favorite juice, that bastard! (slams the table) I warned her about him this morning, I told her to run, but she was stubborn till the end." Ferris: "Is situation really that bad so he would kill her? I don't believe that, I will certainly trust my brother more than an anonymous message, most likely from the enemy. Don't be so naive."

  Coldheart turned the bottle in his hands, silent for a while. He suddenly jumped up and spoke to Radion: "I have to use the teleportation device, I know we rarely use it, but it's urgent." Ferris: "Where are you going now? You go somewhere all the time, while the enemies are probably thinking of how to kill us." Coldheart: "Shut up, Ferris, I have to check something. (to Radion) Where's the iron sledgehammer?" Radion (confused): "Sledgehammer? In the tool section. Why do you need it?" Coldheart (as he heads for that room): "I need to break the ice."

   He found himself in front of the palace on Neptune, quickly climbing thousands of steps. Everything stood as it always had, along with Crystal's icy grave. He took a sledgehammer and broke the ice block, bringing Crystal's body to the surface. With a heavy heart he took the knife and cut open her abdomen, pulled out her stomach and placed it in the container, then laid her back in the grave and froze her. He said: "I'm sorry for violating your perfection, I have to finally answer a question that has been bothering me for millennia. The truth must finally come out."

  He teleported back and without saying too much went to the lab, along with the remains of the juice and Crystal's stomach. Meanwhile, Voider also appeared.

    Ferris (to Voyder): "These two fools are accusing you of killing Helia, I don't believe it. They want to falsely accuse you." Radion (to Voider): "How could you? She was our sister!" Voider: "She was a traitor! She wanted to leave and she was cooperating with the enemy!" Radion: "Yes, she wanted to go to another galaxy to save herself from you, monster!" Ferris (looks at Voider): "Wait, you really killed her?" Voider (glances at her): "Yeah, so? You have a problem with that? Do you two want to join her or you are cooperating with Team Blume or whoever, as she did?!" Ferris (moving away from him): "This has nothing to do with Team Blume - you really are a psychopath."

   Coldheart (exiting the laboratory angrily): "I trusted you, and you had the heart to do it! (comes and punches him) You were even telling me to stop grieving for her, to channel that energy somewhere else - I killed the inhabitants of two planets because of you! (continues to hit him) Why did you kill my fiancee?! Why did you kill Crystal when she didn't do anything wrong to you?!" Voider (standing still): "She made you not concentrate enough, you needed motivation to use your powers again. That siren made you completely lose your mind, she was an impediment so I removed her." Coldheart (picks up a knife and starts stabbing him): "That was my favorite person, not an impediment! You are an impediment in my life, the hell with the day when the universe created you! I've been living with you under the same roof for hundreds of thousands of years, obeying your every command, and you took away what I loved the most! And that wasn't enough for you, you also had to kill our sister! You don't even show the slightest bit of remorse about it, you stand there like a statue without any facial expression, you disgust me!" Radion (calming him): "Let him go, you know you have no chance of killing him. Bastard is too strong, and you're just wasting your strength, your stabs don't hurt him at all." Ferris (in disbelief): "Are we on that kill list of yours, since you're already taking out everyone who gets in your way?" Voider: "If those little colorful bothers don't finish with you before then, then we all in the universe will disappear together. The ultimate fate of the universe." Radion (panicked): "You want to activate one of the three scenarios of the destruction of the entire universe?! You are completely crazy! Are you aware that nothing will exist anymore, that life is disappearing in all galaxies and with that disappears everything that has been created for billions of years? After that there is NOTHING to exist, do you understand that?!" Voider (as he leaves): "I totally understand what that means. It means that I will disappear along with the universe. Sounds like a good option, it's all getting monotonous anyway. (leaves )" Radion (to Ferris and Coldheart): "He's gone crazy, he's going to wipe us all out! (to Ferris) Does he have a weak point, anything that can destroy him before he does what he's set out to do?" Ferris (shakes head): "I don't know, he was created along with black holes after the Big Bang and is indestructible , as well as those holes. After all, if they explode, who knows what state the cosmos will be left in, so I wouldn't try destroying those holes, it's too risky. We'll get Team Blume out of the way first, then we'll see what we'll do with Voider." Coldheart: Why should we fight with them? They are the least of our problems in this story, our own brother is our greatest enemy!" Ferris: "Are we going to let them do whatever they want? We are the rulers of the cosmos." Radion: "If we were smart, we would cooperate with them." Ferris (furiously): "Never! (goes to her quarters)"

    Voider directed the spacecraft to the oldest quasar, a supermassive black hole thirteen billion light-years away from Earth, so he was in a hurry to get there as soon as possible to realize his plan.

    Ferris was strategizing how to destroy Team Blume alone, she knew that she couldn't count on Coldheart and Radion. She created footwear for walking on lava in order to avoid the risk of Red Carnation re-injuring or even killing her, as well as a shield that is resistant to liquid lava. Although she controlled meteors and lava she rarely had contact with them, so she eventually got minimal injuries that would heal in the lab where they had the technology to heal almost all parts of the body. That machine, like many others, was designed by her, she was gathering the knowledge of different civilizations from different planets. On Earth she learned a lot from the ancient Egyptians and Atlanteans, getting dissapointed with the later regression of the human race. It took them nearly two millennia to redevelop technology that had already begun to become obsolete on other planets, but at least there was some progress and interesting discoveries. She learned the most on Saturn, their civilization possessed the greatest amount of wisdom. Sadly, they didn't exist for the long time, so she didn't have a time to learn more from them, she hated that they also suffered a cataclysm similar to the Atlanteans on Earth. On the other hand, she was always annoyed by the kindness and empathy of the civilizations on Venus and Mercury, so with a few hundred meteors and hot lava she created complete order, as she called it. Helia never forgave her that, even though she looked up to her as her role model until then, she couldn't get over the fact that those two planets went from harmonious places full of good-natured beings to desolate prairies full of craters and active volcanoes without a single living soul. Ferris was not sorry, she despised showing emotions of happiness and sadness and felt like she had done nothing wrong. She was also annoyed by the civilization on Earth, but there she was always in a constant argument with Coldheart and Radion about who would rule it completely; she may have wiped out an entire species of dinosaur when she dropped a large meteor in the Cretaceous period, and she may occasionally wreak havoc when she activates one of her residual supervolcanoes, like back in Pompeii, but Coldheart's polar ice still remains and reminds that he has already left his mark on the Earth, while Radion believes that he is the future of the Earth. Only none of them cared about destroying Jupiter because of its characteristics, it was Helia's favorite planet too. Ferris thought about taking over Jupiter after the battle, but she couldn't plan too much because of Voider and his plan, it was ruining the whole concept. Her next goal was Team Blume, she didn't bother with other plans.

  Chapter 10: An Uncomfortable Discovery

   The rest of the team spent their days doing things they love and with people they care about, I insisted on that. The big fight with Voider was approaching, but I still had no solution, so I kept in mind that I might not succeed, that the end of the universe was dangerously close. The time has come for the final fights.

  Red Carnation and Pink Tulip went against Ferris together. Red Carnation (to Ferris): "We meet again. (notices the armor and the healed leg) How did you manage to heal the whole foot? And what up with that armor?" Ferris: "We're more advanced than you humans, we have the technology for that too. The armor is there to prevent a repeat of what happened last time, so you won't defeat me." Pink Tulip (to Red Carnation): "She seems powerful, how can we beat her if you can't use your tactics?" Red Carnation (worried): "I don't know, now I have to improvise because everything I planned is falling apart."

   Ferris didn't waste any time and immediately started with the lava and meteor combo, which again proved to be a strong combo as the girls had a hard time avoiding them. Pink Tulip shot her with an arrow to deconcentrate her for a while, enough for Red Carnation and her to transform into their dark form. Black Tulip's outfit was an elegant little black dress, black tights, black elbow-length gloves and black low-heeled shoes, complete with a black pearl necklace and two black flowers that supported her signature hairstyle with two small round buns on either sides. The power she controlled was a tornado, and with a huge tornado she began to collect burning embers from the air and directed the tornado towards Ferris, thus weakening her. Black Carnation shook the ground again and sent the lava towards Ferris, but the armor prevented the lava from hurting her.

   Black Tulip (to Black Carnation): "Mist and earth, i.e. lava in this case, and my wind ie. tornado. Let's combine them to get a combination of extremely toxic vapor, her armor can't handle it - she'll inhale it." Black Carnation (nods): "That's a great idea. Let's teleport as far as possible as soon as we launch, it can kill us too." Together: "Team Blume's third power - concentrated lava in the form of gas! Tim Blume's second power - teleportation to a safe distance."

   Ferris tried to pull away, but Black Tulip directed the steam directly into her respiratory tract, then dispersed the air throughout her lungs, causing her to fall and gasp for fresh air. Black Carnation applied her earthquake powers again, so that the hot lava ground completely covered Ferris' body. To make sure that Ferris was no longer alive, they had to cool the ground with something and then check. That's where the White Hyacinth they summoned came to their aid, who then transforms into her dark form in order to be able to cool that much lava at once.

   Black Hyacinth was wearing a short, tight black tank top with a collar and white line at the bottom, high waisted black pants with white line, her hair down (she still had medium length, very curly hair like before), glasses that she usually wore, of jewelry she had earrings with two deltoids. She froze the lava, then they removed that layer and saw that all that remained of Ferris was a skeleton, albeit different from a human being, more like a humanoid reptile without a tail. They returned to their regular forms after they were done with the dark powers, but White Hyacinth couldn't understand how Ferris' skeleton remained the way it was and wanted them to stay for a while. She had heard of some theories about reptilians evolving to become equal to humans, but she never took those theories seriously.

  Red Carnation: "The others didn't seem like reptilians, it seems like it's just her." White Hyacinth: "I don't understand how is this possible. On the other hand, we've been fighting space creatures these days, I don't know why anything surprizes me anymore." Pink Tulip started burying the skeleton, Red Carnation looked at her and asked: "What are you doing?" Pink Tulip: "I know she is a villain, but I think we should bury her according to our human customs. (the others helped her and they quickly finished) Good. Rest in peace and find your way, wherever it may be. (White Hyacinth and Red Carnation look at her) What, she deserves at least one last word." Red Carnation: "Can we go now, if we're done with the ceremonies? I really need to lie down, I'm not feeling well again." White Hyacinth: "Of course. Pink Tulip, go with her, Andor is waiting for me, we have to take care of Radion. If we make it out alive, I'll see you in the park." Pink Tulip: "Okay, we'll go then. (they go home)"

   During this time, Yellow Dandelion and Magdalena teleported to Coldheart. Coldheart (seeing them): "Great, I was expecting you, I was just wondering when you would finally come. I was thinking of not waiting for you, but taking a space craft and driving straight into the Sun, it would surely kill me, but I wanted to give you a chance to try. I said, maybe it means something to your collection of enemies or however you call it." Magdalena: "We want to solve this peacefully, not by fighting, we don't want to kill you. Don't kill yourself either, maybe we can solve this without it." Coldheart: "Wish I was able to kill myself with my own powers, but I could be killed by the opposite power, at least I hope so. We'll find out now." Yellow Dandelion: "I certainly won't do that." Coldheart (sighing): "Fine, so we're playing the hard way. (hits Magdalena with the minimum amount of energy, she falls down) This is the minimum power, I will increase it until you agree, but I warn you it won't be long before I kill her." Yellow Dandelion (runs to Magdalena): "Are you okay?!" Magdalena (slowly getting up): "Don't worry, I'm only slightly injured. (uses healing power) See, I'm fine. Don't give him what he's asking for." Coldheart (numb): "Okay, then, round two. (hits her again even harder, making her fly away because of attack) The next round kills human beings, so I'd really advise you to hit me as hard as you can and get this over with." Yellow Dandelion (to Magdalena): "I can't let him kill you, even if he doesn't kill you in the next attack it's only a matter of time before he does. (to Coldheart) Are you sure you want this?" Coldheart (nods his head): "I want to join my beloved Crystal. (spreads his arms) Shoot as hard as you can." Magdalena (to Yellow Dandelion): "Don't hit him, surely there is a way..." Yellow Dandelion (kisses her): "We must let him join Crystal, this way every moment without her is suffering that he cannot get rid of. I'd feel the same way without you, so we'll help him if we let him go." Magdalena (looks at Coldheart, then back at her): "Fine, I understand. Try not to make him suffer for too long, burning is one of the most painful ways." Coldheart: "Don't worry about it, just hit me. (nods) Thank you for your understanding."

   Harmony concentrated and felt a flow of many times stronger power, she transformed into her dark form. In this form, she wore black wide pants, flat shoes, a black top cut below the bosom, from where the flowing transparent material continued to the middle of the abdomen, and it also had two sleeve-like bands, then a short black veil around her head and bracelets made of intertwined thread that formed rhomboids. Under the veil, round black earrings with two sparkling black stones could be seen.

    She looked at Coldheart once more, felt the pain in his gaze and how much he wanted to leave, then gathered all her energy and hit him with it. Her energy was equivalent to a quarter of the Sun's energy so she had to focus it strictly on him to avoid causing damage around her, quite enough to fry Coldheart in a short amount of time. They collected his ashes, used their first power to create an urn to place the ashes in, then teleported to Crystal's grave on Neptune. Yellow Dandelion put the urn on the ice block and said: "You wanted to be with Crystal, so we brought you to her. It's the least we can do, we hope you'll be together in another world now. We are sorry that your story ends this way. Goodbye. (they go back to Earth)"

   White Hyacinth and Andor readily went after Radion - they had the tactic of Black Hyacinth freezing him and then Andor impaling him with his sword. However, they did not expect an extremely strange situation - Radion surrendered before the fight.

  Radion (to them): "Let's make it clear in the beggining - I'm not doing this because I'm weak, but because you need me alive more than dead. Although, sister, I can see that you're completely dangerous now, I wouldn't mess with you if I don't have to." Black Hyacinth (returns to the form of White Hyacinth): "I don't understand, you are surrendering? Is this some kind of trap or. ..?" Radion (waves his hand): "No, I'm just aware that Voider will kill us all anyway, (Andor shows him to stop talking) so I thought to live a little bit longer... (looks at Andor) What, what did I say?" White Hyacinth: "What do you mean by him going to kill us all? And you, Andor, what do you know about that?" Radion: "Oh, your blue friend didn't mention to you that my brother is indestructible, and besides, he wants to self-destruct... Ha, you get the irony... Maybe she doesn't know either, we literally found out yesterday what Voider's intentions are, although this knight of yours seems to have already heard about it, and only the girl with the blue-purple dress could have told him that." White Hyacinth (looks at Andor and fixes him with her gaze): "Tell me what Blue Rose said about Voider, is there anything we should know?" Andor: "There's a very good reason why she didn't tell you, she can't put herself together since she heard." Radion (nodding): "The boy's right, you gonna freak out." White Hyacinth: "Speak until I use my powers to take the words out of your mouth." Andor: "He wants to perform a scenario of the ultimate fate of the universe, a theory in which he creates a massive black hole that swallows the entire universe, including him. He wants to destroy the universe." White Hyacinth (sceptically): "He can't do that, the universe is eternal, and I'm especially sure that one person can't do it all by himself, there's no way." Radion: "Tell that to him, according to the data sent by the spacecraft he's driving right now, it seems he's heading for the quasar J0313-1806, a thousand times brighter than the Milky Way, one coma six billion times bigger than the size of the Sun, formed only a hundred million years after the Big Bang, which is almost nothing by our terms. When he reaches it - and nothing will stop him - bye, bye, universe! I'm glad we met, it's a pity that this acquaintance will be short-lived." Andor (to White Hyacinth): "I know you don't believe he has that much power, but he really does. Blue Rose attacked him with all her powers and in several ways, he didn't even have a scratch." White Hyacinth (in disbelief): "So, in a very short time we'll all be gone, everything will be gone? (grabs her head) Oh , for God's sake. I wish I had known, and maybe we would have found a tactic..." Andor: "There is no tactic, there is no special solution." White Hyacinth: "I thought that Ferris being a mix of reptilian and her kind will be the biggest information for me today, but this..." Radion: "Oh, that... Ferris was a bit obsessed with science, so she was doing various experiments. She tried to mix her DNA with the genes of giant reptiles that you had around the time of the dinosaurs, so she became like some kind of mutant. Those reptiles have entered a period of 'dead clades walking' on your planet, so I understand that for you humans it is a little bit unbelievable." White Hyacinth (explaining the concept to Andor): "It is a stagnation in the evolution of a species after great extinctions. (to Radion) So no reptilian people?” Radion: "No, unless someone else played with their genes like my sister did. She was the only example I knew of." White Hyacinth: "Let's go join the others, maybe one of them has a better solution, but I doubt it."

  Yellow Dandelion, Magdalena, White Hyacinth, Radion and Andor gathered in one place, Pink Tulip and Red Carnation joined later. Andor told how things were, worrying the rest of the team. Due to Radion's radiation, Yellow Dandelion created Croptococcus neofomans fungi all around to absorb the radiation, better known on Earth as "Chernobyl fungi" because they were found near the former reactor. White Hyacinth was recalling every detail she knew about Einstein's theory of relativity in which he explained the effect of gravity on light, but it didn't bring her any solution. She knew that black holes have high gravity and even absorb light, none of the knowledge (which she had in more than enough quantities) could be applied. They agreed to follow me.

  Voider had already gotten close enough that the quasar was fully visible, so he got out of the craft and headed towards it. I appeared in front of him.

   Voider (surprised): "You came for another defeat? Okay, it's your own fault. (starts towards the black hole) Do you want to jump in and save yourself some trouble right away, or will you wait for the black hole to expand and take in the entire cosmos? It's all the same anyway, it will end quickly." Me: "I came to prevent the disappearance of the cosmos." Voider (laughs): "You have no chance. (points his hand to the quasar) You are like a grain of sand compared to this space giant, consider that fight lost." Me: "The only fight I lost was the fight with myself, I won't lose this one against you." Voider: "Then you and I are very similar, with the exception that I will win the fight when I lose it. I've seen a lot of things in this universe, some things were my own contribution - I'm not going to lie, but almost everything repeats itself, like a boring tune that has been playing constantly in the brain for millions of years. You people find the cosmos fascinating because you hardly know anything about it, but I know almost everything about it and it has become extremely uninteresting to me." Me: "We are not the same. You want to destroy the entire universe because of your self-destructiveness, I want to save it despite my self-destructiveness. I feel guilty about my family even though I didn't directly kill them, and you feel no remorse even though you directly killed your own sister and who knows how many beings in the universe. Even though I have a pretty low opinion of myself, don't put me on the same level as you, I will never be such a careless selfish being."  Voider (looks at me and continues walking): "Okay, Miss Carrying, feel free to sacrifice your insignificant life to save the universe, but you won't achieve anything and your sacrifice will go unnoticed, as if you didn't do anything at all. Do whatever you want, all your powers are insignificant compared to the power of this quasar. (walks towards quasar)"

   Chapter 11: The Big Bang

  The rest of the team formed nearby. Radion (approaching me): "Here, sister, I'm here to help. Just be careful not to touch me - not because I'm handsome, although I really am, but because I'm radioactive, I can hurt you." Me (confused): "Um... Wasn't Radion on the opposite side? Where are the others, i.e. Coldheart and Ferris, since I've already seen Voider?" Magdalena (to Yellow Dandelion, whispering): "Don't tell the details of why we destroyed Coldheart, you know she has suicidal thoughts so we don't negatively affect her." Yellow Dandelion (listens and nods): "Coldheart is destroyed, just like Ferris. Radion wants to help." Radion: "What are you even thinking of doing? I assumed you wanted to enter the quasar and release the strong energy from within, am I right?" Me (nodding): "Yeah, I wanted to try that." Radion: "Then I'll follow and release the maximum from mine, we'll be twice as strong." Andor (approaching me): "You'll die if you do that." Me (looking into his eyes): "We will all die if I don't do that. This way we have at least some chance." Pink Tulip: "Should we come with you?" Me (shaking my head): "Not at all. Radion and I will destroy the quasar from the inside, you will be at the edges of this galaxy and you will create a shield to prevent damage to other galaxies, if the black hole explodes it will cause massive damage and it will mean more to me that we mitigate that damage at least a little, and I don't want you to get hurt, someone will be waiting for you at home. Take care, I don't need to tell you anything about your armies because you have already shown that you can lead them very well, you will have these powers while you live. (I give the little box to Magdalena) Here is a seed, plant it wherever you want if we win this fight, and I wish you all a long and happy life." Andor (hugs me and cries): "I said I would protect you, and I let you down." Me: "You didn't let me down, this is what I always wanted - to be useful to everyone. I will die as a hero, that's what my powers are meant for." Radion (signs the picture and gives it to Red Carnation): "This is for you. It's true that the picture can't really show my grandiosity, but that's all that will left out of me. " Red Carnation: "Don't worry, if someone asks me, I'll tell them that this is one cool guy, even though you destroyed Mars - we won't mention that one."

    We saluted each other, then Radion and I headed for the black hole. Rea (shouted): "Lilith!" I (turned): "What's wrong?" Rea (putting her hand on her stomach): "If it's a girl, I'll name her Lilith. I hope she'll be as brave and caring as you." Me (smile and nod): "I'm honored that she'll have my name, I wish her the best of luck. (we keep moving, Team Blume goes to their positions) "

  Voider jumped into the black hole and it began to rapidly expand and swallow everything in front of it. Radion and I entered shortly after him, activating the maximum amount of heat - he with radiation and me with lightning. When we reached the maximum of our power the quasar exploded, scattering destructive energy throughout the galaxy. Red Carnation, Pink Tulip, White Hyacinth and Yellow Dandelion used their powers to prevent this energy from passing to other galaxies, thereby saving the surrounding galaxies from destruction, perhaps even our own. After the brave act, they found themselves back on Earth in their human form, where Arik and Magdalena were waiting for them, realizing that this time Team Blume really no longer exists, so they just silently looked at the sky for a few minutes.
    Chapter 12: Towards the End of Our Time

  Thirty years later:

  The five children sat comfortably next to their grandmother who told them stories. It was already bedtime, and the children reluctantly had to go to sleep, but they wanted another story. Granddaughter 1: "But, Grandma, tell us again that story about the superheroines who saved the world thirty years ago!" Grandson 1: "And about the spaceship!" Girl 2: "And about supernova!" Grandson 2: "And about space!" Mikael (enters the room): "Children, it's time to sleep." Granddaughter 3: "But, Grandpa, Grandma Amora told us stories! We want more stories!" Mikael: Tomorrow. Good night, my little ones. (the children hug him and go to the room) Sleep well. (to Amora) Did they tire you out a lot?" Amora (waving her hand): "Not at all, I like to take care of them, it's my pleasure. If I can help our children - why not, plus the little ones will enjoy growing up together. The family has to stick together, we need each other." Mikael: "That's right. Did you tell them your story?" Amora: "Don't worry, I'm leaving out the tough details, they're too young for that. For now, they think it's some fairy tale that happened to some fictional characters. (leans her head in Mikael's arms) I can't believe it's been almost thirty years. Thirty years since we all almost disappeared, sometimes I can't believe it actually happened. We have a reunion in a week, I can't wait to see them again, I miss them so much." Mikael: "This time we're the hosts, we're going grocery shopping tomorrow." Amora (kisses him on the cheek): "Tomorrow I'll prepare cookies for you and these little angels of ours. (pinch him on the cheek) I'll prepare koh for you. " Mikael (smiles): "I'm going to get fat from your cakes, they're all delicious and I can't resist them. (gets up and heads towards the bedroom) I'm going to sleep, I'll wait for you." Amora: "Okay, I'm just going to finish my little ritual and I'll be back."

   Amora went outside and looked up at the sky. One star started twinkling when she came out, Amora waved and softly said: "Good night to you too, Helia, star princess. Greet Lilith for me.” She turned and walked inside, while star continued to shine in the night sky.

    The young professor taught astronomy, talking in detail about the Milky Way and the Solar System. The class ended, and his younger brother entered the classroom. Younger brother: "I came to pick you up, we're going to have lunch at mom and dad's. Are you ready?" Older brother (packing things): "Yes, here we go. How was it at the company, did you get used to it?" Younger brother: "Yes, yes... Dad and mom helped me a lot to manage. Are these students of yours listening to you?" Elder brother: "I can't complain. After all, you and I have heard about the cosmos from the first hand, they will get accurate information." Younger brother (nodding): "That's right."

  They reached their destination and rang the doorbell. Makena (opening the door): "Right on time. Get in." Older son: "I'm hungry, I've been at university since this morning. Where's dad?" Makena: "He went to the store, he will be back soon. How was your day?" Younger son: "I made a deal, I want to expand the company, and it looks like I will succeed in it quickly." Makena (looks at him and smiles): "Just like your father." Older son: "I've been talking about science and facts all day." Makena (laughing again): "Just like me." Ramon (entering): "Oh, you're here! I bought those white napkins with deltoids, your mother is a perfectionist. (laughter) She has some green napkins, but she doesn't want them, so I had to get her these." Makena (pretends to be offended): "That's what the person who yesterday spent two hours carefully reading the document from the company to see if there were any grammatical errors says." Younger son: "You often do that too, I noticed." Makena: "I see where this is going, so we'll put the discussion aside and go to the table." Older son (as they sit down at the table): "You're going to a reunion next week? Do you want me to drive you there?" Makena (waving her hand): "No need for that, Ramon and I will go alone and will stay a little longer. Life is passing, don't spend it only on work. Relax a bit, go out somewhere, engage in some hobby... In the end, no one asks you how much you worked anyway, nor you get any special reward for it, you work as much as you can for your needs, and one day for the needs of your family. You don't need more than that. After all, who knows what is happening right now in one of the galaxies without us even being aware of it." Younger son (shaking): "Ah, don't scare me." Makena: "The point is not to waste your time on things and people who don't suit you." Older son: "Mom is right, we are transient and we shouldn't waste our time as if we will live forever." Younger son: "I know that, the unpredictability of life just scares me a little bit, I like control over my life." Ramon: "Son, planning is useful, but it's not a guarantee. That's why your mother tells you that you have to leave room for unplanned things, be they good or bad." Older son (laughs): "I will follow your advice, maybe it will help me find a girlfriend." Makena (smiles): "Hope I'll hear that in my lifetime. (to another son) Whatever you do, just remember to make time for the things you care about. (Ramon and she hold hands and look at each other smiling) That's what you're left with at the end."

   Harmony and Magdalena returned from their trip, the visited the distant regions of South America, and were not home for a while. Their sixteen-year-old neighbor Emery took care of the flowers and animals during that time, so everything was in the best condition when they returned.

   Magdalena (sitting on a chair in the yard): "Emery took care of everything like a real professional, you can see that she will be a good biologist. She's interested in nature, she's learned a lot from us too... I think we'll leave the house to her, they will expand the yard as well." Harmony: "I think so too. She and her father are poor but honest, and you and I didn't make it to enter the adoption process, so I think she is the best choice. Until I met you I was worried about what would happen to the animals and plants, Cataleia's portal showed me where my solitary path was leading. I'm glad Emery was born in the meantime, it made it easier for me to think about that difficult subject. She is a gift from heaven."
Magdalena: "Yes, I'm glad that she appeared in our lives. (gets up and goes to the blue rose) She even arranged the space around the rose, took care of it, she is aware of how much this rose means to us." Harmony: "Do you think that blue rose is Lilith too?" Magnolia (shaking her head): "No, this rose does not bleed and it reproduces, rather it is a new species." Harmony: "Then we can give it a name, since no one else has given a name to this species before us." Magnolia: "Since the Blue Moon inspired Lilith to create the whole concept of Team Blume, although in reality it is not completely blue, then we will call this really blue one the Blue Universe. Blue Moon will be the beginning, and Blue Universe will be the center of blueness and this whole story." Harmony (smiles): "Very nice name, I think Lilith would like it too. I believe that she has become that - the universe, and this name fits very nicely with the new kind of rose, the only blue rose in the universe." Magdalena: "I'm glad you like it. (they go inside) Let's go to Amora's later, maybe she needs help getting ready for our meeting."

   Arik and Rea had moved away to another place in the meantime, but occasionally visited the city, especially when they had a gathering with the others. They were packing for the trip when their twenty-nine-year-old son Rodney entered the room. Arik: "Take care of the house while we're not there, don't throw parties at house again so that the neighbors report you. If you feel like partying, go somewhere, the city is full of clubs and cafes." Rodney: "Okay, I won't have any more parties in the house. Hey old man, do you have a cigar?" Rea (gives him a cigarette): "Cut down these, I didn't smoke that many cigarettes at your age either, and I led a very unhealthy life. You're really overdoing it." Arik: "That's what we told you, but you didn't listen to us, you reduced it during pregnancy. But really, Rodney, reduce it a little bit, there's no point of that." Rodney (takes a cigarette): "Of course, starting from Monday. I don't know exactly which Monday, but on Monday I definitely stop. (leaves the room)" Rea (annoyed): "I didn't realize how much trouble I was giving my parents until I gave birth to this male version of myself." Arik: "If it's any consolation, that character of yours brought dynamics to my life, I much prefer that than to walk in the park as a lonely old man, which was my scenario of a potential future." Rea (looks in the mirror): "Do you think I look older?" Arik (standing next to her): "Yes, we look older. (kisses her) It's because we're alive. If we weren't, we wouldn't be old enough to see what comes next, it would just all stop for all of us. (hugs her) I want us to look even older and see more things to come." Rea (smiles): "You're right. These wrinkles are a reminder that we still exist. I will look at them as a reminder that we had opportunity to live a life."
  There was a knock at the door. Rodney's twin sister said softly: "Sorry to interrupt you, I have to go to work so I just wanted to tell you. Do you need anything?" Rea: "Nothing, thanks for worrying. (to Arik) Here, the exact opposite of her brother, he's just looking for something." Arik (softly): "I know that the work of a psychologist is such that you constantly take care of others, but don't forget to take care of yourself as well. We are here for you at any time, I hope you know that, Lilith." Lilith (nods her head): "I know. I'm going now, I don't want to be late. (waves and walks towards the door)"

   In a week, they gathered again, reminiscing about past events and talking about recent ones. As always, they enjoyed their time together, celebrating that they had the opportunity to reach this age satisfied with their lives. And where am I? Well, I can't tell you that, we on this side are not allowed to give you details of what awaits you when you get here. After all, you will find out at some point anyway, so don't rush to find out, live that life for a while if you can. Considering my lifestyle, I'm probably the last person who can talk about it, but don't blame me, I don't like it when others get hurt and yet it happens all the time. Admittedly, it could have been worse, we could have been immortal. If we were all immortal, it would really be the end of the universe.

  The end (of the story, not of the universe, I guess I took care of that)
Suzana Ristić Suza (in this story Lilith, so I don't bother you all the time with my real name, but I'm Blue Rose ;))
24.07.2022, 5:35 p.m
Typing completed on 03.08.2022


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