The Artists live Forever: Eternity (2024)


The story is not suitable for people under 17 years old - although the content is not as explicit and as heavy as the previous three parts because it is a shorter epilogue after the third book, it still looks back on earlier scenes, all in all it can seem depressing because of its subject matter.



   Another seemingly ordinary morning, the sun has long since lit up the sky and the guys from the band "Blue Towers" have already gone their separate ways. While Reydan sat with Shade on the patio and enjoyed the peace, without the noise of the city, Hale drove his car to Alton and Sage's house. As soon as he parked, Adrian arrived, slightly disturbed.

    Adrian (walks up): "Hi, Uncle Hale, how are you right now?" Hale (nods): "I'm fine for now. (takes jacket out of bag) Your dad left his jacket in the practice room yesterday, I accidentally noticed it before I left, so I took it to return it to him during the day. It's not like him to forget things, but I can understand that it happens. (noticing his nervousness) What annoyed you?" Adrian: "I called them several times and no one answers, I just want to make sure everything is okay. (goes inside) Come on, fell free to enter. (Hale enters) I get worried when they don't answer, especially since Dad's sick - maybe they went to the hospital without telling me. (checks room by room after they enter) Mom, Dad, are you home? (walks towards the bedroom)"

  Hale noticed a piece of paper on the table in the hallway with something written in Sage's handwriting on it, and took it to read as Adrian went to the room. Already after a few lines, it was clear to him what the "instructions" Sage wrote about were for, so he turned pale and felt a heavy feeling in his chest, quickly moving towards Adrian.

    Adrian (leaves the room, quietly addresses Hale): "They are sleeping, I will not wake them up. They fell asleep in each other's arms, I'll wait until they wake up and then I'll go." Hale (shudders and hands him the paper, then they go into the bedroom together): "If it's not too late... (approaches the bed) Did you check their pulses?" Adrian (panicked): "No... You think they are...?"

Hale turned pale again after checking their pulses, then dropped to the floor, breathing heavily. "No, no! Damn it! What the hell did the two of you do?! (slams his hand on the bedside table) Their bodies are cold, a rigor mortis has set in. (gets up and hugs Adrian) I'm sorry, son, they left us. (cries)" Adrian (in disbelief): "But... How?! (looks at parents) Mom, Dad, it's impossible that you left together! (reads the letter) There must be some answer as to how this happened, how could have died together on the same day... (reads a sentence in the middle of the letter) Cause of death - a cyanide pill. (looks at Hale) Where the hell did they get the cyanide?!" Hale (sighing heavily): "Sage tried to kill herself with cyanide thirty years ago, it seems they got it again... (looks at the lifeless bodies of Alton and Sage) Why did you leave like this?! (grabs his head) Damn it!" Adrian (cries next to their bodies): "I know that dad was sick, I hoped that at least mom would live even if she had dementia, even if she didn't remember me... I started to prepare everything to get her a caregiver twenty-four hours a day, I was looking for someone through an ad to help when I'm not there... She thought she would burden me, that's probably why she did this. (slams the bed) They prepared me for this, but it hurts too much! (bursts into tears again) I've lost two people I've always loved in one day! The hell with everything!" Hale (wiping away tears and helping him to stand up): "Let's go out into the hall, I'll help you with everything. I'll call Shade and Reydan later, but first we need to call the coroner to confirm the death. Since it's a suicide, an autopsy may have to be done, but that's up to them to see what happens next. (hugs Adrian) We're here for you, we'll do everything we can to organize the funeral." Adrian (slowly puts himself together, they leave the room): "You see they've already taken care of that too, they've got almost everything - how come I didn't notice anything?!" Hale: "You couldn't, none of us knew where they were going in the past weeks. (grabs his head) Even though I don't even know where my head is, I have to put myself together and help you with everything, we have a lot of things to finish during the day. You sit down and try to calm down as much as possible, I'll bring the coroners." Adrian (nodding his head): "I'll try to put myself together as much as I can, I have to inform my sister and aunt, and then some other close people. You call uncle Shade and dad Reydan, thank you for being here with me." Hale (patting him on the shoulder): "You don't have to thank me, we're all here for each other no matter what. I know that both Sage and Alton would be there for my kids if something happened to me, but unfortunately, the circumstances are like this. (exhales heavily and start) I'll be back soon. (exit)"

   The coroners came and confirmed their deaths, and in the meantime several close neighbors came, as well as Jana. Hale called Reydan and Shade, they arrived within half an hour. Reydan parked the car in the yard and quickly got out of the car, telling Shade to take his time, then walked over to Hale who was waiting for them in the yard. Reydan (crying and hugging Hale): "I knew this could happen, but I had no clue it would be this fast... They were in a great mood yesterday, how could we know it was the improvement before death aka so-called "the surge"?! The hell with everything, I should have known, that's an important symptom in potential suicides." Hale (exhales heavily): "You couldn't even know, much less do anything... (lowers head) They took their bodies to autopsy, Sage wrote in the instructions that the cause of death was a cyanide pill and they want to confirm." Shade (comes up to them): "When and where did they get them? We should look at the search history and find where they bought them." Hale: "Who knows, maybe they got them a long time ago, maybe they didn't buy them now. Knowing the two of them, I wouldn't be surprised if they had them all along in those medallions around their necks, maybe they've been carrying it with them for ten years without us even suspecting it. In any case, we couldn't do anything." Reydan (getting upset): "You know, it's possible that they really had a pill in the locket, they'd always freak out when those necklaces were mentioned! What a coincidence that just yesterday we were talking about them, and today this happens! If I'd known, I'd have ripped those necklaces off and they'd still be alive now!" Shade (calms him down): "Easy, Reddy, it's just a theory, maybe the cyanide wasn't even in those lockets. Wherever it was, now it's late anyway, we lost them. (looks around) Where's Adrian, how's he doing?" Hale (breathing out): "He's inside, it's very difficult for him. Jana is with him, almost all of our children have come to be with him, Catherine will be here during the day. We need to get the death certificates sorted and call the funeral shop and man who made a gravestones, Alton and Sage have already booked everything. They even bought food and drinks to serve. (exhales)" Shade (eyes wide): "Wait, and no one at the funeral shop was suspicious that they were booking for two people?" Reydan (pats him on the shoulder): "At our age that's not unusual, and they were both sick... (they go inside) We can't blame anyone, the whole town knows that Alton had a few more months left and that Sage was losing more and more function of brain, it's not those people's fault, and it's not ours either... (sigh) I still wish they hadn't left like this and to lose them together in the same time... I still can't believe what happened. " Hale (with teary eyes): "Me neither, but the three of us have to be as calm as possible to help Adrian and Catherine, they lost both parents in one day. Although they are adults, they are still young, we will be with them." Shade (nods and wipes away tears): "Let's go inside, we'll deal with it one by one during the day."

    In the evening, another car parked in front of the house; Catherine, Diana and Valentina have arrived after a long journey, Adrian welcomes his sister at the gate. Catherine (approaches her brother, furiously): "How did you not notice anything?!" Valentina (puts her hand on her shoulder): "Catherine, what did I tell you? It's not his fault, he's been with them for two years now and you can't blame your brother for what happened." Adrian (eyes full of tears): "As far as I've seen from their call history, they talked to you before they died - how about I blame you? I know you're broken about this, and so am I, but we can't blame each other, or anyone else. (hugs her) We can't argue, there's only you and me left and we have to be united." Catherine (cries and hugs him tighter): "I know, but... Why did they kill themselves together? Why did they leave like this all of a sudden, both of them?!" Adrian: "They loved each other so much that they even wanted to die together, they couldn't live without each other. (puts his hands on her shoulders and looks into her eyes) Dad was very sick and she couldn't bear to watch him suffer anymore, even the morphine didn't help him in the end. He killed himself because of illness, she did it because she couldn't bear life without him. (exhales and smiles slightly) During the day, the owner of the funeral shop and the man who made the gravestone came, they said that the two of them were in a very good mood when they were at their place, that they looked at each other in love and with smiles on their faces and how they held each other's hands... They told them about us, how proud they are of us because of what we have become, they told them about how they are not afraid of death because they know that they have given the world two intelligent beings, that they believe in us and they know that we are capable of much more. I don't know, somehow it calmed me down and encouraged me, I will never betray that trust." Catherine (wiping away tears): "You'll see, we'll succeed and make them even more proud. Now we have to give them a dignified farewell, after that we'll see what we do next. (looks around) Are the others there?" Adrian (nodding): "Yes, they are inside. The funeral will take place the day after tomorrow, the procedure is such that an autopsy must be done, and we will inform closer relatives during that time. Dad Reydan, Shade and Hale will be letting the band's fans know via social media, none of us feel like posting anything but we have to let people know." Valentina (looking down the street): "What are we going to do with the journalists? They will want to know as many details as possible." Catherine: "Now we won't deal with them, I'm sick of their involvement even in tragic events. I know they were an important factor for the band's popularity, but we as a family can't give them statements right now. We will publish the news and that's enough from us." Adrian (nodding): "We'll finish it later, first rest from the road. (all go inside)"

    Sage and Alton were buried the day after the autopsy, with relatives, friends and fans of the band in attendance. There was a handful of blue, purple and pink flowers on their grave, they were buried side by side in coffins and equipment they had chosen together. The journalists, despite the fact that their loved ones asked them to leave them alone at this moment, still tried to take as many photos as possible and write down as many notes as possible. Hale almost punched one more annoying journalist, Reydan and Shade barely calmed him down so he wouldn't create another problem for himself, given that his health wasn't the best either.

    Adrian was sitting in his former room flipping through the photo albums, Catherine entered the room and sat next to him. Adrian (looks at her): "Can't you sleep?" Catherine (shakes her head): "No. Diana and aunt are sleeping, I don't feel like sleeping. (puts her hand on his shoulder) Rest if you can, we got really tired for these two days. (looks around) I can't believe they are gone, the house is so empty without them. I loved when dad played and mom sang with him, it was like a private concert we could enjoy. I'll miss them playing music, sometimes they even danced, I'll miss their energy, their voices. (looks at the album) I remember this trip, we went with our former car, I think I was in a second or a third grade of primary school." Adrian: "Yes, I was in the upper grades of elementary school. (laughs) Do you remember when we all went to the national park together, when we saw a hind with a fawn and some other animals? How scared you were of that lizard... (bursts into laughter) I still remember how you screamed!" Catherine (laughs): "It ran over my leg, I thought it was a snake! (smiles) Dad calmed me down and I felt more secure, both he and mom always comforted and calmed us down, often fulfilling our childish wishes. Well, we weren't demanding children either, but you could see that they enjoyed making us happy. (her eyes fill with tears) I loved when we all went somewhere together, either to nature, to a fair or some event, as if they wanted us to see as much as possible and get to know as many different things as possible in this world." Adrian: ,, I love those moments too, they are my favorite memories. I want my children to have as many memories as possible, so that one day they will remember things like this when Jana and I are no longer with them. I will try to let them know as much as possible about grandma and grandpa , I want all our children to know the story about the band "Blue Towers" and our parents, it's a story worth telling." Catherine (smiles and nods): "Of course, we'll keep that story from being forgotten for as long as possible."

   The days passed and soon the forty-day commemoration was held. At the commemoration, an unknown man appeared, but with facial features very similar to Sage's, Shade approached him and started a conversation. Shade (looks at the man): "You knew them?" Man: "I knew Sage by sight... We only communicated once via text. I didn't hear about her death until recently, so I was wondering if I should at least come on the forty-day memorial. (inhales) Even though we grew up in different families and never spoke in person, I thought it was inappropriate not to come, I'm still her closest brother if we're looking at blood relations." Shade (surprised): "You are her half-brother on the mother's side! Sage told us about it, mother wanted to keep you, she had the support of the rest of the family, but grandmother arranged the adoption... Sage said that she hoped that one day you would become close, but that hope disappeared over time and she didn't want to interfere in your life. How did you find out about this?" Sage's brother: "I read on the news, the media wrote a lot about it. I read that she and her husband killed themselves, I admit that it wasn't all the same to me even though I didn't know her personally." Shade (nodding): "You know what they say - blood is thicker than water. (looks at the gravestone) Yes, that's our Gothic Romeo and Juliet; they spent thirty years together in a love that some can only dream of, but our Alti's liver cancer returned and it was only a matter of time before he died. He was ready to die for her, and she couldn't live without him, so they left together. (points to Catherine and Adrian) They are their son and daughter, and the two children are grandchildren by their son's side. Don't worry, they had a fulfilling life, it's just hard for all of us that the circumstances were like this, we wanted to perform together more and enjoy our old age, but we couldn't." Sage's brother: "I'm sorry about that, I read that recently she had more and more problems with dementia and that she wouldn't be able to live much longer either... (sigh) It's a shame that it turned out like this, some things in life we can't control."

     A few days later, the members of the band "Lynx Moon", i.e. their children's band, sat in their practice rooms and agreed on what to do next. Leo (breathing out): "Given the current circumstances, it would be wise to postpone or cancel the tour..." Adrian (shaking his head): "No. We are continuing with the preparations as before their deaths. After all, Lorian is pregnant and I don't want to burden her in the later stages of pregnancy, we will finish the tour when we scheduled it." Conner (surprised): "Will you be able to perform after everything?" Adrian (nods his head): "I had a conversation with my mother before her death - she told me how her mental condition sometimes worsened, but that it was out of the question to stop or postpone the concert; at such moments she broke down inside, but she still did her best to not show it in her singing as much as possible. Moreover, sometimes singing helped her feel better, gave her the strength to continue because she wanted not to let the audience down and to finish all the concerts successfully. So will I - even though my soul hurts, I will sing for the audience that has supported us all these years, we will not let them down." Jana (hugs him and gently kisses him): "We will support you, even though I know that you are going through a very difficult period right now. (looks at Lorian) And you, are you sure you can perform?" Lorian (nods her head): "I can for now, I guess I won't be able to in a next few months. (Conner smiles and puts his hand on her belly, she kisses him on the cheek) I can't wait to see will baby look pretty like Conner or like me. (laughs)" Conner (smiles): "It can look like either of us, just to be okay. (kisses her)" Leo (smiles): "I can't wait to be an uncle, and maybe in the future I'll be a father too... Then these younger ones will have their turn. (laughter)" Jana (smiles): "They are still young, they don't have to rush. After all, you get married first, and they still have time." Adrian (nodding): "That's right. We will finish the tour, and then we will dedicate ourselves to our lives, we have to balance and we must not neglect our family, our needs, or life neither. Career is only one part of our lives, but what is at home is still the most important. (smiles and kisses Jana on the cheek)"

    Reydan sat alone in the former practice room, drinking wine in silence. Hale comes to him and sits opposite him. Hale (concerned): "How much did you drink?" Reydan (puts the glass down on the table): "Don't worry, I'm not drunk, I know how much is too much. (exhales) How did you know I was here?" Hale: "You were here last week, and several days ago... I know it's hard for you to get over it, that's why I came so you wouldn't be alone. Shade and I are seemingly stronger, even though we're broken on the inside, but with you it's very noticeable on the outside too. I'm worried about you, you'll start to fall apart if this keeps up." Reydan (waves his hand away): "I'm not going to fall apart, I'm fine... (his eyes fill with tears) Fuck everything, I'm not fine! I can't stand the fact that everything is over, that the band and career are over, that there is no more Alti, that there is no more Sage... I want all five of us to gather here again, to compose and record songs, to sit at this table and talk like before... (cries) If old age means watching the other members die before me, then I'd better not live that long." Hale (flinches): "Reddy, don't say such things, please! (hugs him) All in time, we can't do anything about it. (stops tears) Now we have to think about the family too - you have common grandchildren who have already lost two grandparents on the same day, they don't have to lose you too. (pats him on the back) After all, neither Sage nor Alti would want you to suffer so much, Sage killed herself because of that so she wouldn't be a burden to Adrian, it would be hard for her to see you in this state." Reydan: "No excuses for her - Alton should have let things go, he might have lived at least a few more months, but Sage could have lived at least a few more years! Why are all of you making excuses for what they have done, when this wasn't right at all?! How long will you keep saying that they are better off like this? (gets up and walks around the room) Who is feeling better? Catherine and Adrian who lost both parents at once, us, two of them who we buried the other week - who is feeling fucking better?! For all these years we were watching out for Sage so she would kill herself now, right in front of us? And you all keep fucking saying that we couldn't do anything, but we knew this could happen..." Hale (stands up, comes to him and puts his hands on his shoulders): "Reddy, you know there was no chance - no one justifies their suicide, they probably didn't want to kill themselves either, but it wouldn't have been any different even if we knew they were going to do it on the same day! Reddy, accept the fact - we would have lost them anyway. I know you alternate between anger and despair, I know how close you were to Sage and Alti, but you know how attached they were to each other." Reydan (furiously): "So, if something happens to Olivia or me, do we have the right to kill ourselves? If you had died of a heart attack, then it would have been Meryan's turn to kill herself, right? It doesn't matter that not all the children have grown up yet, it's important that we stay together until the end!" Hale (tightening his hands on his shoulders): "Reydan, you're exaggerating... Realize that Sage would never accept someone else taking care of her even for basic needs; it is true that she killed herself because of Alton, he could no longer endure the pain due to the disease, but knowing her, she did it mainly for her children, but also for her dignity, she knew what kind of life was waiting for her if she continues to live. That's why I tell you that we couldn't do anything. (sighs) Look, if I knew that such an old age was waiting for me and that I wouldn't be able to function at all after a while, I would buy a bullet and a gun and kill myself like Ernest Hemigway, I'm serious. You know I'm not suicidal, nor I approve it, but I do understand her logic this time. Although I understand that depression is hard to deal with , I would have felt much more devastated if the two of them had killed themselves at a young age, they would have missed all those wonderful moments they lived, I am so grateful that we spent another thirty years with them. (Reydan cries, Hale hugs him) Take as much time as you need to heal, but take care of yourself. We don't have to lose you too." Reydan (nods his head and wipes away tears): "I know. I'll be careful, I promise."

    In the meantime, "Lynx Moon" also went on tour, the younger children went back to school and college, while the remaining members of the band "Blue Towers" and their wives spent a lot of time together as before, trying to get used to the absence of Alton and Sage.

     Autumn evening; Catherine is standing on the terrace of the apartment, Diana comes to her. Diana (kisses her): "Why are you so thoughtful? Was everything okay at work?" Catherine (nodding her head): "Yes, but I'm a bit homesick. I'm not doing bad at work either, but somehow... I'm asking myself why we had to leave so far, it's not bad here, but I miss my hometown... Sometimes I would go back, but you also have a job here and you're doing well, so I hope that feeling of nostalgia will stop and that idea will come out of my head." Diana: "Actually... The head of the company wants to expand the business in our country and wants to put me in charge there; I still haven't agreed because I wanted to tell you first, but if you want to go back..." Catherine (smiles and nods): "That's an offer you definitely shouldn't refuse! (hugs her) Let's go then back... We're going home. (smile)" Diana: "What are you going to do with your job?" Catherine (puts her hand on her shoulder): "Don't worry, I'll manage there too. My contract will expire in a month, only then can we go - could that be a problem?" Diana (smiles): "No, no problem... (takes a breath) Then we decided - in a month we will go home. (smile) We'll do all the paperwork and whatever is needed during that time."

    During the following months, Catherine and Diana returned to their hometown, and the older children also returned from the tour and took a break from the band. It was a matter of time when Lorian would give birth, so they didn't want to burden her during that period.

    Everyone gathered at Shade and Reydan's yard in the village, enjoying the first warm days of spring. Freddie brought the ball onto the lawn, calling the others to him. Freddie (laughs): "This time our team will destroy you!" Anita (laughs): "You have no chance. Come on, pick a team, but whoever you pick won't help you." Freddie: "Jeremy's on my team." Christopher: "I'm in hers. (looks at Anita and smiles)" Jeremy (laughs): "Sure, you always have to be in your girlfriend's team." Freddie: "You take Austin, he's clumsy for football." Austin: "Hey, I'm not clumsy... But well, I play really bad. (thinks) Who else can we find to play with us?" Leo (shouts from a distance): "Do you need players? The three of us can play with you!" Freddie: "Of course! (Conner, Leo and Adrian come) One more goes to Anita's team, two go to my team, so choose who goes where." Leo: "I'll be on Anita's team, you two on Freddie's." Adrian (nods his head and smiles): "Okay. (to Austin) Don't worry, I'm bad at football too, I'm just making the balance here." Austin (laughs): "That way the game will be more fair. Okay, let's go to our positions then."

   Shade, Reydan, and Hale were barbecuing not far from them, occasionally glancing over to the female section of the crew. Shade: "Some company wanted us to allow them to change our song for an advertisement of their product, I told them it was out of the question. If they want to use the way we made it - fine, I'm not going to let anyone massacre any of our songs for any purpose." Hale (nodding): "I agree. There's nothing wrong with the songs - if they want a different sound, they should make the song according to their own taste, not to change what we worked on. We still have to deal with the issue of copyright after our death, I want to protect our works." Reydan (sigh): "They have already started asking if there is a chance that the "Blue Towers" will be activated again with another line-up, I can hardly refrain from cursing everything that comes to mind when I hear that question. Do they think it's enough to just get another keyboard player and a new vocalist and it's the same band? We haven't changed members until now, so we won't even now when it's over. Besides, you two aren't good with health either, we've had enough.” Shade: "My health is kinda good, only this leg bothers me, but you're right - we've had enough. Now we'll let the kids continue with their band, we old ones have had enough. The point is not to find someone who will play and sing like them, but that our synchronization, our energy during the performance was also lost. We didn't just play our instruments, we felt the music and each other. During the performance, we were a whole, even when one of us couldn't do our best for whatever reason, the others covered him, and we can't replace such things." Hale: "I just wish we hadn't stopped because of illness, but other than that we've really had enough. Now I want to finally rest and be Grandpa Hale while I'm alive, and Reddy was already a grandfather before that." Reydan (smiles): "Yes... First they had a wedding, and then after some time they told us that they were expecting a baby, then Frida was born, and later Ivan... It was a good period, until then things were great, the career was also on the rise, somehow everything went smoothly. (takes a sip of wine) And then, within the previous year and a half, everything got fucked up - first Alton's tests showed that the cancer is back and progressing, then Sage is diagnosed with dementia, then Shade's leg worsens, finally Hale had a heart attack after the tour... It became obvious that we were in a deep mess and we weren't going to get out of it. (looks at the female part of the team) They're upset, what's going on?" Hale (shouts): "Hey, is everything alright?" Meryan (shouts): "It looks like labor is starting, the water has broken - we have to go to the maternity ward!" Reydan (getting up): "Of course, we'll go there right away!" Shade: "Let the younger ones stay with me, I'll be here, and you inform me, okay?" Hale (hurriedly pats him on the back): "Okay, we'll let you know how things are. (to Reydan) "Come on , grandpa, let's go." Reydan (smiles): "Let's go."

   The birth went without complications, so Lorian and Conner became the parents of a girl whom they named Sonja. Janet and her husband also came to the maternity ward, equally happy about the new baby, while the older children also came to be with Conner, who was waiting for news about the progress of the birth. Janet approached Catherine and started a conversation. Janet: "I heard from Conner that you returned to the country... You did graduate from human rights school, didn't you? Are you working somewhere right now?" Catherine (shaking her head): "No, I'm not working anywhere right now. I finished for that and worked for a while while we were abroad, now I have to see what I'll do... I'll find something." Janet: "Have you thought about a career in politics? If you're interested in that, I know people who would help you if you're interested in going in that career direction." Catherine (surprised): "Hm, maybe that's not a bad idea, I can try it and see how it goes... (laughs) I don't know how far I'll go, but it sounds like a place where I can apply my knowledge and make some concrete change in people's lives." Janet (smile): "I knew you were suitable for it. Right, I'll contact those people and tell them you're interested, I have a feeling you'll be successful at it." Catherine (smiles): "I hope so, too."

    Hale came to visit Lorian the day after the birth, when close family were allowed to visit her. Hale (entering): "My granddaughter is a beauty, she looks like you when you were born. (laughter) How are you right now?" Lorian (nodding): "Fine... I'm in pain, but I'm glad everything went well. Did you take therapy today?" Hale: "I did, now I have even more motivation to take care of my health. (leaves a box of chocolates) I brought your favorite sweets. (smile)" Lorian (smiles): "Thank you. Take care, I care about you. (exhales) Leo has started preparing for the wedding, maybe by next year you'll be a grandfather again. (laughs)" Hale (sitting on the bed and smiles): "I don't mind, I'll take care of them as long as I can. Only Freddie shouldn't rush yet, but the two of you - as you please. (laughs) Look, if Conner and you want a bigger wedding, that's no problem, we'll make it happen, don't hesitate." Lorian (shrugs): "I don't know, it's kind of too much for us... I like it better like Uncle Shade and Aunt Alice, they had a smaller wedding but more in an alternative style, she didn't even wear a wedding dress but she was dressed in her own style, only more classy... I would like something like that, and Conner doesn't like big celebration either, we will organize something in that style just to make it official. (laughs) On the other hand, Mr. Leo will give you a hard time, Tiffany and he have a thousand ideas so far." Hale (rolling his eyes): "Oh, he's overdoing it! What the hell is he going to do with five hundred invitations, fancy tablecloths and plates with gold edges? Mom and I had an elegant wedding, but he overdid it! (imagines) Uncle Reydan and Aunt Olivia met at our wedding, and Sage and Alton made their relationship official... It was such a beautiful day. Maybe one of our singles will find a soulmate at your wedding or Leo's. (laughs)" Lorian (laughs): "Listen, you didn't hear it from me, but... It seems Freddie has a girlfriend. It's too early for Jeremy, and Austin... He isn't going out with girls much, maybe he'll meet someone." Hale (surprised): "So, Freddie seems to have someone... Okay, I haven't heard anything. (laughs) You're right about Austin, he's looking at books more than girls... It's not too late for him, but it's going to happen when he least expects it. I met your mom when I was in the first band , we had rehearsals near the school where she just started working. She couldn't find her way because she had just moved from another place, and I found myself there and explained which direction the school was in. We would greet each other every time we met each other, then we would have shorter interactions, after a while longer and longer, in the meantime we fell in love with each other. I invited her on our performance and after that I kissed her for the first time, since then we were together even after all these years." Lorian (smiling): "You are a gentleman, today many people want everything as quickly as possible, and then they get bored quickly. I hope Conner and I stay together that long, you all have long lasting marriages and I want us to be together until we're old." Hale (smiles): "Just take care of each other like you did until now and you will have a great chance of it. If you truly care about someone, then it is worth working for that person and your community. That is the only way for a marriage to survive even in the circumstances that modern times bring."

   Two months later, Lorian's and Conner's wedding took place, followed by Leo and Tiffany's wedding, while their band returned to composing and working on a new album. They discussed the theme of the songs and the concept of the album.

   Leo: "Since we are no longer teenagers, then we should definitely take the concept of the next album seriously; are we going to stick to safe topics, or are we going to step out of our comfort zone?" Jana: "I'm in favor of stepping out of the comfort zone, but not to overdo it with something bizarre." Conner (laughs): "Well, we won't take pictures without clothes like our parents did - they could see each other naked without problems, but in this band we have brothers and sisters, I don't want to see Jana in that edition, and neither Leo nor Lorian would likely want to see each other completely unclothed. (whispered Lorian) On the other hand, I can look at you, I'm used to it." Lorian (smiles): "Hey, my brother is here!" Leo (waving his hand): "Well, there's no problem, it doesn't bother me at all. After all, you increase my chances of becoming an uncle again, so you even have my support. (laughter) The same with you two, (looks at Jana and Adrian) if you want more children - now is a good time." Adrian: "We didn't plan more than two but, if it happens ... As for the concept of the album, I agree, no nudity. (imagines) I have often listened to my parents when they discuss social issues, even in the domain of politics, religion and history, but with the perspective that there are lessons that should not be repeated and with understanding towards the victims of the exploitation of the regimes during that time. "Blue Towers" dealt with these topics, but very cautiously, because they knew they were sensitive topics that would certainly cause negative reactions on one side, because no one likes their mistakes pointed out no matter how many people died because of it." Conner: "Do you think we're strong enough to deal with topics that even our parents avoided to deal with? They had some controversial statements, especially Uncle Shade, but they always shied away from openly supporting or condemning anyone." Leo: "Uh, I'm a little afraid that we might go too far and deal with some dangerous people... But, again, I want that concept. We can try, for a start, we don't have to go to the extreme, just to see if we can go in that direction. We will easily make an even more controversial album." Lorian: "Fine, this time we'll have a harder sound than on the last album." Conner (nodding): "I was planning to change the bass guitar, so I'm going to look for one that will fit better with that sound." Jana: "Okay, then we will go in that direction, at least we will have music with meaning. Just be prepared for negative reactions, if we get into this - there is no going back, we stand behind everything we say."


    Olivia was reading the news in the living room, Austin and Anita were going outside. Olivia (looks at them): "Are you going already? (gets up and walks over) You already know the rules - it's true that dad and I are here and you're in the house in town, but don't make any trouble, okay? Watch who you hang out with and study regularly..." Austin: "Mom, you don't seem to know us very well." Anita: "Yeah, you don't seem to know that Austin is studying all the time anyway, and probably doesn't have any company, except for spending time with us." Austin (frowns): "So, that what mom was talking about was for you. After all, I don't bring anyone home, and you're either with your friends or with Christopher." Anita (eyes wide open): "Unlike you, I have a social life!" Olivia: "That was said for both. (Alice enters) You've arrived! I'll make a coffee, just sit down. (looks at Anita) You and Christopher watch what you're doing, it's too early for me to have grandchildren from you too, you know?" Alice: "Although I can't wait for Shade and I to become grandparents like the rest of you, I agree, it's early. Finish college, then you can think of it. (laughs)" Anita (blushing): "No, the two of us... (looks at Austin) Why don't you tell him that, but only me?" Austin (smiles): "I don't have a girlfriend." Alice: "Both of you take care, now all of you younger ones go to school, but go out a little bit too - to games, concerts, to some cafe or club... At your age years are passing quickly, after that there are other things to think about. Especially you, Austin, you're a good boy, but have some fun too!" Olivia: "He's right, I like that you're a good student, but get out of the house sometime in your free time. At your age, I've been in treatment several times and missed everything, enjoy your youth a little." Austin (nods his head): "Don't worry, I'm not missing anything, and Miss Anita even less. (Anita frowns) Why are you looking at me like that, am I lying? (laughs) Let's go, see you later. (they wave and leave)" Olivia (sitting on the couch with Alice): "I know they're not bad, but the parent always worries." Alice: "It's normal, now they're at an age when it's harder to control their desires and emotions. (sigh) I miss the "Blue Tower", I see how much guys struggle since they stopped with performances and creating, they try to fill that emptiness but they still can't get used to it being over." Olivia: "If they didn't help the kids with their band, they would really fall apart. I'm trying to motivate Reydan to be a little more active, he's been mourning a lot in the past months after the deaths of Alton and Sage, now he's slowly getting back to his old self. Shade and Hale aren't any better about it either, they're trying to distract themselves, but you can see they're still having a hard time." Alice: "I miss it too when the four of us go somewhere together, shopping or whatever, I felt it's like I'm in the series "Sex and the City" (laughs) We had such a great times together, it's hard to think that our number will decrease with years passing by, that's why I want us to spend more time together. Tomorrow we'll spend the day with Meryan, it will be just us girls. (laughs)" Olivia (laughs): "Great, we'll take the opportunity to walk around the city a little bit."

    Shade, Reydan, and Hale were sitting in Hale's room watching the broadcast of the game, continuing their conversation after the broadcast ended. Shade: "Well, yesterday I heard our song in a newly opened rock cafe while passing by; I went inside, the owner was a young man in his thirties, says that he grew up listening to our music and is a big fan. He even framed our poster on the wall, I promised we'd autograph the poster." Hale: "We'll go whenever you want, the only thing is he won't have all five autographs, just our three." Reydan: "We have for two of them too, we'll think of something. (to Shade) What poster did he put up?" Shade (laughing): "C'mon, guess." Hale: "The one from the beginning of career?" Shade: "No." Reydan: "Um... The one when we took a picture in the castle?" Shade: "Nope, it's not that one either." Hale: "The one in nature? Or the one with red and black tones where we are surrounded by fire?" Shade: "Neither the first nor the second." Hale: "No way... (gets up, looks for something on the shelves and brings a magazine) It's not this poster, is it? (unfolds the poster)" Shade (laughs): "That one. Out of all our posters, he put the one where we're naked. I don't blame him, it looks really powerful." Hale (flips pages of the magazine): "We looked good ten years ago, then we started to age." Reydan: "Okay, well, we didn't became ruins if we got old, just because we can't take pictures like that anymore doesn't mean that there's nothing out of us anymore. (laughs, blushes when Hale turns page with Alton and Sage) Oh, that picture... No matter how many times I see it, it's always awkward because she was like a sister to me." Shade (laughs): "Yeah, you didn't say that when Alton and you were watching her and Olivia, don't act innocent when you saw her completely naked and had sex with your spouses afterwards." Reydan (takes a breath): "I think it's time to admit it... That scenario didn't happen, I panicked when Sage started taking off her bottom clothes... We agreed to say that it happened, since it wasn't their problem but mine, it turned out that I was a coward but I couldn't get it out of my head that she was like a sister to me, Alton understood and agreed that he too wouldn't want to see Olivia without clothes, so we admitted to them that they had won and we stopped there. We were with our spouses after that, I won't lie that what happened in the beginning didn't turn me on, but later when we went home, not in front of each other. Well, call me a coward - of all the girls I've had in my life, Sage is the only one I've managed to control myself for, she meant so much more to me than that. (smiles when they turn the page with her solo pictures) Maybe for others she was sensual and seductive, but for me she always remained the emotional and tender girl from the beginning, (turns the page with Alton) and Alti was the only one for her. If it was someone else I wouldn't have stopped everything, but I'm sure it was the right thing to do." Hale (smiles): "You did the right thing. All these years I've wondered how you managed to do all that." Reydan: "After that, Sage admitted to me that neither she nor Olivia were sure about it, but especially she, so she thanked me for telling first because she was afraid of the reaction. She told me she was glad we didn't ruin everything because of a rash bet, but we agreed not to make any more jokes about what happened with Olivia, which I respected. I have never regretted it, the only thing I regret is that I almost made all of us very uncomfortable because of my joke, although Alti also participated. (laughs) We learned our lesson." Shade: "So there was at least something when you went home? (laughs) That's good too." Reydan (laughs): "Neither Alti nor I lied about that part, they really left us speechless." Shade (curious): "And what was in the beginning, before you stopped? (laughs)" Reydan (blushing): "You don't have to know everything..." Shade: "Oh, look, now he's embarrassed to talk!" Hale (laughs): "Let the man go, he's told you enough details. After all, Sage and Alton aren't with us anymore, so it doesn't matter." Shade: "Knowing the two of them, they'd rather tell me the story if they were alive than Reddy, he's very secretive!" Reydan (laughing): "I'll tell you another day, let's go to that rock caffe if you two want to." Shade: "Right away? Come on, I'm in." Hale (getting up): "Just to find an autograph cards with Sage and Alton and we're off."

    Christopher helped Jeremy and Freddie make videos for social media, they had a relatively successful channel trying out different games, trying out new gaming gear, computer and phone gear, and other content that interested the audience. Jeremy (watching as Christopher edits the clip): "Cut that part, I look really ugly in this shot." Christopher: "Do you think anyone is watching these clips because of you? (laughs)" Freddie: "We're going to do the giveaway again, we will now give away a bigger prize. Audiences love sweepstakes, and it's good for promoting our pages." Christopher (showing the video to Jeremy): "Here, is it better this way? (to Freddie) It's not bad to have a sweepstake every now and then, that way you get more audience and reward someone who has supported you for a long time, but frequent giveaways backfire - people would follow you just for the rewards, and then leave when it's over, you wouldn't have much use of it. That's just icing on the cake, and we'll make the cake with quality content. (shows them the video) Here, see how you like it, say if you want anything else and I'll go, Anita is waiting for me." Jeremy (laughs): "Oh, we won't keep you then!" Freddy (looks at his phone and smiles): "I've got plans for later too, so we'll be done for today." Jeremy: "You became boring ever since you got girlfriends." Freddie: "Then you get a girlfriend too." Jeremy: "I won't, that's boring for me. (takes the game out of the bag) While you make out with your girls I'll test this, someone has to do it." Christopher (rubs his hair and smiles): "We appreciate your sacrifice, oh, brave warrior! What would we do if it weren't for you?" Freddie (looks at his watch and gets up): "Install the game on your computer and try it out as much as you can, if it's good we'll make a video about it tomorrow." Jeremy: "We'll make a video anyway, I didn't buy it for nothing. Come on, don't make your girls wait for too long. (they go out, he turns on the game)"

    During the week, Reydan and Olivia spent more time with their grandchildren, while Adrian and Jana stayed longer with the band and composed songs for the new album. In the evening they would return home, check on Reydan and Olivia and usually fall asleep soon from exhaustion, but this time Adrian couldn't fall asleep right away and was turning on the bed. Jana (concerned): "Is something wrong?" Adrian: "I don't know, some tension... I'll get up so I don't bother you, sleep if you can." Jana (getting up from the bed): "Do you want me to massage you? Maybe you'll fall asleep more easily. (smile)" Adrian (smile): "Go to sleep, don't worry about it now." Jana (comes closer): "Come on, make yourself comfortable. (he sits on the bed, she takes the lavender oil from the nightstand) This will relax your muscles. (gently massages his shoulders and neck) Is it too strong?" Adrian (sighs): "No... It's great... (she runs her hand down his back) Oh, it's really nice!" Jana: "This was a difficult period, no wonder you are tense. (moves her hand even lower, he sighs deeply) Hm, it seems that your lower back is also stiff, I'll stay here for a while." Adrian: "If you stay too long on that part, some other parts of body will stiffen too... Ah ... You're good with your fingers." Jana (whispering): "Of course I am, I'm a keyboard player. Just like you are skilled with voice. (runs her hand over his abdomen) Sounds to me like we could do a piano composition in G minor together, what do you think? Does your baritone voice want to have a performance together? (pulls her hand down)" Adrian (turns around and passionately kisses her): "I'm certainly excited for our joint performance, just to help you tune your instrument. (takes massage oil)" Jana (takes off her clothes and lays down): "Of course, we musicians always warm up before the performance. (seductive smile)"

     The rest of the year passed without major friction - "Lynx Moon" released a more controversial album than before, causing more reactions, Catherine was satisfied with her new career in politics, Conner and Lorian spent a lot of time with their daughter, but managed to coordinate both the work on the album and the promotion after its release. The younger ones devoted themselves more to school and their activities, but also to relationships, while their parents engaged in various activities as far as their health allowed, they even went on a joint trip to a local spa. Adrian and Jana were expecting their third child, towards the end of Jana's pregnancy Leo announced the news that Tiffany and he would become parents of twins, so they didn't plan much in advance as far as the band was concerned - they wanted some time to pass before they went on tour in order to be with the children at least for the first few months.

    After giving birth, Jana was placed in a room with another woman, the nurses brought the babies to feed them. Jana (looks at the woman and the baby): "Boy or girl?" Woman (smiles): "Girl. And your baby?" Jana: "Boy. We named him Antoan, we were inspired by his grandfather's name Alton. What did you name your little girl?" Woman: "Oh, Antoan is a beautiful name! We named our daughter Cecilia, we wanted a different name and this came up by chance, I don't even know how we came up with that name." Jana (joyfully): "A very nice name for a girl! Don't regret changing your decision, her name sounds classy and gentle, I doubt she will regret it in her life." Woman: "Same, Antoan sounds elegant and mysterious, he will be proud of such a beautiful name."

    During the following year, Hale and Meryan traveled with the whole family; Hale was aware that his health condition was such that he could leave this world quite unexpectedly, so he wanted to go on a joint trip with his children, their partners and grandchildren at least once more. In the meantime, Leo became the father of two boys, so all ten went on a journey.

   They were all sitting together at a table in a quiet park, sitting in the shade of a large tree and having lunch. Hale (looks at the children): "I love that we're all here, who knows how many more opportunities we'll have to be together like this." Conner: "Oh, don't be like that, Dad Hale - there will be more opportunities like this!" Lorian: "Yes, you won't be going anywhere. (smile)" Meryan: "Wish we won't, but we are getting old, that's why we want to get together from time to time. When you get to this age, you will understand how uncertain everything is, tho nothing is certain at any age. " Leo: "Okay, that's true, but you're still not going anywhere." Hale: "I want you to always be there for each other and teach your kids to stick together - Freddie, I don't know if I'll see your kids too, but the same goes for you. Since Freddie is the youngest, if something happens..." Freddie (flinches): "Dad, let go of those scenarios..." Hale (continues) : "If I leave too early, or if Meryan leaves before me, I want to know that he will also go on the right path, that he will have your support." Leo (putting his hand on Freddie's shoulder): "Of course we'll look out for each other, but...Don't think about those morbid things." Hale: "I have to, wish I don't have to. Meryan and I brought you into this world and it's ours to be with you as long as life allows, but it's also our duty to prepare you for what comes after that. Unlike Alton and Sage, I don't know when that will be, but I know I have to to strengthen you until then. You all mean the same to me, and I'm glad that you two found good partners and had children, I hope Freddie also finds his way in life that suits him. When you make decisions in life don't think what I would say to that, but do what you think is most right, but I still hope that what I have passed on to you will be useful in your life. I want to be remembered as a good father if I deserve it, I hope you will one day and tell these little ones a few nice words about your old dad. (the children stand up and hug him) When I look at my life, I can say that I am proud of myself, that I am proud of my family, proud of my career and proud that I once brought my family and myself to a better financial position from complete poverty. I've always been afraid that what I've done so far is not enough, but finally the time has come to admit to myself that it is, now near the end of my life I feel like a complete person." Meryan (smiles slightly and touches his hand): "However, don't leave this world yet." Hale (kissing her hand and smiling): "I hope I don't go yet, my lady."

    Three years later:

    Shade is sitting on the terrace, comfortably reclined in a chair, with a cup of tea in hand. Reydan comes with a slower step, greets him and sits on the chair next to him. Alice (exiting): Reddy, you came? (brings out tea and cookies) Here, I made cookies yesterday. (sits on the chair) How's Olivia?" Reydan (sighs): "She's taking the medicine the doctor gave her, but it looks like she's going to have to start dialysis. How are you two doing?" Shade: "I'm broken as hell, I wish I could somehow get up and run now, but I can't do it anymore! Alice is kinda okay, for now she's holding on." Alice: "I'm trying as hard as I can. (gets up) I'll come to visit Olivia, maybe Meryan will come with me, she had a lot of obligations around commemorations in past period." Shade: "I can't believe that Hale left us too, it's just you and me left of five of us from the band." Reydan (breathed out): "They left quickly, I wasn't even used to it yet and we're already lost Hale too." Alice: "He tried to hold on until the end, he fought like a lion to last as long as possible for his children, but you can see how life doesn't go on. (exhale, kiss Shade) I'm going to wake up Jeremy, you keep talking. (walks inside)" Shade (breathing out): "The fuck with life like this, I really miss our uncle Hale. (his eyes fill with tears) I'm not prone to nostalgia, but sometimes I remember our memories so I don't know whether to be happy or cry, I wish we were still young so we could live more such moments. I don't like to sit in this chair all day, I want to jump again, to play drums with the same passion as before, to play football in my free time, I want to be active. If it wasn't for Alice, I would go crazy, she brings energy to my life. Of course, you are there too, the children come to visit us, but I would like to at least be able to walk more, at least a little better - this is just for the most basic things." Reydan: "I know, it's hard for you to have problems with your bones, you you were quite active in youth... (smiles) When we met, I wondered where you got so much energy - the rest of us were energetic on stage, but you were almost always like that! You often motivated us when we were down, you always cheered us up like a true friend, in return we wanted to spare you from thinking about more difficult things because we wanted you to remain like a playful child, but that's why you knew how to show other sides of your personality to others." Shade (smiles): "To others I was an eternal rebel, but with you I never felt the need to argue; I was always bothered by what was happening in the world, how everything works... Within the band, we created our own world, we were all equally important and all our opinions were respected, but we also made decisions in accordance with the personalities of the other members, and yet we encouraged each other to push our limits and that made us even better. "Blue Towers" brought something completely new out of all of us, something we would never have dreamed of doing at the beginning, I simply don't know which of us had the biggest and which the smallest transformation. You've kind of stayed similar, except for your love life, and I've just calmed down a little." Reydan (smiles): "Don't be like that, it's not that you and I haven't had any change... Maybe because our changes seemed less drastic than theirs, but - if someone had told me in my twenties that I was going to take pictures completely naked for a magazine, I wouldn't believe him. You sweared more in the beginning, and so did Hale, but that's why Sage and I started using harder words, only Alton remained similar to the beginning. Often band members fall into vices when they become popular, it was the opposite with us, over time we all reduced or stopped our addictions. In addition, Hale became more caring and flexible, Alton more communicative and cheerful, Sage less scared and stronger, you more mature and cautious, me more spontaneous and less stiff and reserved. Remember how you and Hale kept having to drag out the conversation in the beginning until the three of us relaxed? (laughs) I knew how to communicate with girls, but I didn't have much communication with men and then it was strange for me at the beginning. Alti was also silent, and Sage was even afraid to communicate. With her, I learned not to judge a book by its cover, I learned that a transformation beyond recognition is possible... I was afraid of how she would be on stage considering how scared and quiet she was, but when we started performing I saw how capable she was for all this." Shade: "Honestly, I was scared at the beginning too, until she started singing I thought there might be no way this would work, but she knew exactly what she was doing and I'm grateful to her for bringing us together. I was also worried about how we would get along with each other, whether we would keep the band going... I didn't believe that we would last this long and have a great career." Reydan: "Can you imagine that the three of them could have been dead before we started the band? "Blue Towers" was Alton's last option before planned suicide, he was ready for it if all this with the band didn't work out. Sage also had the same logic, the universe itself brought them together and prevented two talented musicians from leaving before they could show the world what they could do. (smiles) We've been very lucky that everything is going great, it's also good that you and Hale had an audience from before."Shade (smiles): "In the beginning they knew me and Hale from previous bands, now only better informed fans of "Blue Towers" know that we were in bands before that. Alti had performances at events where he played the piano, but he didn't perform with a metal band, Sage and you practiced independently. I appreciate my experience in "Unkempt Monsters" because I was more confident, so I could encourage you two, three if you count Alti, but Uncle Hale still had the most experience. (laughs)" Reydan (bursts into laughter): "Oh, I had a lot of stage fright before the first performance! If I hadn't had Hale to help me set up the equipment, I would have ruined everything! I saved song playlists and recordings from all performances, from the first to the last, I have a whole collection of discs so far. (laughs) One of my favorite performances is the one for the band's 10th anniversary, everything was perfect." Shade: "Oh, I love that first tour on another continent; except for being away from family for a long time - we had a great time! We went twice after that, but that one was the best one." Reydan (nods): "It was. (exhale) Sometimes I pick up the bass and play a few parts to remind myself of the feeling, I miss it. I replaced Conner once in " Lynx Moon" when he was sick, but it doesn't feel the same without you all - these are our children, but I'm used to performing with you. (breathes out again) Soon, we will also be just a memory." Shade (sadly nods his head): "Unfortunately. (looks towards the gate and sees Anita and Christopher with a baby in their arms) Oh, here's someone to cheer us up! Our common grandson has arrived!" Reydan (smiles): "They arrived at the right time, they will cheer us up just a little."

   "Lynx Moon" took a break after Hale's death, they didn't work on any project or show for a while. They held a performance after a certain time, at the same time promoting a new song. Adrian (takes the microphone): "We are glad to be in front of you again, and we are even more glad that there are more and more of you who support us, we are also glad that we are uniting together against the moral failure of this society, that we are not silent observers of the strangling of our freedom and rights, we are already pointing out how low they have lowered us, so low that as a society we collect crumbs instead of being rewarded equivalent to all our efforts and work as we deserve. They poison us so much from the beginning that after a while we think that this is the only way of life, and we even willingly take these poisons, but it is time to break this vicious circle and to rise morally as a society. What my late mother would say - we don't give a fuck for the haters, they can go and fuck themselves; we continue on this path believing in our goal, and now we continue with our new song, the most controversial so far. We've prepared a lot more of those for you on the new album and we'll perform them even if it looks like we're fighting windmills like Don Quixote did - at least we'll know that we tried to change something for the better."

   Olivia spent more time at home in the city, since she had to go to the doctor more often due to kidney disease. Since Anita and Christopher got married, had a child and lived together, Austin stayed in the house, and she kept him company for the past period. Morning; Austin enters the room, Olivia gets out of bed. Austin: "I'm going to town - do you need anything?" Olivia (gives him a paper): "Get me this medicine. (checks him out) Where are you going all dressed up like that? You're going to see some girl? (smiles)"

Austin (awkwardly): "No... I really don't have a girlfriend..." Olivia: "You're an adult, it's not bad if you have one - it's completely normal." Austin (nervous): "I don't have a girlfriend... I have a boyfriend. (Olivia gets surprised) I must have disappointed you as a son, I know no parent wants to hear such things." Olivia (nods her head and points to the closet): "See this piece of furniture? Well, we keep clothes in the closet, not people. (smile) It took you a long time to get out of it, although I assumed that might be the issue." Austin (surprised): "Wait, you really don't mind? How do you think dad will react?" Olivia (laughing): "Do you think he would have a problem with that? You know what you read in the magazines about him, I don't think he would have a problem." Austin (nods his head): "I know, he repeatedly pointed out that he has nothing against the LGBT community, but I thought that wouldn't apply to me..." Olivia: "Nonsense - you're our son, are we suppose to determine who you will sleep with? What should we do, give you up or make you marry a girl to please the world? Screw them all, live your life and pay no attention to them, even if it is a cruel world this will be your safe haven." Austin (smiles): "That means a lot to me."

    Diana returned from the company, Catherine came a little earlier than her and had dinner. Diana sat down at the table, kissed her and started a conversation. Diana (smiles): "Enjoy your meal. How was the meeting today?" Catherine: "It went well, we have more and more support from people and I'm thinking of running for mayor for the next election... Are you hungry too?" Diana: "I am not, I ate two bagels after work. (nods her head) I think that's a great idea for your candidacy, you just have to make a good plan of what you should invest in to make people happy." Catherine: "I was thinking that if I managed to get to that position, I would insist that we invest in recycling. You see - the poorest groups of people collect secondary raw materials to survive, they are already participating in the recycling process and doing a useful thing. If we also paid for the recycling of paper, plastic, glass and similar materials, we would reduce the amount of waste, and at the same time there would be work for a certain number of people who would work on sorting the materials. That would be useful to begin with. Then, building on that, we can develop the industry of plastic products, it is even possible to make garden furniture from that plastic, and that would be a job for more people. I think that some parts could be reforested, also to build as many fountains with deep water as possible - it certainly can't hurt." Diana (nods her head): "I like those ideas, people underestimate the importance of ecology. (puts envelopes on the table) I took the letters from the mailbox, probably bills. (notices a different envelope) This is about adopting a child... (quickly opens it) Mhm, yeah... (smiles) Oh, I can't I believe it!" Catherine (eyes wide open): "What do they say?!" Diana (looks at her, happily): "They approved the adoption of a brother and sister, the boy is six years old and the girl is four... Oh, we have to go shopping to buy everything we need, everything must be ready when they come!" Catherine (hugs her and smiles): 'We will buy everything, the important thing is that they finally approved adoption to us... (sigh) They finally approved our application, I still can't believe it! I thought this day would never come, (kisses her) from now on we will have to adjust our lives to them. Are you ready?" Diana (hugging her): "Of course! We're going to rest, and tomorrow we'll start preparing everything they'll need. I can't wait for them to become a part of our lives."

    The whole company gathered at Meryan's house, they came to keep her company from time to time after Hale's death. The youngest ones were playing in the yard, the older children of the band members looked after them and occasionally joined in the conversation, while Freddie and Jeremy, as the youngest of their group, mostly looked at the phone. Meryan (sighs, looks at the grandchildren): "I'm glad that Hale had the opportunity to welcome another grandchild from Lorian and Conner, I was overjoyed that they will have another child, and he was very happy too." Shade: "They are the only consolation for us after everything that has happened and is happening, at least we are comforted that their time is yet to come. (looks at Jeremy) However, this sir here should watch girls on the internet less, and to pay more attention to the ones around him, he only stares at the phone and the computer!" Jeremy (looks at him): "I'm working, Dad! Freddie is working too, we are coming up with a new game concept!" Olivia: "Let the children go, there will be time for the girls too - maybe there will be something from that idea of theirs." Meryan (smiles): "They always say that, but let's see that too. (takes a sip of juice) We finished setting up the gravestone; Hale wanted to continue the concept that Alton and Sage had started, so we put the inscription 'Art is Eternal' on his grave, I liked how poetic it sounded." Shade: "Both Reydan and I agreed that we want that inscription too, it symbolizes our band and creativity. I mean, it's too early to think about it, but just in case." Reydan: "Soon, our children will also go on tour, but at least they have us to look after their children. (laughs) Do you remember how hard it was when we had to go on a trip, and then we didn't see our family for two or three months? I always felt guilty about it, we put a lot of pressure on our ladies." Alice (waving her hand): "We knew it was part of your job, but we still stuck together every time you were away; it was hard to create a sense of presence and completely fill that void, but we never wanted them to be mad at you. After all, in some other occupations it happens that one of the parents is absent for a long period of time, we wanted them not to feel as if you are not present in their lives." Olivia: "Nevertheless, I think it's easier for them now that they have us for their children." Meryan: "Oh, that's for sure." Shade: "I only regret that I can't run after them, but I love it when any of them come to our village. Now Catherine and Diana will have two more members, I told Kety that she is our child too and that they are free to come whenever they want, I don't want her to think that she is no longer part of the community after the deaths of Alton and Sage." Alice: "Absolutely, we all stay together as long as possible. After all, I love it when we have guests. (smile)" Olivia (sigh): "I can't wait until this dialysis thing is over so I can get back there, I can't be here for long. (looks at Reydan) Even Reydan complains that he's bored without me." Reydan (kisses her on the cheek): "I'm used to being with you, I always miss something when you come to town. I'm trying to pass the time, but I get bored quickly when you're not around. If it wasn't for Shade to keep each other company, I would go crazy." Shade (smiles): "With Reddy, I learned to play chess, cards and board games, I started to win more and more often!" Reydan (laughs): "You learn fast, you are becoming better than me who in my teenage years went to chess competitions. (shrugs his shoulders) Eh, I guess that time makes me forget things." Shade: "Ah, don't be like that, you're still good, but it's also true that I'm a fast learner. You see, Alice didn't like cooking either, and now she's the best cook in the village, I am like that too - when I'm interested in something, I remember it quickly." Alice (smiles): "You are overdoing it now - I'm not the best in the village, but I'm doing well. (laughs)" Olivia: "Look, Alice, I may be a bad cook, but Shade is right that you're great at it. (laughs)" Alice (smiles): "Of all the hobbies I've tried in my life, cooking, make-up and styling are my favourites. You two can finally devote more time to your hobbies now that you're retired." Meryan (laughs): "I've been a teacher for so long that I like to continue teaching children, even if it's through private lessons. (to Olivia) You won't do private lessons class?" Olivia (shrugging her shoulders): "I'll see, maybe if my condition improves, in any case I'll dedicate myself more to painting. There are people who would like to learn to paint; in school it's not one of the more important subjects like the native language is important, so people ask for your classes more when they're preparing for final exams, but I'm sure someone would like to learn that too." Reydan (smiles and looks at her): "What I loved most was watching you while you were painting, when you were completely immersed in every stroke of the brush... You painted with such passion; your skin and clothes got smeared with paint, but beautiful pictures appear on the canvas that I have always admired. I can't wait for you to create like that again." Meryan (to Shade): "Is that how you look at Alice while she is cooking? (laughter)" Shade (playfully): "Eh, I don't just look, I also try! I mean, I try the food, not Alice. (everyone laughs) I already know her taste - sweet enough, but with a stronger aroma which makes me dizzy. (laughter, kisses Alice) Like an exotic fruit liqueur or some cocktail." Alice (joyfully): "Uh, I like that! It's all good until I don't get bitter. (laughs)" Shade (waves his hand): "You will always be sweet to me. (smiles) Anyway, get back to painting, Olivia, Reydan has told us many times how mesmerized he was by you in those moments." Reydan: "Out of everything I've seen in my life, nothing has turned me on more than the sight of Olivia in a plain shirt, smeared with paint and with her hair carelessly tied, plus when she brings the end of the brush to her lips... Uh, I've seen all kinds of things in my life, but that scene... (sigh)" Olivia (smiles): "If I had known you loved it so much, I would paint more often; now we are a little old to cause such a feeling, but I hope you will still enjoy it. (wink) " Reydan (kisses her): "Of course I will." Alice (to Meryan): "Come to us for a few days, Freddie will have the house to himself during that time." Meryan (nods her head): "That's actually a good idea, it would be nice to clear my mind after everything that happened in the previous period." Shade: "Absolutely - Hale is no longer with us, but the children still need you, especially Freddie, take care of yourself. You're also about to try these apples that are about to ripe, I've got top quality seedlings; I'm thinking of buying a few more acres of land and expanding production." Olivia (laughs): "Are you going to be able to maintain all of that?" Shade (nodding): "I have people on the property looking after, I'll take a few more people, the orchards are never a bad thing and will be left to the children after we die." Reydan: "When I was young, I didn't take you seriously when you started talking about such ideas, but now I support you. Actually, I want to participate and invest together with you." Shade (patting him on the shoulder): "Ah, that's good - you've become a real villager! Okay, we'll work on it together. There's that field before the entrance to the village, there were sunflowers on it earlier - well, I was looking at that field! Grandpa Dragoljub wants to sell it relatively cheaply, it has two and a half hectares." Reydan (nodding): "Ah, that's good one! If there's another one in the meantime, we'll buy it too!" Alice (laughs): "I don't know when you'll need it, but good - have something to work on." Meryan (laughs): "Let them go, at least there will be some benefit from it. (looks at the children and grandchildren) After all, there are those who will continue, for them it is worth investing in such things."

     The years passed, one by one, and the time passed imperceptibly. "Lynx Moon" had great success in their career, they just went in a different direction than their parents and dealt with different topics, but from the beginning to the end of their existence they became one of the cult bands in their area, just like "Blue Towers" before them. Catherine became the mayor, and then came to a more significant role in politics. Her plans and proper management of the budget significantly reduced the rate of poverty and pollution, but she also had a great impact on social issues and the protection of human rights. Anita continued to play sports for a while, and then she and Christopher continued and extended what Shade left behind, and after a while they built a processing facility that grew over time and became a smaller factory. Freddy and Jeremy had great success with the game they designed, so they continued to make new ones; both of them got married and had children at some point, but a little later than the others. On the other hand, Austin and his partner didn't want to adopt a child, but that's why he was one of the favorite teachers in his school, he was always supportive of the children he taught and helped as much as he could, especially those with some problem that didn't have anyone else to turn to. As for the elderly, the number decreased over time: first Olivia left due to kidney complications, then Shade, whose immunity was very weak towards the end and could not recover from the virus, relatively soon after him and Alice, while Reydan maintained his vitality until the end of his life, but eventually died of complications from a fall; some media speculated that he jumped from the terrace on purpose, but it was an accident. In the end, only Meryan remained, she lived to be over ninety years old and thus became the longest-lived member of their team, but all the children of the band members respected her like all the other members until then, it meant a lot to them that at least one of the elders remained.

     Twenty years have passed since the deaths of Alton and Sage; the day came when it is traditional to go to the cemetery and when candles are lit for the deceased, so family members went to the graves. Since "Lynx Moon" was on tour, Antoan went to the graves of his grandparents alone to light candles and decorate the area around the gravestone. He took the opportunity to clean the white heart-shaped monument, as well as to prune the intoxicating bush of purple roses that had been planted many years before, then he sat down on the bench and looked at the other people and the other graves around him. He loved coming here, sitting on the bench next to his grandparents' grave and reading, listening to his favorite music or just sitting in solitude, now he felt like he was surrounded by too many people and he didn't plan to stay long.

     A short girl dressed in black approached one grave, lit a candle and stood in silence for a few minutes, then hurried past the other people who were there, she was afraid of any interaction with people and wanted to get to the exit of the cemetery as quickly as possible, just to get rid of the feeling that any of them was looking at her. She quickly changes direction when she notices more people on the route she came from, so with a quick step she wanted to cross Alton's and Sage's graves, but in all that haste tripped and felt. Antoan flinched and started towards her.

  Antoan (approaches, worried): "Are you okay?" Girl (shakes off the dust): "Yes, I'm just clumsy... Everything's fine." Antoan (lifting her purse from the ground): "Don't forget the purse." (laughs, she shyly nods her head) Sorry, did I scare you?" Girl: "No, on the contrary... (looks into his eyes and they both flinch) I've seen you somewhere before, but I don't remember where... (continues to look at him in astonishment) I don't know what the hell is wrong with me, sorry. (she tries to go, Antoan stops her)" Antoan (looks at her with disbelief): "You are also familiar to me from somewhere, but I have not met you before ... Maybe we saw each other in passing and didn't pay attention. (laughs) I'm Antoan. Are you from here? Whose grave were you at, a close person?" Girl: "Yes, I'm from here... I was going to light a candle on my father's grave, I took a side road because I panicked when I saw people where I came from, so I passed this way where it's less crowded... (sighs) I'm Cecilia, and you have a really nice name. (shy smile)" Antoan (soft smile): 'I am also like that, I was just about to leave because more people started to gather... I'm sorry about your father, considering you came from somewhere around the end of the cemetery I'd say it was relatively recently, wasn't it?” Cecilia (nodding): "Last year. (still looking into his eyes) I'm really sorry, I don't normally look people in the eyes, I don't know what's wrong with me now..." Antoan (looks into her eyes): "I know where I saw that look... (looks towards Sage's picture and then into her) Unbelievable, you look almost identical!" Cecilia (with disbelief): "You look a lot like your grandfather, like a mirrored version of him... Is it possible that..." Antoan: "Do you believe in reincarnation?" Cecilia (smile): "That's exactly what I wanted to ask! I think that concept makes sense, how about you?" Antoan (sighing): "Yes. Especially after this... (puts himself together) If you're not in a hurry, we can sit on the bench, I mean, if no one is waiting for you... Cecilia: "No, no one is waiting for me... (they sit together, she looks at the roses) What a beautiful shade of purple, and they also have a wonderful scent." Antoan (picks a rose and hands it to her) "Do you like the color purple?" Cecilia (nodding): "Blue and purple are my favorite colors. I like black and pink too, I wear black most often and it fits my style because I listen to metal, so somehow it goes together." Antoan (surprised): "I also listen to metal, I even play keyboards like my grandfather and mother... If you tell me you sing too, I will really believe in miracles. (laughs)" Cecilia: "Then believe in miracles. (laughs) I'm not a professional, but I practice singing. (sigh) Normally I'm silent, but I feel like now I don't have that discomfort, I feel some security... I don't understand what's happening to my brain. (laughter)" Antoan (takes her hand): "I'm also withdrawn, even shy, but now... (inhales) I'm sorry, I'm really assertive. (removes his hand) We literally saw each other for the first time in our lives, and I act like a maniac... (blushes)" Cecilia (laughs): "Actually... (takes his hand) I don't mind. Otherwise, I would freak out if someone touched me even accidentally, and yet I would even hug you if I could, but after all, I am someone you met a while ago. (laughs) Sometimes I want to know what it's like when you hug someone, what it looks like when someone kisses you on the forehead... Well, the second one is a little more intimate, but I hope that one day I'll have the opportunity to feel it." Antoan (hugs her): "And, how does it feel? (smile)" Cecilia (closes her eyes, puts her head on his torso and takes a deep breath): "So calming... I feel safe, I think I could spend hours staying like this, but this is also quite enough. (stand up) Thank you. (a smile)" Antoan: "As far as I'm concerned, you could have stayed like that longer, I liked it too. (he gently kisses her forehead, their eyes meet) Reincarnation or not, I feel like I've been waiting for you all my life." Cecilia: "I feel like your touch is familiar to me, like we were really together in another life... Is it normal to feel this way with someone you just met?" Antoan: "I wouldn't believe it either if I hadn't felt it, Countess." Cecilia (looks into his eyes): "That nickname... No one has called me that before, and it sounds so familiar... Count. (smile)" Antoan (sighing): "It's impossible that this is all a coincidence... (runs his hand over her cheek) I feel like I've lived through all this before." Cecilia (gets closer to his face): "Is it is it true that couples who kiss on this grave stay together until the end? I've read about it, but I never believed in that urban legend." Antoan (smiles): "There's only one way to find out."

    He brought his lips to hers and they kissed gently, lightly touching each other's hands, then continued the kiss as if it was not their first time, as if they had been waiting for this moment all their lives. She put her hand on his torso, and he ran one hand through her hair, while his other hand held her hand.

    They pulled their faces away from each other just enough to look into each other's eyes again, smiling and holding hands, then Antoan pulled her closer to him again. Cecilia (smiles): "No matter how morbid person I am, I never dreamed that my first kiss would be in a cemetery, but it was very romantic. (looks at the gravestone) I like this inscription on the monument, that art is eternal, it sounds really nice." Antoan: "Oh, all the band members have it on their gravestone, grandma and grandpa died first, so it was engraved first on their gravestone. (they get up from the bench and head to the cemetery gates)" Cecilia (gently): "You know, there are many things besides art that are eternal, or at least they seem eternal to us mortals." Antoan (curiously): "Hmm, such as?" Cecilia (they kiss each other again): "Love. Love is eternal. (they smile at each other and walk together towards the exit from the cemetery)"

THE END of the last part

"The Artist Live Forever" collection (2016/2024)

Suzana Ristic Suza

07/06/2024 at 7:50 p.m





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