
Showing posts from February, 2024

Mors Voluntaria (2024, new song)

  This time I used technique that I am not great at in chorus (belting in chest voice), along with three different sounds for choir effect (my deeper register, middle voice and head voice one in the top fifth octave), but for some reason it works great together 🤔 Lyrics might be depressing, you are warned. #sadsongs #sadmusic #songsaboutdepression  

Stories that I am (more or less) proud of

  Contrary to the previous list, where I criticized some of my stories and how they were written, in this one I will highlight the ones that are better written, the ones that I would probably recommend first or that I return to most often. I will try to be objective and focus on the plot and its dynamics, characters, meaningfulness, and not on the ones that I personally like the most or that I read the most. - GOLD AND ASH So far this is perhaps my best story, I absolutely love everything about it: the idea, the characters, the plot, the ending. It has a weight that I love in a story, a tragic part that leaves an impression, but at the same time there is something that leaves hope even after that. It might bother some that the main characters Asya and Emil aren't in a relationship, but for me it adds extra depth to the story because she became a member of his family after he lost all the other members of his large family. I know that some people would resent Emil's choice of so...

Priče na koje sam (manje-više) ponosna

  Suprotno od pređašnje liste, gde sam kritikovala neke svoje priče i to kako su napisane, u ovoj ću istaknuti one koje su bolje napisane, one koje bih verovatno prve preporučila ili kojima se najčešće vraćam. Trudiću se da budem objektivna i da se usredsredim na radnju i njenu dinamiku, likove, smislenost i slično, a ne na one koje se meni lično najviše sviđaju ili koje najviše čitam. -ZLATO I PEPEO Do sada je ovo možda moja najbolja priča, u njoj mi se apsolutno sve dopada: ideja, likovi, radnja, kraj. Ima težinu koju ja volim u priči, tragični deo koji ostavlja utisak, ali u isto vreme tu je i nešto što ostavlja nadu čak i nakon toga. Možda bi nekom smetalo što glavni likovi Asja i Emil nisu u vezi, ali za mene to daje dodatnu dubinu priči jer je ona postala član njegove porodice nakon što je izgubio sve ostale članove svoje mnogobrojne porodice. Znam da bi neko negodovao zbog Emilovog izbora srodne duše, ali sam želela da imam bar jednog muškog lika koji se tako izjašnjava jer ...

Stories that I would write differently (now)

  It happens that, even though the idea for a story is strong and pulls me to write it, in the end I'm still not completely satisfied. It has already been mentioned that I rewrote the first few stories, I don't count them because I was still a beginner in writing and it was done to improve the quality, but the plot was minimally changed (unless there was some kind of confusion or mistake in some places). In some recent stories, there are parts that always make me uncomfortable because of what was written - some such parts I corrected and supplemented during the typing of the text, but still some ended up in the final version, sometimes I am tempted to rewrite stories with more illogicality and worse development. The list does not include thoughts from stories where I am a character, even if in the meantime my attitudes and needs have changed, they are part of the age at that time and serve to give me an insight into the spiritual development of my personality (for example, I do...

Vulnerable (new song 2024)

  Had to wait for two weeks to finish this one, as I got ill and couldn't breathe enough to sing properly, but here it is now 🌠 I had to use effect to lower power of operatic part and make it sound like a choir, otherwise it would break your ears as it was really strong while recording 😵 No autotune added, just acoustic filters to create atmosphere I like. 😊 #sadsongs #father #alone #operatic #girlrock #rockballad  

Priče koje bih (sada) drugačije napisala

  (Slika DeviantArt - tearsoflynx) Dešava se da, iako je ideja za neku priču jaka i povuče me da je napišem, na kraju ipak ne budem zadovoljna u potpunosti. Već je napomenuto da sam ponovo pisala prvih nekoliko priča, njih ne računam jer sam još uvek bila početnik u pisanju i to je urađeno zbog poboljšanja kvaliteta, ali je radnja minimalno promenjena (osim ako na je nekim mestima postojala neka vrsta nedoumice ili greške). U nekim novijim pričama postoje delovi koji mi uvek bude nelagodnost zbog onog što je napisano - neke takve delove sam ispravila i dopunila u toku kucanja teksta, ali su ipak neki završili i u konačnoj verziji, ponekad sam u iskušenju da priče sa više nelogičnosti i lošijim razvojem radnje napišem ponovo. Lista ne obuhvata misli iz priča gde sam ja lik čak i ako su se u međuvremenu moji stavovi i potrebe promenili, oni su deo tadašnjeg uzrasta i služe da mi budu uvid u duhovni razvoj moje ličnosti (npr. ne slažem se sa pričom "13 Smrti" - Poglavlje "S...