
Showing posts from February, 2019

The Experiment of Fear

It happened that during the writing of the story I had beat some of my inner struggles, to discover something about myself and so on, but with this story it's not the case, it persistently return me to fear. I want to get something out of it, something that will help me to mitigate anxiety, but it doesn't go that way, it's just that I get even stronger paranoia. And so, this is a psychological thriller / horror, at the moment brutal, people who don't have paranoid attacks will be able to go through a whole story without major problems;) We others will just  have to put ourselves together after that somehow 😐. I think to I begin to type a nice, totally unbrutal story right now, if nothing else to calm a little after this one. I  don't know if I will be able to publish it now while I have the internet, but I will not make a long break anyway, I'll be back soon because the most honest and morbid story is waiting after that. In any case, I am almost ...

Eksperiment straha

Dešavalo se da u toku pisanja priče pobedim neke svoje unutrašnje teskobe, da otkrijem nešto o sebi i tako te stvari, ali sa ovom pričom ne mogu da se suočim, uporno me vraća na strah. Hoću da nešto izvučem iz nje, nešto što će mi ublažiti anksioznost, ali ne ide, samo me uhvati još jača paranoja. I tako, ovo je psihološki triler / horor, na momente brutalan, osobe koje nemaju napade paranoje će moći da prođu kroz celo štivo bez većih problema ;). Mi ostali ćemo valjda moći da se pokupimo posle toga. Razmišljam da odmah danas počnem da prepisujem jednu finu, potpuno nebrutalnu priču, ako ništa drugo da se smirim posle ove. Ne znam da li ću stići da je objavim sada dok imam internet, ali ionako neću praviti dugu pauzu, brzo ću se vratiti jer me čeka najiskrenija i najmorbidnija priča posle toga 💀 . U svakom slučaju, skoro sam pri kraju objavljivanja, fascinantno mi je da sam stigla da objavim sve odkucane priče do sad, plašila sam se da li ću uopšte stići i do ,,Dubine n...

The Kingdom of Eternal Darkness

(potentially disturbing topics) I don't know how many people have noticed that this title is already mentioned somewhere, but I typed a small hint in the story "Secret" ("Short Stories") while I typed it, in which I also symbolically said that Black almost joined us. The first inhabitant of this kingdom was Melody, but it is nevertheless confirmed that it is Moon Jin, since Nelly and Mion aren't in that part of the Kingdom of the Dead. So far, I have somehow hidden some of the things that I wrote about earlier in the stories, but there was no chance to hide anything. Once I mentioned that I wrote all these stories as if I were only one to read them during my lifetime, it's just strange when I publish them now 😕. I don't consider myself to be a important person, so I don't make a big deal about it, and I don't want anyone to follow my steps, this really doesn't lead anywhere. So I always mention-don't try methods from such morbi...

Kraljevstvo Večite Tame

(potencijalno uznemirujuće teme) Ne znam koliko ljudi je primetilo da se ovaj naslov već pominje negde, ali sam u toku kucanja ubacila mali nagoveštaj u priči ,,Tajna" (,,Zbirka priča"), u kojoj sam i na simboličan način rekla da nam se i Black umalo pridružila. Prvi stanovnik ovog kraljevstva bila je Melodi, ali je ipak potvrđeno da je to Moon Jin, s obzirom da Neli i Mion nisu u tom delu Kraljevstva Mrtvih. Do sada sam nekako i prikrivala neke stvari o kojima sam pisala i ranije u pričama, ali ovde nije bilo šanse da se išta sakrije. Još jednom napominjem da sam sve ove priče pisala kao da ću ih samo ja čitati tokom života, baš čudno deluje kada ih objavim 😕. Sebe ne smatram nešto mnogo bitnom osobom pa da pravim famu oko toga, a ne želim ni da neko sledi moje korake, ovo zaista nikuda ne vodi. Zato i naglašavam da ne bi trebalo pokušavati metode iz ovakvih morbidnijih priča, uostalom, lako je navići se na nešto ali je teško odvići se. Da mi nije ovog mog malog porem...

The Artists live forever

This story is very dear to me, and one of the reasons is that the main theme is what I love the most, which is music 💙🤘🏻😄🤘🏻 I hope I'll get to that in my life, the paranoia starts to take over me and say that I will never get there. If nothing else, at least Sage had the fortune to gather the band, it was nice to experience that feeling at least in the story. This story is emotional, at least to me, maybe I unconsciously wrote it so that it hits me in the right place. Still, I wouldn't want reality to be like the end of this story, Sage was quite enough; maybe it's easier for me to push people away from me because of that - I'm probably not going to change because this thing has changed me to the core, and to them it can only be harder with me. Luckily, most interactions with people end up quickly, I don't have to worry about binding for someone, let alone somebody bind to me. Sage showed me that even perfect love can't change my soul , thank her for s...

Umetnici žive zauvek

Ova priča mi je izuzetno draga, a jedan od razloga je i taj što je glavna tema ono što najviše volim, a to je muzika 💙🤘🏻🤘🏻 Valjda ću stići i do toga u životu, počinje da me obuzima paranoja da nikada neću stići dotle. Ako ništa drugo, barem je Sejdž imala tu sreću da okupi bend, bilo je lepo proživeti taj osećaj barem u priči. Ova priča je emotivna, barem meni, možda sam je nesvesno i pisala tako da me pogodi u pravo mesto. Ipak, nikako ne bih volela da i stvarnost bude kao kraj ove priče, Sejdž je bila sasvim dovoljna, možda je i meni lakše da guram ljude od sebe baš zbog toga- ja se verovatno neću promeniti jer me je ovo izmenilo do srži, a njima može samo da bude teže sa mnom. Srećom, većina interakcija sa ljudima se završi brzo, ne moram da brinem o vezivanju za nekog, a kamoli da se neko veže za mene. Sejdž mi je pokazala da čak ni savršena ljubav ne može promeniti moju dušu, hvala još što mi je uštedela vreme za trivijalnosti. 😉 Keti iz ,,Modne sedmice" i ja ...

Magic of the Night

This is the first story-comics I did, I said to myself let's try that in my life too, I started another one last year and stopped on an awkward scene ... 😳 ... maybe I will continue working during the year, I need to work on the plot of that story. I guess this particular comic book will be more interesting because of a few drawings ;), but the plot deals with serious things, and this is a medieval witch hunt. If we lived in the same conditions as then they would probably burn me on a stake or hang no matter I wouldn't hurt anyone, because at that time the target was everyone who is different for something. Clodita is one of the characters who shares trait of being left-handed with me. ;) It's a shame only that many left-handed people had to suffer just because to someone it was weird that not everybody write with their right hand, so we were stigmatized that we were evil. :| At that time mental disorders were also characterized as a sign ...

Magija Noći

Ovo je prva priča-strip koju sam uradila, rekoh da probam i to u životu, počela sam još jedan prošle godine i stala na jednoj nezgodnoj sceni... 😳... možda ću nastaviti sa radom u toku godine, moram malo da razradim radnju priče. Predpostavljam da će u ovom stripu biti zanimljivije određene slike 😏, no radnja se ipak bavi ozbiljnom stvari, a to je srednjevekovni lov na veštice. Da sad živimo u istim takvim uslovima verovatno bi i mene spalili na lomači ili vešali bez obzira što nikog ne bih povredila, pošto je u to vreme meta bio svako ko je drugačiji po nečemu. Klodita je jedan od likova koji deli levorukost sa mnom. ;) Šteta samo što su mnogi levoruki ni krivi ni dužni stradali jer je nekom bilo čudno što ne pišu svi desnom rukom, pa nas je žigosao da smo zli. :| U to vreme su i mentalni poremećaji bili okarakterisani kao znak da je osoba "zaposednuta zlim silama", žalosno je što neki religiozni ljudi i dalje povezuju religiju i mentalno stanje neke osobe. I u...

Devil's town

This is one of those stories after which there is a specific feeling of negativity. Therefore, the cover is so dark, I was thinking of making a disturbing cover or not, but the story is disturbing, so it fits into it. All these things I am maybe in a way hiding through all these stories now are no longer hidden, but I wrote a story like no one will read it during my life, don't be surprised by my sincerity, I'm not talking about such things anywhere but in my works. I don't know what expression will I leave because of what I wrote, I hope that I will not offend anyone with any of my stories. The story is on Wattpad for adults, and in the introduction I noted that it was not for under age 17, I know very well that such content may be difficult for someone, the whole story is full of autodestructions. Links: booksie issuu

Đavolji grad

Ovo je jedna od onih priča posle kojih ostaje to neko specifično osećanje negativnosti. Zato je i omot ovako mračan, razmišljala sam da li da pravim  uznemirujući omot ili ne, ali je i priča uznemirujuća, pa se uklapa u nju. Sve te stvari koje sam možda na neki način skrivala kroz sve ove priče sada više nisu sakrivene, ali sam pisala priču kao da je niko neće čitati u toku mog života, nemojte se iznenaditi mojom iskrenošću, ja ne pričam o ovakvim stvarima nigde osim u svojim delima. Ne znam kako ću delovati zbog toga što sam napisala, nadam se da neću nekog uvrediti bilo kojom svojom pričom. Priča je na Wattpad-u za odrasle, a i u uvodu sam napomenula da nije za mlađe od 17 godina, znam vrlo dobro da ovakav sadržaj može biti težak za neke osobe, cela priča je puna autodestrukcije. Linkovi: issuu wattpad

Behind the monitor's screen

Some people remember normal things like birthdays, anniversary of marriage, etc. and some others, like me, have days important only for them that would seem bizzare to others. No, it was not "the Day of Annoying the Squidward", it was fifteenth 🦑 Some of the stories that follow may be perfect to be published today, especially the one with Sue, which has a huge symbolism for this day because it was created seven years ago, but I haven't yet reached them. ☹ No matter, this one works too.😌 I thought to skip this story, but I was sorry to skip it, it's short anyway, and I need an introduction to the next story that will be full of my own negativity. It's good that I don't have the need to hang out with people in real life, hardly anyone can tolerate such negativity, and it's not like I can stop doing it as needed, and soon or later it bothers them so they start to criticize me. Long live Internet that gives us weirdos the freedom of expression 😁 When...

Iza ekrana monitora

Neki ljudi obeležavaju normalne stvari poput rođendana, godišnjica braka itd. a neki drugi, poput mene, obeležavaju samo njima bitne dane koji bi drugima delovali bizarno. Ne, nije "Dan nerviranja Lignjoslava", to je bilo petnaestog 🦑 Neka od priča koje slede bi možda bile savršene da se objave danas, naročito priča sa Sju, koja ima ogromnu simboliku za ovaj dan jer je nastala pre sedam godina, ali nisam još stigla do njih. ☹ Nema veze, može i ova.😌 Mislila sam da preskočim ovu priču ali mi je bilo žao da je preskočim, ionako je kratka, a i potreban mi je uvod u sledeću priču koja će biti puna moje sopstvene negativnosti. Dobro je što nemam potrebu da se družim sa ljudima u stvarnom životu, teško ko može da podnese toliku negativnost, a nije kao da mogu da prestanem s tim po potrebi, a kad-tad to zasmeta nekom pa me kritikuju.😐 Živeo internet koji nama čudacima daje slobodu izražavanja 😁 Kad smo već kod interneta, morbidnosti i slobode, ova priča je upravo o to...


The time passes quickly: this story was made in 2016, and now it's already 2019. Who would know why the time goes that fast, it sometimes irritates me that it is impossible to stop it. It's one of those fascinating things in this universe, the whole functioning of this life fascinates me- how does something come to life from nothing, how does time work, how does life on the planet work,and all that on same principle, and what is the purpose of all this? As far as human beings are concerned, I am most fascinated by psyche - you can't see it or feel it,yet it controls you. What the topic of this story is that both Klarissa and Hedrich have a problem with their psyche, but no one has yet learned how different disorders can be created in mind.  The same kind of trauma, for example, can lead one person to an antisocial disorder, the second one to the depression, the third to the bordeline disorder ... Surely, other circumstances contr...

Slaba tačka

Vreme baš brzo prolazi; ova priča je nastala 2016-te, a sada je već 2019-ta 🤔. Đavo bi ga znao zašto je vreme baš toliko brzo, nekad me iritira što ga je nemoguće zaustaviti. To je jedna od onih fascinantnih stvari u ovom univerzumu, fascinira me celo funkcionisanje ovog života- kako ni od čega nastane nešto, kako funkcioniše vreme, kako se odvija život na planeti po istom principu i koja je svrha svega toga? Što se ljudskih bića tiče, najviše me fascinira psiha- ne možeš je videti ni osetiti, a kontroliše te. Ono što je i tema u ovoj priči je da Klarisa i Hedrih imaju problem sa svojom psihom, ali niko još nije dokučio kako se različiti poremećaji razvijaju u mozgu. Ista vrsta traume, na primer, može jednu osobu dovesti do antisocijalnog poremećaja, drugu do depresije, treću do bordeline poremećaja...  Sigurno i druge okolnosti doprinose baš tom određenom stanju, samo nikada neću razumeti kako se desi baš taj sklop misli i akcija kada um nije ograničen, misli...

Depth of the deepest thoughts

The first story of the three that are in the same notebook, this is one of the most negative overall, considering the end, and that the positive figure doesn't receive any reward in the end. I planned to correct it in the story I will write this year, I want to finish first those that are already written. Soon I will have less time to write, so now I'm hurrying 😉. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, this story will be 3 years old, since it was written on February 15h and 16h, which reminds me that the story in which Sue ("Scale of Sanity") is the main character, was created in February, only in 2012.😖 I was thinking of publishing that story after the most morbid story I have not yet typed, otherwise it would go even before "Magical girls". Links: Wattpad booksie

Dubina najdubljih misli

Prva priča od tri koje se nalaze u istoj svesci, ovo je jedna od sveobuhvatno najnegativnijih, s obzirom na kraj i to da pozitivan lik ne dobija ikakvu nagradu na kraju. Planirala sam da to ispravim u priči koju ću napisati ove godine, želim da završim prvo ove koje su već napisane. Uskoro ću imati manje vremena za pisanje, zato sada žurim 😉. Sutra i prekosutra ova priča puni 3 godine, obzirom da je pisana 15 i 16. februara, što me baš podseti da je i priča u kojoj je Sju (,,Skala Razuma") glavni lik nastala u februaru, samo 2012-te 😖. Razmišljala sam da tu priču objavim nakon najmorbidnije priče koju još nisam otkucala, inače bi ona išla još pre ,,Magičnih devojaka". Linkovi: issuu wattpad

Fashion Seven 2

The second part ("second season") of the story, this time is tougher than the first, with the first part having had some tough scenes too. In the description it says that "seven" was left without one member, when it happens, who it is and what happens you can find in the story. The fact is that there are some changes in the love sense too, so I also introduced some new characters;) Links: issuu booksie wattpad

Modna sedmica 2

Drugi deo (,,druga sezona") priče, ovoga puta teža od prve, s tim da je i prva imala neke teške scene. U opisu stoji da je ,,sedmica" ostala bez jednog člana, kada se to dešava, ko je u pitanju i pod kojim okolnostima se to dešava možete saznati u priči. Činjenica je da dolazi do nekih promena i u ljubavnom smislu, tako da sam uvela i neke nove likove ;) Linkovi: issuu wattpad

Fashion Seven 1

I knew this would be a difficult story for posting, considering the bunch of drawings and the text 😵, but this is only the first part. Good thing is after that goes a few shorter stories 😀 The characters were created in 2011 and the story was supposed to be called "Pretty Highschool girls", it had something to do with fashion, but a plot was a problem. I created the first six: Tea, Jenny, Lenny, Kety, Mimi and Kristy,made their features and interests, and Stefany was made in the end, as the seventh member of the group, which I symbolically did in the story. As I now write morbid stories, the action has got a drama that suits her, and some more explicit scenes that I would certainly not write with 15 years 😳 This is one of the longest stories, it is done in a form of show, written in a few days, and both pieces together have a total of 180 stylings 😑, most of which are my design. This is not a problem, I was planning to go to Design School, but I gave up on it. F...

Modna sedmica 1

Znala sam da će ovo biti teška priča za postavljanje, s obzirom na gomilu crteža i teksta 😵, ali ovo je tek prvi deo. Sreća što posle toga ide nekoliko manjih priča 😀 Likovi su kreirani 2011-te godine i priča je trebalo da se tada zove ,,Lepe srednjoškolke", imala je veze sa modom ali mi je radnja bila problem. Kreirala sam prvu šestorku: Teu, Dženi, Leni, Keti, Mimi i Kristi, napisala im osobine i interesovanja, a Stefani je nastala na kraju, kao sedmi član grupe, što sam simbolično uradila i u priči. Kako sada pišem morbidnije priče, radnja je dobila dramu koja joj pristaje, a i neke eksplicitnije scene koje sigurno ne bih napisala sa 15 godina 😳 Ovo je jedna od najdužih priča, urađena je u formi serije, pisana u roku od nekoliko dana i oba dela zajedno imaju ukupno 180 stajlinga 😑, od kojih je većina moj dizajn. To nije neki problem, planirala sam da idem u Višu dizajnersku školu, ali sam odustala od toga. Po prvi put imam u priči ljubav između osoba istog pola,...


* me looking for my picture I like * : Hey, this is good ... No, bad framing. No, this is better! It's not good. This one isn't good at all . I'm so ugly on this one. Here, I'll take this one, this is least ugly. I don't like it. *I leave the phone and come back five minutes later * This one has the potential. No, wait, it's not good ... In the era of promoting self-esteem and self-love, I know that I don't fit into that story, and that all these positive quotes only bounce off my head as those little gum balls you throw and then you are chasing after them for fifteen minutes in the yard. Honestly, it took me several years to put my picture and my real name, and that's just because I don't want to publish my stories anonymously, otherwise no one would know that I exist. Hell yeah, world got so much this way.😐 This is somehow a realistic story, but I don't know anymore what the "elixir" from the end of the story could be when I ...


*ja dok tražim svoju sliku koja mi se sviđa* : E, ova je dobra... Ne, loše kadriranje. Ne, ova je bolja! Ne valja. Ni ova ne valja. Ovde sam ružno ispala. Daj da uzmem ovu, ova je najmanje ružna. Ne sviđa mi se ni jedna.*ostavljam telefon i vraćam se pet minuta kasnije* Ova ima potencijal. Ne, čekaj, ovo ne valja... U eri promovisanja samopouzdanja i ljubavi prema sebi znam da se ne uklapam u celu tu priču i da se sve te pozitivne kvote samo odbijaju o moju tvrdu glavu kao one loptice skočice koje baciš i posle juriš za njima petnaest minuta po dvorištu. Da se ne lažemo, trebalo mi je nekoliko godina da stavim svoju sliku uz svoje ime i to samo zato što neću da anonimno objavljujem svoje priče, inače niko ne bi ni znao da postojim. Uuuu, al' se svet ovajdio i ovako. Ovo je nekako i realistična priča, s tim da više ne znam koji bi to ,,eliksir" sa kraja priče mogao biti kada više ni alkohol ne podnosim 😕  Bilo kako bilo, eto još jedne priče u kojoj sam ja, čisto da...


The second story from this collection is here ;), somewhat more dramatic than "Amortica." The main character is Iris, a girl of purple hair, which is not exactly the typical color of hair in my stories, and therefore I used it as a symbol for the cover. Iris is two completely different persons in one, at least it seems so, since the bipolar makes it looks this way. Bipolar disorder and depression are both mood disorders; they drastically affect the emotions themselves, which automatically leads to the fact that the person changes to some degree and don't change the personality itself as personality disorders (bordell, anxiety, antisocial ...), but treatment is certainly necessary because in both cases there is a high risk of suicide. In my stories I have a lot of characters who have suffered from depression, Iris is the first with a manic depression. I wanted this to be a positive story intended for understanding people with any disorder, plus I show that I can write s...


Druga priča iz ove zbirke je ovde ;) , nešto dramatičnija od ,,Amortike". Glavni lik je Iris, devojka ljubičaste kose, što baš i nije tipična boja kose u mojim pričama, te sam zato to koristila kao simbol za omot. Iris je dve potpuno različite osobe u jednoj, barem tako izgleda, pošto bipolarni čini da izgleda tako. Bipolarni poremećaj i depresija zajedno spadaju u poremećaje raspoloženja; oni drastično utiču na emocije same po sebi, što posle automatski dovodi do toga da se i osoba donekle promeni i ne menjaju ličnost samu po sebi kao poremećaji ličnosti (bordeline, anksiozni, antisocijalni...), ali je lečenje svakako neophodno jer u oba slučaja postoji veliki rizik od suicida. U svojim pričama imam puno osoba koje su patile od depresije, Iris je prva sa maničnom depresijom. Htela sam da ovo bude pozitivna priča namenjena razumevanju ljudi sa bilo kojim poremećajem, da ne ispadne da ne znam da napišem i nešto pozitivno jednom u sto godina. :D Linkovi:


This is the first of three stories written in the same notebook, which together make up one whole, although I see them as three separate stories, as they are. There are stories that are"paired" in the original notebook ie two stories are in one notebook, as eg "Sky and Earth" and "Princess Blackhaired". The story was originally supposed to be called "Mortica", however, the plot turned in the other direction. I'm not really a romantic person, on the contrary, but I know to write a romantic scene here and there, the fact is that most people search for love and inspiration is all around us. I just don't care about it, I already love art and solitude, it's complicated to explain to people around me that I'm not in relationship and, most importantly, I don't want to in one. Where I live, it turns out that is a shame when the girl does not marry, as if marriage is the only goal in someone's life and that everyone has to hav...


Ovo je prva od tri priče pisanih u istoj svesci, koje zajedno čine jednu celinu iako ih posmatram kao tri odvojene priče, što i jesu. Postoje priče koje su u originalnoj svesci ,,uparene", tj. dve priče su u jednoj svesci, kao npr. "Nebo i zemlja" i "Princeza Crnokosa". Priča je prvobitno trebalo da se zove ,,Mortika", međutim,radnja priče se okrenula u drugom pravcu. Nisam baš romantična osoba, baš naprotiv, ali znam da tu i tamo napišem neku romantičnu scenu, činjenica je da većina ljudi traga za ljubavlju pa je inspiracija svuda oko nas. Mene to jednostavno ne zanima, ja već volim umetnost i samoću, nezgodno je objašnjavati ljudima oko mene da nisam u vezi i, što je najbitnije, da ne želim da budem u jednoj. Ovde gde ja živim ispada kao da je sramota kada se devojka ne uda, kao da je brak jedini cilj u nečijem životu i da svi moraju da osnuju porodicu. Neću da radim ono što društvo očekuje od mene, već ono što ja lično smatram da je ispravno i što m...

Breakdown of The System

I was thinking about what "cover" should be made for this story ( it's my favorite part 🙂), so I accidentally got to the DNA which breaks that perfectly describes this story. This may be one of my best stories, at least for my taste, and in relation to its length, it was written for the shortest time, including the time from idea to realization - just a sketch and an idea to start with were enough, the rest just came to my mind during writting. By that time, all the stories were written in small notebooks, which was more practical when I went to school, this is the first one written in the larger notebook, since I had notebooks that remained after high school 🙂 (we artists never throw the notebooks, drawing blocks, etc.). Nothing inspires better than perfectly white canvas or empty notebook 😉 Links to the story: wattpad issuu h...

Raspad sistema

Razmišljala sam kakav bi ,,omot" trebalo napraviti za ovu priču (meni je to omiljeni deo 😃), pa sam slučajno došla do DNK lanca koji puca, što savršeno opisuje ovu priču. Ovo je možda jedna od mojih najboljih priča, barem po mom ukusu, a u odnosu na svoju dužinu je napisana za najkraće vreme, uključujući i vreme od ideje do realizacije- bila je dovoljna samo skica i jedna ideja da  je započnem, ostalo je išlo samo po sebi. Do tada sam sve priče pisala u malim sveskama što je bilo praktičnije dok sam išla u školu, ovo je prva koja je pisana u velikoj svesci, pošto su mi ostale sveske od srednje škole 🙂 (nama umetnicima nikada ne pretiču sveske, blokovi za crtanje i slično 😀). Ništa ne inspiriše kao savršeno belo platno ili prazna sveska.😉 Linkovi do priče: wattpad issuu

The Scale of Sanity

As I wrote in this story, I did not expect to publish it, it seemed too personal, but from this point of view it is no longer important to me anymore. I said in the chapter, I don't usually talk to everybody like this, but in the story I have freedom because I write as if no one but me will read it. What is weird is that an introvert person like me puts things like this, but I have not felt the connection to reality for a long time, so I don't have a problem with this. I'll see, though, when I get a wave of paranoia and want to hide from everything, as Melody says, I hope that I will not wipe every trace of my existence on the Internet, it would not be my first time, only now I no longer hide from anyone else but myself. By the way, in the meantime I started to put the English versions of the stories on my Booksie profile   📝 Links to the story(chose whichever works for you)😁: booksie https://w...

Skala Razuma

Dok sam pisala ovu priču, nisam očekivala da ću je nekad izdati, delovala je suviše lično, ali sa ove tačke gledišta mi ionako nije više bitno. Kao što rekoh u poglavlju, ja inače ne pričam svakom ovakve stvari, ali u priči imam slobodu jer pišem kao da je niko osim mene neće čitati. Neverovatno mi je kako jedna introvertna osoba poput mene postavlja ovakve stvari, ali odavno ne osećam vezu sa stvarnošću pa nemam neki problem. Videću, doduše, kada me ponovo obavije veo paranoje i poželim da pobegnem od svega, kao što Melodi reče, nadam se da neću obrisati svaki trag svog postojanja na internetu, ne bi mi bilo prvi put, samo što se sada više ne krijem ni od koga osim sebe.🙄 Uzgred, u međuvremenu sam počela da postavljam i engleske verzije priča na  svom Booksie profilu 📝 Ovo su linkovi za srpsku, tj. verziju originala, priča onakva kakva je napisana 😉: wattpad